Kill all muslims

How can we kill all muslims? Realistic ideas only please.

- Genocide?
- Sterilization?
- Brainwashing and mandatory religion change?

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Muslims have a containment zone, middle east, north africa and central,asia. If muslims stay in their designated area then i dont have much of a problem with them.

They won't stay there unless they are forced to stay. I got nothing against that idea desu. Wall the fuckers in, shoot down all planes and sink all boats coming out. Might work.


JIDF fag, don't U have some babies 2 kill in Stolenland?

You can't. And Islam is going to eventually conquer the world thanks to their unity and breeding habits.

Every religion that isnt islam, hates islam. For good reasons. The buddhists are genociding muslims, let that sink in.

we have been here before.
just take out the black box and the driods power down.

(((They))) are trying to paint the buddhists as the bad guys for fighting back against muslims, it wont be long before they get wrongfully killed by outside military forces

interesting thread.

btw biggest attraction in bulgaria is a mosque

>even civilians
That's how you would win in Afghanistan. But because you aren't allowed to target them they use the pussy tactic of hiding among civilians.

>They won't stay there unless they are forced to stay.
They'll stay as long as you stop bombing them
Muslims think the west is degenerate. They only come when you fucking destroy their homes

Destroy Mecca. Muslims literally believe that God is protecting the Kaaba and that it is impossible to destroy, if they were proven wrong then yes the chimpout would be legendary, but it would still cause Muslims across the world to lose faith.

>build a giant wall around the middle east
>make it like the walls from hl2, the slowly move destroying everying in path
>middle east over some time gets completely flattened by wall
>mecca = flat
>medina = flat
>isreal = flat
>remaining muslims now forced to beleive that wall is greater than islam because it destroyed all islamic holy sites
>they start to worship the wall
>gas all wall worshipers.
>cant be called islamaphobic since they worship a wall.

Muslims know ((( who ))) dictates US foreign policy. The average US citizen is against nation building and foreign intervention.

Easy, use a genetically engineered virus that changes the genome of the shitskin host to be white overtime or rear white children or remove the shitskin gene preventing their births. Then, they will gradually go extinct and the virus will make it impossible to trace it back to one person or group.

The Kabba has been destroyed before and yet there are still Muslims. Checkmate atheists.

blowing up mosques on a friday...

plan... then we fucking dismantle the mosque in Jerusalem...let them chimp out and blow them into eternity....

The whole downside of genocide is that it can be justified for your own people once it is justified for another people.

Damaged but not destroyed completely. It must be vaporised, the whole city turned to rubble. Destroy Medina and tear down the Mosque in Jerusalem as well for added affect.

your a bit fucking late in the game with that

Would be easier to embrace white Sharia.

Islam is evidently the dominant culture, so all Christcucks must cut their losses and convert before they get overrun with Nigger Sharia.

The future can be changed, the past can not.

make this happen or break into fort dietrich (kek) and release wat theyve got

First kill the traitors who let them in.

lol, islam only appeals to low IQ inbreds.
Thats why arabs took to it.

encircle their hoods ,starve them to death,anyone who wants to escape will gunned down.They all live practically in big cities without access to agricultulture.
Its either we genocide them or they will genocide us.There is no other outcome as history shows.

This guy gets it.

We can develop virus that will target specific ethnics. That way we can genocide so called "traditionally muslim ethnics" - arabs, turks, persians...
For the rest we will use propaganda, saying that Allah taking his children fromm that filthy Earth and that they should off themselves and travel to him

A virus killing Semitic people would kill not only arabs, but jews as well.

We have a shitton of Muslims from African countries that did not get bombed coming to us as "refugees". They did not stay. They came for free gibs; some of them were even sent here by their villages (which chose the more durable young men for the task), and are sending part of their allowance back home.

>nuke israel
>nuke ny
>blame it muslims