Be white

>Be white
>Not allowed be proud of your own history

Anyone else unironically think leftists are correct when they say that whites, if left alone and without 'education', would conquer, enslave or exterminate the other races?

Probably, but only because the other races piss us off.

Am i allowed to be proud of my White Soviet history?

Soviet, sure. But (maybe as a result of muttification in the US) so many "whites" here claim irish, german, greek history in one swoop.

NO you should be subjected to white guilt too because of murican slavery! PAY REPARATIONS

also you are a hacker that rigged elections and thus even worse than drumpf supporters!

More importantly, when will based slavs be accepted as white?

Why would you be proud of the way you were born or of shit that has no merit to you as a person? Sure, you can feel good about your national history, but being proud of racial history is fucking retarded. It's almost as retarded of being proud of being gay or being proud of your son because he's gay.
>Oh yeah, that kid can take 5 dicks at once. He just loves cock. Sucking and fucking all day long. Pride is the emotion I feel when I think of that accomplishment.

try telling that to nogs
or to jews

>be 56%
>don't have a history that can be traced, let alone proud of.

Being proud of the people you came from isn't the same as taking credit for their accomplishments.

I hope you use the same argument when someone talks proudly about their grandfather's war medals.

Why be proud of your entire race? There’s no such thing as Asian pride- people there are proud to be Japanese/Chinese/etc. same should go for Europeans. Americans should be proud of being American because their mutt history makes it hard to track their specific ancestry/ethnicity.

I'ma fucking white male!

>I hope you use the same argument when someone talks proudly about their grandfather's war medals.

Why would you be proud of your grand father fighting for the kike menace?

buh muh guns

I never believed that 56% meme can be propaganda ops until i saw so many attempt to link it with pretty much only good (and extremely inconvenient for kikes) thing in murrica - free gun ownership.

I expect to hear nothing less coming from a mongrel like yourself.

>Not allowed

Who's stopping you?

Considering how much whites have progressed the shitty countries they conquered they should be glad. In fact most of them were. Every country that was colonized was better off under colonization for everyone who lived there. Even the countries whites landed on and built as their own (USA, Canada, Australia etc) are first world countries. The countries that were colonized and the colonials left, leaving natives to govern themselves, are 100% shitholes (India, anywhere in Africa etc). It's as if these backward countries were lurched from the stone age to the space age in a short time, got mad as fuck because they weren't in charge, immediately said "well we could have done that fucking whiteys!", colonials left, then they said "shieeet this isn't as straight forward as I was led to believe, why is society collapsing lol? Fucking whiteys!", and continue their cycle of butthurt whitey blaming.

Yeah and every time they did that the world became an exponentially better place.

Meh. Colonization was never that profitable. And it stopped being profitable completely by the middle of the 20th century. Natural resources and land are really not that important to the modern economy (with the exception of oil, maybe.)

It's hard to tell, some russians look white, others would look like minorities in a place like US. But considering that most leftists absolutely despise Russia, you're more likely to get the "straight white male" treatment than not being one.

Better us than them.

At least we're competent