Just got kicked out of a bar, AMA

Just got kicked out of a bar, AMA

You're drunk. Go home.

Nigger, I've gotten drunk in Guam. How do you even be such a piece of shit as to be kicked out of a bar?

My driver is also drunk,
We're at a 24/hr diner

Any plans on sorting yourself out?

What does that have to do with ponies?

Im a light weight and get drunk super easily, was literally rofl-Ing and the bartender told me that it's time to go
I'm sorting myself out by not dying
Berry punch thread

what did you get kicked out of?

Oak street In Denton TX

Are you as drunk as me? PS I'm pretty drunk.

Does your friend know you're a ponyfag?

you got kicked out of a whole street?

I got kicked out of a bar and can't feel my face
Yeah, source: I said Sunset Shimmers name while i had sex my ex girlfriend

That's the name of the bar

Driver here. Can confirm he is flat ass drunk

What was so funny? Also rofling should never happen irl. You were acting like a cunt. Given, I've been kiked out of a few too many. Mostly for revealing power level without the coherency to explain why the Holocaust never happened but it should have. You've got to be able to follow up on that

>said Sunset Shimmers name while sex with gf
That's the most alpha/faggotry thing I've ever read user

Including sorry I missed not all here hahah lol

Can't ha is a bit h to. Kmpelete

Captcha is a bitch to complete*

She was a bitch a ways, especially after that, got jealous of a cartoon gourde
>pic of myself with time stamp because friend told me to

>jealous of cartoon gourde
>mfw bitchy gf can't even compete with a 2D waifu


>thank you, Hitler

Most coherent thing this bastard has said all night.