Cali here... anyone else feel it?


No. You're probably having a stroke. I hope so.

Don't you have anything better to do with your time than post uninteresting dumb shit on a Xionite Silk Auction site.

Woke me up
>nuke time?

monsantos mutant corn stampede.

Oakland here, it almost spilled my glass of water

I felt it in my AAASS

I felt it lel. Spooked the cat.

Tijuana here? I felt it too fellow whites

San Francisco here. Woke me and the gf up.


>first thing to do. Check Sup Forums

Wolfgang go to sleep

Who cares is just god farting at those gay fags

fucking lying quake larpers are the worst

Same im in SF and I’m pissed I got work in 4 hours. Can’t I at least sleep without having to wake up in the middle of the night to this shit hole

Nevermind, Berkeley is gone.

ff-fffffugginnn mayyyybeeeeeeee

*holds tight onto nothing*

South Bay -

Woke me up from a dead sleep
I’m upstairs though and probably should declutter a bit


choose one

4.5 magnitude
Epicenter near Berkeley

maybe this has something to do with the trumpet sounds that were happening just an hour ago

It's fucking nothing.

4.5 magnitude is the 5'11 of earthquakes

What else would we do?

Harden the fuck up, pinko.

5.something earthquake here at roughly the same time as in California

I was outside smoking a joint.
Didn't notice anything but that cud be 200 miles away