Our grandparents ate pig lard instead of butter, ate meat, weren't vegan. Spy wasn't a thing back then...

Our grandparents ate pig lard instead of butter, ate meat, weren't vegan. Spy wasn't a thing back then. They lived up to 100 years no prob. So what changed? What is killing us today Sup Forums? What is the point of all new age bullshit fads when in the end we die earlier? Are governments somewhat responsible for this state of affairs?

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>They lived up to 100 years no prob


There is an answer to your question though user: physical labour. Very few of our grandparents spent entire careers sat at desks. They didn't have washing machines, they didn't have dishwashers. They had to actually physically do things in order for things to get done,kept them in shape for longer.

Thank the Free Market. All the soy, all the E Group additives and palm oils are in the food because it's cheaper. It's just Jews cutting corners on garbage for the goiyms.

These New Age fads are a desperate attemtp to regain even some control over our nutrition.

>They lived up to 100 years no prob

Explained pretty well. We live infinitely better than our grandparents did, if we so choose. You can choose to eat right and excersise and use IT to better yourself. Or you can be another shabbosgoy and eat the shit, drink the purple stuff and binge netflix garbage.

>They lived up to 100 years no prob.
meme. life expectancy has increased dramatically.

eat mor soy, my boy.

Thats sort of the paradox about today. You have the oppurtunity to live a healthy fruitful life thanks to technology we have today, but the govt would rather you be a veggie addicted to sugary snacks and medication.

>life expectancy has increased dramatically
Uninformed commie faggot
It increased due to lack of child deaths. The old people don't live to be that old though. They're weak and instead of being wise elders, they are braindead manchildren

This. Modern old people are miserable as fuck and die alone because their 1-2 children max give 0 fucks about their parents. Pension is a joke and hospitals refuse to treat old people because it costs to much.

In USA look at vets. They fought for USA and Israel and now they are treated worse than refugees. This kills the man.

This is a very underrated cause of the modern degeneration and lack of direction in life

You don't have those very old people, with giant amounts of knowledge and expierience. You can't seek guidence among them. They won't tell you an interesting allegory about life, lead you to make a good choice in life

vaccines are killing you / dumbing you down
sugar / artificial sweeteners are killing you
caffeine is helping you get cancer
MSG in nearly all processed foods - killing you

want to die before your parents? keep it up

>They won't tell you an interesting allegory about life
I'm not interested in listening to their recap of what some priest said about PiS in TVN24 last thursday.

>caffeine is helping you get cancer
Natural grinded coffe beans don't cause shit. It's because you fags add milk and sugar to your coffe.

That's exactly my point

every human cell, has TWO self destruct mechanisms which terminate the cell in case of mutation. Normally, this prevents cancer.

In the laboratory, in the 1950s, we discovered that caffeine turns off BOTH self destruct mechanisms, allowing mutation.

Technically speaking... caffeine is not carcinogenic itself, so we get sued if we say caffeine causes cancer, but there is no doubt caffeine opens the door for cancer.

100% black 4 lyfe

Nice PubMed link faggot.

>They lived up to 100 years no prob


Up to mean between 89 and 100


eat soy - be manipulable goy


It's a myth. People eat much more animal products (also refined sugar) than a few generations ago.

>in the end we die earlier

Feudalism and post-feudalism caused people to eat shitty staple foods like bread and all other grains

The tribal diets were extremely healthy and the thing our bodies adapted for. Just like mother nature adapted those diets to us

We all suffer from severe mineral deficiencies that make us sick in different ways. Look it up, the mineral content of our soils and therefore all our food has decreased drastically (up to 90% in some instances) in the last hundred years. We've known about it for a long time, but for some reason it stopped being a concern to (((scientists))) and (((doctors)))

Haha he actualy believes that vegetables oil is more healthy , i cannot even buy animal fat anymore i (((wonder))) why

It's not about the lenght, it's about the meaning and quality


This, I have an ancestor from 1730s Sweden who lived to be 89 I believe, and it wasn't like he was in a low stress job, he was a farmer on his own but also in the military and a governor for his county.

Shit my grandma is 96 and still barely has grey hair, only needs a cane to get about, and still is able to live independently, and she grew up on a poor farm with nothing during the depression.

Diets varied but during most of (pre)history humans always ate very large amounts of plants. It's a modern fantasy that life was all about hunting and meat, meat, meat all the time.

But I buy extra minerals.

I'm not saying anything about meat, just local foods, that are unprocessed and grow in your local area in the wild

it's called lard you retard.

>live to 100
Nope. Some old hagg that nobody remembers when she was born does not “muh grandma was 130” make.

If there is a need to suplement a diet there is a core problme to resolve first

Throw that shit out

You're making your piss more expensive. Thanks for the shekles supporting the supplement Jew.

"the cucks" - "retarded vegan slaves"

Hol up. You saying we wasn't sedentary? O the glory days when being white meant something.

Natural selection. People who were weak have been dying from diseases in their youth. Especially during childhood. Those who survived, often lived into very old age. Nowadays people don't die from infections and common diseases, and thats the prime reason why cancers are so prevalent. A person has to die eventually.

>Our grandparents ate pig lard instead of butter
We still do.

yeah duh cannot buy it here in holland

I refuse to eat white bread. How should I eat my lard? Add it to my potatoes?

Good for you brother

He asked for a citation, not what you have him.

Why? Every dead pig leaves a lot of cheap lard. What are they using the lard for?

>They lived up to 100 years no prob

Kielbasa made from smalec. Absolutely state of delicious lard.

Don't eat dark bread either, it's as estrogenic as soy

The more products you consume or require to sustain yourself, the more scheckels they get. VAT money is insane, if you think about it.

I still use lard.

fat is bad is a myth. the vegans will spout any old shit though to conn you into their way of thinking, much like liberals which most vegans are. lie lie lie.

well, you guys turned islamic real fast.

>200mg vit c
If you look online you can usually find 1000mg per pill for a much lower price m8ey

>użyj siły Łukasz

That personal is literally opposed to vaccinations. They're clearly not a good source of information.

They got lots of exercise, didnt over eat, knew starvation, werent alcoholics, ate natural food rather than processed shit, spent a lot of time outdoors, talked rather than watched tv...etc

You can use it to roast kielbasa (delicious edgy smell). Or eat it with rye bread and wodka.

Pumpernikiel has estrogens? Nah.

Everything is correct except for the alcohol part

>They lived up to 100 years no prob
All four of them combined maybe. Stupid fucking polak, life expectancy is way higher now.

too stupid to google it yourself? i'll bet you got lots of vaccines when your were a baby, didn't you?

I have a russian supermarket near my hauser i always wanted to go,any suggestions of things I should try?
I only ate russian food 3 times,in Belgrade, in hokkaido and in hk,i loved it

I do like Jews and fast at least once a week.

Absolute no1 killer is gut health (or complete lack of it)

We all know people who are just constantly ill or having constant problems in seemingly unrelated areas. This is because their gut biome is fucked up with fungus n shit or even completely dead. It cripples their immune system and also makes it doubly difficult to soak up enough nutrients which IRONICALLY makes them crave even more refined oil/refined carb poison

Cancerous growths are a fact of life. A healthy immune system destroys mutated cells before they cause trouble. So, not only are peoples crippled immune systems giving up (this is what gives you cancer), but the rate of cancerous growth has gone up dramatically (chemicals and viruses)

And that is the main reason so many people are weak, sickly, fat, depressed and constantly ill. Which they REALLY are. All by design

pig lard with some paprika and onions
mmm best food

White bread, pig lard, salt and spring onions.


Plus actual lard or saturated fat is damn sure healthier than partially hydrogenated bullshit or all that omega 6 filled vegetable crap. Humans weren't meant to eat that highly processed garbage. Fat though? Fuck yeah we were.

The answer is obvious, all the chemicals that didn't exist in the times of our ancestors require a lot more scrutiny. Proponents of paleo diet claim humans didn't have time to evolve to properly digest anything else. I don't think that theory holds much merit but we sure as fuck aren't supposed to ingest all the shit that emerged in the times of our fathers.
>The assessment, one of the largest ever undertaken, brings together the results of 185 studies between 1973 and 2011.
>Dr Levine, an epidemiologist, told the BBC that if the trend continued humans would become extinct.
>Dr Levine, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, found a 52.4% decline in sperm concentration, and a 59.3% decline in total sperm count in men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
>The study also indicates the rate of decline among men living in these countries is continuing and possibly even increasing.

The primary cause is a sedentary lifestyle. Our grandparents could eat lard and other things because they were either out plowing fields or were spending all day cleaning house/cooking, when cleaning house involved boiling water to clean clothes, killing chickens to make chicken dinner, etc.

OP makes unevidenced assertion
accuses other people of of not backing up statements with evidence
you are a literal polack, go work on your screen door submarine

alcohol wasn't a problem in America until prohibition. people don't like being told what they can and cannot do.
>You must be 21 to drink.
>good good, let the buthurt flow through you while alcohol ruins your organs

the body gets addicted to sugar and fats very easily so it's obvious those foods helped us survive very well in the past because they both contain huge amounts of energy.

Tangential, but you know whats interesting. If you filter out infant mortality from old death stats, suddenly much the discrepancy and rising lifespan meme disappears.
When you add a bunch of 0's and 1's into the average function it really lowers the output.

Sugar. We have too much sugar in our diet and not enough fat, plain and simple. Fat is good for humans, but sugar destroys us. Ironically, the fat we eat is not the fat we store--most if the fat we store is from sugar overflow having to be jammed somewhere, while the fat we eat is broken down and circulates to organs needing it for power or construction like the heart and brain, respectively.

So why this stupid war on fat and hyping of carbs at the government level that has lead to the obesity and diabetes crisis? Because scientists modeled all their metabolic studies in mice, and then politicians and lobbiests took that non applicable data and ran with it.

See, nice love sugar. It is great for them. But they can't process fat--fat utterly wrecks the little buggers internally. So, arm chair readers of the science said, "See! Fat is bad for you and makes you fat! Let us make everything low fat! Which means, we must replace the calories with some other source... Let's use grains and carbs, mice data shows they don't mind those, excellent!"

But humans and mice are flipped 180 degrees from each other metabolically. And even now while we biologists know that, we are forced by government funding agencies and reviewers to do everything in mice for the most part.

So there you have it. That is what is killing us. And why it came to be. And why no one is doing anything about it. All our food should be low sugar, high fat/protein for our calorie source ratios. Then we would be healthy and not have so many metabolic diseases and the associated co-morbidities like depression, neurodegeneration, and numerous other health problems.

The more you know!

You should try salo. Don't forget to put it in the freezer until it became hard as brick. Then put in on rye bread get some garlic and pickles. Eat this with cold wodka.

Your parents ate a lot less meat and they ate own fed pigs. Sure they used pig lard, but didn't eat as much meat as today. Back then there were no supermarkets. You buy shit quality meat and eat too much of it.

Also, if may i add 2 cents to discussion, before you start to look for jews and enstrogen, just do yourself a favor, and stop consuming sugar. No. 1 health destroyer in developed world.
While we are at it, lack of movement. Combine those two, and i could bet my arse, that medical budget could be cut for at least 10%.

Brother? Pilsudski would turn in his grave you ungrateful commie.

balanced diet of 5 food groups. hard work. no pesticides on fruits and vegetables. no steroids/antibiotics in beef/poultry. fishing waters were cleaner. no additives to water/milk. grampa and greataunts lived into their 90s.


I agree with him on everything except the Russian hatered. He had a chance to restore White Russia, after raping bolsheviks. Instead he let them go, they learned from their mistakes and went full Stalinist. Raping Poland in return in 1939

Maybe Poland is different but here old people are a major source of medical bills in general. Most of a person's medical expenses are in the last six months or so of their life.

you can eat fat and have a sedentary lifestyle and be perfectly healthy. as long as you are eating in moderation like you should be with all foods then there won't be an issue, having a sedentary lifestyle and consuming carbs and fat which makes you want to consume more and more carbs due to they way carbohydrates spike blood sugar and fuck with the body and craving and whatnot makes carbs infinitely worse.

this is what pisses me off about vegans, they claim to be healthier than everyone else but then you see them eating bread, rice, pasta and sugar and all sorts of chemical filled crap. but because they don't eat muh animals they somehow think they are the healthiest being to walk to planet, rather ironic considering carbohydrates are way more damaging to the body that animal fat and protein.

do vegans really believe that for our est. 300,000 year esitence we ate vegetables a sa source of susenance? most modern vegtables are just that, selectivly bred for certain qualities and are nothing like what our ancestors would have eaten, our ancestors would have lived primarily on animal fat and protein, maybe occasionally they would find some carbohydrates such as berries or honey but they would have been few and far between. not to mention that fact that throughout our history which have suffered some of the harsh winters available when all vegetation would have died so there would have been no way to consume carbohydrates for half of the year.

vegans watch one bias documentary and think they know everything, they are the literal retards of society.

Tea and coffee are good as long as you don't fill them with 4+ tsp of sugar and a bunch of cream and flavoring.

Hard times create strong men and shiet.


Are pesticides in the metabolism? The elephant is in the room. My understanding of pesticides on coffee plants: how much pesticides are used? Very much pesticides. To a point it's a matter of WHAT each pesticide is and that stands to reason, and it is very logical, but for caffeine itself in isolation consider vitamins and artificial vitamins. This caffeine does it modify IN the body from a natural source? One should be more concerned about soda then. But if not then who knows. I've been physically ill for over 15 years. I'm also crazy.

You know what I use for my biofeedback and what I experiment with in food endlessly? Multiple oral abscesses. Do you know that oral absesses can heal up on their own? Then can. No joke. They LAPSE a lot and I have to drain them again but I try not to eat the things which cause them to swell up again you know what's worse than anything else SUGAR.

Organic sugar IS NOT THAT BAD. It is MANY FOLD BETTER than non organic. MANY FOLD. Know whats better? Honey. IT TAKES ALOT OF HONEY TO CAUSE THEM TO LAPSE. You would call someone an asshole who ate pounds of honey. Like so much honey in one sitting or day. Know what follows sugar for inflating oral absesses like painful disease balloons? CANNED VEGETABLES. If it does NOT say GMO FREE don't eat it.

why would you ever trust yer gubmint?

We refuse to pay. If government paid health system refuses to pay, parents accept that they are fucked.

What the fuck you talking about dumb Pole? During Pilsudski there was Tsar Nicholas II in rule in Poland and that's against who Pilsudski fought. Bolsheviks have absolutely 0 things to do with 1939 Poland.

They have lard at Walmart.

Yep, it is all about the sugar. Remember, your calories come as a ratio of three things: fat, protein, sugar. If you lower one of the three, such as the low fat diet fad that started the obesity crisis, you have to rise one or both of the other three to compensate.

So, protein is expensive to mass produce. But what isn't expensive, is sugar. Thus, the whole regulations for low fat everything meant someone had to jump up to fill the energy gap, and that something was sugar.

But humans do not process sugar well. It is only useful for restocking our muscle glycogen stores after hard exercise. Our liver makes all the sugar we need for the brain, but sugar from the diet overloads our systems. This is not true for fats or protein.

Realise, the science studying this was done in mice primarily which love sugar and can't handle fat at all. When we try to replicate high fat studies in humans, we don't get issue the mice did. When we try to replicate high sugar human diet in mice, the mice don't get the issues humans do. Yet, we continue to apply mice metabolic rules to our government policies. And it is killing us--making the whole of society fatter and fatter from the sugar overload, and sicker from the lack of critical fats and protein for the same calorie envelope.

You're welcome.

natural sugar is perfectly fine for you. There is shitloads of sugar in most fruits.... Not sure why people are demonizing sugar now.

>you can have a sedentary lifestyle and be perfectly healthy
Ummm, sounds like utter bullshit, get off the couch and take a walk.

our body literally craves sugar naturally. Sure artificial sugars are bad but natural sugar is not #notallsugar

wrong. people were always living really old, it's just that medecine was shit back then so people died of diseases a lot.

I'm pretty sure sucrose (table sugar) is somewhat worse for you than fructose and glucose (natural sugars). The latter two also aren't found in empty calorie foods alone, as fruit has a lot of other nutrients.

>Most of a person's medical expenses are in the last six months or so of their life.
Lmao yeah because they’re dying, retard.

They could be a 6 year old with cancer, those bills are still coming in the last six months of their life

Dude, try a bit harder!
