
Personally, I am getting bored if this obvious forced meme.
Who is with me for Anglosphere dominance?
Also fellow Bongs, attack every mutt poster you see.
They are bitter EU fuckers that hate we aren't their wallet anymore.
To the end US, family is family.
And I hate forced meme....has JIDF all over it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Where are you really from? Your English is Pajeet/Pakitier.

Hello friend. You are right, we are one.

Notice every mutt poster is from The EU or a meme flag.
Pay attention lads.

The Midlands.
I am an Englishman.
Archery is my Sunday mass.
And why would an American insult a cousin defending their nation?
Nice proxy.

honestly the basic point behind the meme was good it reminded us how deep of shit we are in and how we shouldnt talk shit to our eurobros Its just been spammed so much at this point that its fucking obnoxious

A Brit hiding.
Don't hide, show your colours.
I have a lot to risk too being here.

Holy shit are you an autistic boomer? I thought brits knew better than anyone how to bant. The board isn't divided. It's always been this way. You'd know that if you weren't a newfag.

That's my point.
I despise seeing you treated as such, I get it could have been retribution for the insults.
But now it's just fucking shit.
When shit hits the fan...who is always there?
It's us.
You wont see mutt posts from me and I expect better from my nation to post that way, though to be honest, I have never seen a Bong post that shit.

I have been here since Sup Forums was Sup Forums and you still suckled your step fathers cock for milk.
Do you even hello.jpg...

The Amerimutt meme is obviously a divide and conquer tactic.


Glad someone get's me.
It's to remove our capability we have shown through Brexit and Trump.
All I ask is to look out for the signs.
Just like we learned how to Jew, they are learning from us, we are not alone in our method here.

Quarter English, German, French and Russian actually... I'm a true mutt I guess I have my place in the US.

well at any rate thanks for going to bat for us britbro i will be sure to patronize my local fish and chips shop and help out the british immigrants who set up shop in my town

As long as you are on the right side of a rifle, who gives a fuck.

Good man.
Go for the Cod and Chips, extra vinegar.
Newspaper wrap if you can find traditional.



You forgot a nation.

Ah yes my mistake

You think we like that?
You think we asked?
Did America ask?
Why would an intelligent man insult their own unless other motives?
I hope to see the day Israel goes down.
Now ISIS attack Hamas for "Not hating Jews enough", it's on Drudge right now...
I wonder whom ISIS are?
I trust Islam over the Jew, Islam at least respects Christ.
I blame the gunman...not the gun.

>family is family
You know few of them are actually Anglo right? This is literally my wifes son shit.

The ones that are I care about, and you should too.

How can you be anti-Jew but support Trump. He's a literal kike lover. He practically gave Jerusalem away to those filthy kikes.

>from The EU or a meme flag
Meanwhile the only thread that consistently stays up and keeps going during the shilling waves is always brit/pol/. Convenient, no?

Anyway though, good call in theory. Muttmemes are cancer.

Because of the shitstorm it's going to cause.
I wanted the "human hand grenade", can't keep moving the goal posts if you fuck up the pitch.
Hesbollah are going to be interesting.

It's alright to laugh at the meme. It's kind of gay to push it if you're yourself an American. I mean, if you are one of those mystery meat abominations, then by all means.

Maybe because we pose questions that piss off the right people?

Sure but why bother if it's 25%'ers and such?

I'm the whitest skinnyfat guy you will ever see.
inb4 mutt post replying to me
It's just a meme. The only people that get assravaged over it are mutts like you said.

Because they are our kin, and you need to sort yourself out son.
It's together or we are only remembered in history as stories to tell Jewish and Islamic kids to keep them in check.
How long until Newton is blacked?
How long until Watt and Frank Whittle were blackmen?

Are they really our kin once you start going sub 50%? If Jose mcwhite is 6.25% English does that mean i should consider him kin?

If they fight for our idea and retain our history.
I stand with them.
I do not speak with an idea of racist ideology, I speak of survival and our accomplishments.
We burned to bright to fade in the annals of history.
I say no to becoming dust and re-written.

Hello from the South Britfriend. I don't really care about the meme. every other country has their memes about them even if oversimplified or untrue. But yeah more Anglosphere threads would be nice

I'll be moving my family south US, thank you.
What disgusts me is the takeover of our channels and means.
We were not asked...not ever.
I speak as a man that went to war because I had no option but military...after Blair sold our Rover car plant for £ Junker.
The same place we built the Hawker Hurricane and Spitfire.
I am not done yet...I have debts to repay; or someone does.

And I WILL have vengeance.

You know the bus stop I catch my bus from my academic institution...
It has a Victorian building behind in The Midlands.
There are three lay stones with names engraved.
One of them is Enoch Powell, I knew it since a child.
It is now covered with stone to stop defacing.
I stand there every day, twice sometimes.
Sometimes for an hour.
I look at a covered placard etched into stone and look around and it's almost poetic in the attempt to hide the truth.
Enoch was born 5 minutes from my house, this is coming, it's coming for all of us.

Then you'd be shilled hardest and not least. Face it, most of the shit this board gets comes from the same people who run your press. Check out the background of your current State Secretary of Education. Former social worker right from Rotherham, that Mrs Greening. Certainly very competent. Or check out who owns the Independent. Former KGB torturers. The origin of those "Refugees Welcome" tweets. It's not even that I have any problem with you. But the way you have made letting others use you as a mouthpiece your new culture is demeaning to us all.

I appreciate the sentiment however I personally don't care about the mutt meme.

I myself am only half Anglo/celtic


You think I stand with them or will see them hung?
I look to this:
Which I am part of, I want The EU held for Crimes Against Humanity in the International Court.
It will fail, of course, but it will reveal the hypocrisy.
That's the game plan.
It's time for one of these, but we will get there.
Die Rote Kazner (Have a dig and be mind fucked)...that's their future.
Your very own Merkel.
Her Father was KGB and she became Stasi.

Snap. You match me.
Same blood.
You are no mutt, shut up

Oh yeah?

Neat to see a matching background.

You're both cucks.

Miss Belesconi yet?


Finally, behead all muttposters!


Also swapping teams when we were about to deliver Montgomery and Patton combo.
Quick pull out method there Giuseppe.
I respect the French more for at least holding out 3 days.

What can I say, at least we didn't get blown or molested like Japan and Germany.

James I understand you have one american ancestor and thus you feel bad about this meme but that doesn't make them white, sorry friend

>our very own
Kazmierczak, mate. Polish Jewess, directly appointed by you occupiers to make sure we "Amalekites" don't survive your holy toilet-cleaners' next landgrab. But you for one do seem decent; thanks for the link, I'll see if I can't hook them up with some more data too.

They asked for a show of power...
I think our spring has finally met Hooke's Law.
Let's unleash.
When I hear "Israel, greatest US Ally.." I want to vomit.
We have spilled enough Anglo blood for Jew wars.
No more. And if you sign up for this EU Army, may God have mercy on your souls.

Check your own records mate.
Let's see whom planted a bomb in a baby carriage and her relation to The Red Kasner.

You were wise.
Why not be wise again, but this time...
Choose the ones that want Italy to remain Italy.

I hope I am assigned to you.

When literal Amerinidian mutt countries try to get in on mutt-posting it's pretty cringy desu

How’s the vacation going in Bogland?

Do you like our island?
If it wasn't for Messi and me liking you lot, I would twist the knife in your ribs.

Meme Flag = Null Set.


And this shit gives birth to this forced meme.
He's not fucking white.
We are blamed for Jew tricks, I think it's time we all officially converted, what you reckon?
Become so pro-Zion it becomes glaringly obvious.
Especially attack blacks as a debate sense.

The Jigaboo is you.

Meme Flag = Shill.
Show your colours.

Good point. Its tough to tell where the banter ends and the divide/conquer "YOURE NOT WHITE" shilling/demoralization begins.

Was it not your nation that signed the Balfour declaration? Did or did not your nation, France and Israel try to take over the Suez canal illegally back in 1956? You have much to answer for before casting stones at other nations and peoples.

Bantz are bantz, but it's good to look an old friend in the eye and give and receive a firm handshake once in awhile. Also agree that Brexit and Trump startled the Communists.

>Personally, I am getting bored if this obvious forced meme.
We could always start up the Eternal Anglo meme again.

Notice the people posting that are anti anglo, and where they are from.
Learn their methods.
Why would an American insult his nation and ally as the OP tries to unite??
If a meme flag, discount it because they don't have the balls to show it.
The worst part I see here is US flags insulting kin, and the only people that can afford good enough proxies to bypass Sup Forums with a flag they do not belong to are not using proxychains or experts of Debian, they are enemy within.
So, once again. I will fight with my US cousins, as I have done in the real world, and discount you fuckers as the enemy.
I shared rations with USAF, they wouldn't post this shit...and no British-man would either.

Zimmerman...hmmm...sounds either Kraut or Yid. If he is a 50 percenter, that means that if he marries a white and his children marry whites, his grandchildren will be white at least according to the mischling laws that Germany had. The 56% meme is full of shit because most Euros have some Congoloid blood in them from the wars that happened in the past, which would mean that Zimmerman is whiter than the average western Euro.

Who shot down our pilots (my squadron BTW) and tried to bury the evidence, then attacked The USS Liberty.
Fuck you to Hell you cunt.
I am sitting back if I get recalled...and watching Hezbollah take you.

I don't mind The Eternal Anglo meme.
Guess who holds the fishing rod?
You sour Kraut?

According to the 56% meme, Reagan was a nig. Does he look like one to you? (Thatcher and many British women resemble horses, but that's something else).

I'm not even replying to meme flags any more.
You all should ignore them too.
Lets hope more Jews are thrown off balconies because they were mistaken as white.

Your nation made a deal with the devil. Fucking own it.

Oh no!

It's a Yid name.

Drop the meme flag and I'll attempt clarify what I think you misunderstood or vice versa if it works out that way.

I think he is a she, possibly boomer gen.
100% owns a "I stand with Israel" Twitter.
If I ever have to take command again, we are all going to sit on a hill and watch with scopes as Hezbollah tear them apart.
We will have "radio difficulties".


Proved my point.
Who is your next PM?
Your wife's lover?

Awesome pic btw.
Glory days.

And if only your Saint Hitler wasn't part of it all along.
People call me a "Nazi", I am not.
I am not NatSoc (Notice how conveniently they changed the socialist part?) because of the Havaara Agreement.
I don't trust Hitler because he was one of them.
I don't trust him because he didn't do what he was supposed to.

Indeed. We shoulda' backed you on the Falklands though. I always felt bad about that.

*Cough* ...heh.

(You did back us, not major public knowledge, but cemented our defence, also shown our capability).
For that, I thank the US (Even though you tried talking us out of it).

Watch this for some damned good history.
We turned ashtrays from the mess/recky into air refuelling.

What that showed is you can't trust the Jews
He made a deal with them and then zog stranded him in the back
They can't stand to know there are happy european people living without their Usury

Yet somehow he proven via The JFK files.
How you think he paid for the war machine.
Hitler was a Kalergi general.
Next to Commies (Jews), whom has killed more Europeans?
Maybe Napoleon, I wonder what he did with that "hidden hand"?
They will always try for a Federal Europe, and The Eternal Anglo will ALWAYS be a spanner in the works.
Thank God.

Bump, Anglo best race confirmed

You went quiet Kraut.
Is it because I pointed to all of the records of the Stasi involving your chancellor and her father and the plans for Pan-Europe?
Please do did in to my links lads.
Within one hour, I guarantee you will find Merkel's link to bombings in Berlin and pushing Communism to the west.
Don't believe me? Check the Stasi records and search for "Rote Kasner".
Available and scanned/translated online, I posted it.
The rabbit hole goes deeper than we even suspected.

If you all want the ultimate black pill.
Here it is:
This is the direct Stasi/KGB translation via the government website.
Pay attention to the the word "Kasner".
And get ready for a fucking MINDMELT.
I won't push your direction, you will find your own way.
That's the difference between a tyrant and a man of freedom.
Here is a path none of you have searched, which disturbs me.
Here is our tie it.

And if you get the shot...take it.

Post truth missiles and get relegated...

You know what hurts more than the amerimutt meme?

Seeing what is becoming of our nations in the real world. It hurts more for me to see the “Brit hate” threads than anything. I feel more loyalty to your island than I do to my capital. I don’t care about a meme posted here, but I’ve been brought close to tears over some of the things I see here. Our people will only survive together. We have to do something soon.

Thank you cousin.
You know it's us against (((them))) again...
It's coming, have no doubt.
They are angered we had the tenacity to tell them to fuck off.
We will suffer, we may become broke...
But we stood up.
And I hope it's not for nothing.
We may be wiped out...but we were the first to say "Fuck off you cunts...come and take it."
I like that.
I hope your new generations are inspired, but we will fight to the last.
We are very conservative, but's an anger the world shakes with.

Can’t wait any longer m8. I’m young now. I want to fight before I have to watch from the sidelines

We will have our time brother.
A cornered animal has no escape.
A cornered Anglo has a plan, and if your army is totally corned us...we planned it.
Have faith.
We were born to conquer, I have no regrets about our historical dominance.
Now it's about naming the snake and removing the head.
Using their own tools is a good method.
I chat daily with Islam taxi drivers...they are quite aware of the JQ.
The average Muslim would stand with us now.

Chat with Muslims, tell them you are Christian/Catholic.
They don't fuck with me because I am Irish Catholic (As in real Irish).
You would be surprised, I am, all the time.
They know parts of them are used for cash/selling out expecting dominance.
But the majority know the end game is being a slave to the Hook nose.
Speak to them, speak's time for alliances.

Learn SDR.
Get smart.
Debian. Get friends that would die for you.
Everything I do is in hope of your generation helping us be remembered.
