Redpill me on the Israel-Palestine conflict

Redpill me on the Israel-Palestine conflict

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Israel is an apartheid state and should not even exist. Palestine is defending their territory which is being eaten up by greedy nationalist Jews at an alarming rate. Israel is funded by the West as a base of operations for destabilizing the Middle East. If Israel did not exist, the rest of the ME would make about as much noise as sub-Saharan African nations.

Israel is an invasive force created by the Anglosphere to destabilize the region and strike better oil deals with the locals. It also functions as a testing ground for weapons against humans. It is the source of most recent wars, political tension and also the source of all the refugees and jihadis. Essentially, the world would be much better if that area on the map just up and vanished.
Palestine is simply the unlucky territory that they landed on first.

Jews that werent wanted in Europe, that didnt want to be in Europe were given land that nobody wanted, that had nomadic camel herders no one cared about on it. A couple decades later a bunch of arab states figured they could take the land in an agressive war and got btfo'd be the vastly superior IDF.

The jews don't even belong there and use the term "semite" to justify the existance of their central banker safe haven known as "Israel". Zionism is literally contradictory to the Jewish religion because the exiled Jews are supposed to wait for the Messiah's return when he'll bring them back to the Holy Land through divine force.

Let's be honest, the average Goldberg or Horowitz looks nothing like the actual semites native to that area. It's all a fraud.

Palestine has never ever in the history of the world, been a country. Isreal was given by the British colonialists. By that alone the clay belongs to the jews. That claim was sealed when Isreal won several armed conflicts.


Israel is illegitimate and the only reason it still exists is because the Rothschilds made it.

Israel blackmails politicians, they have nuclear blackmail, they control the media, they control the processors in our computer, they control all the biggest websites.

Soon it'll be over though.

It's Palestinian rightful clay.


Israel literally has streets named after the Rothschilds. It needs to be done away with.


Palestine should not exist and Palestinians should be deported. Gaza and the West Bank is rightful clay of Israel.

Palestine was under 5% jewish 100 years ago. Practically none of these "semitic" jews have actual blood ties to that land.

Palestine is the name of the territory not a country. Never has been.

Look further into what the Israelis are doing with Lebanon.
Also what hezbolla is doing in response.

To the victor belongs the spoils.

Stay tuned

*goes the spoils
Say it right, faggot


The order of lies will fall to Kek's chaos as he reveals truth.

Fun fact: Most Palestinians are actually descendants of the original Hebrew Jews whose ancestors later converted to Islam. They belong there infinitely more than Goldberg and Epstein.

both sides are wrong, the land belongs to the Church

So,the arab nations wan't Israel dead,just because they are judes

>That claim was sealed when Isreal won several armed conflicts.
Right of conquest was outlawed way before the inception of Israel. It has no legal basis to exist, they're just invaders.

>Palestine is the name of the territory not a country. Never has been.
This is technically true for Israel, too.

The Roman Catholics do seem to have the best historical claim, yes, but only petty sandniggers care about a sterile desert.

It's more than just sterile desert. It is important land because there are huge natural gas deposits offshore that the Jews are now developing.

the UK should have never left palestine . we wouldn t have this mess now

If it didn't have some kind of natural wealth to extract, Jews wouldn't be attracted to it, true.

Israel is a bastion of European values planted deep in the heart of the Islamic world. It broke the back of Pan-Arabism in the 60s and 70s, preventing an Islamic superstate from forming.

Watch for the moment Israel falls to Islam. When that happens, the West won't be far behind unless we've radically reconstituted ourselves before then.

two groups of larpers poisoned by irrational hatred beating each other. The smarter ones are winning.




It's the holy land of the Abrahamic religions. The good for nothing Anglos took over the land and handed control of it to the killers of Christ in the name of their satanic king Lucifer. The juden seek to expand and conquer the rest of the middle East and have turned the west, mainly America, into their puppet state.

west bankers are jordanians that ended up on the wrong side of the river and now jordan won't let them back in because they're all violent radicalized muslims

The gaza strip is poor egyptian muslims, also extremists

Israel is also expelling illegal immigrants from Africa while their American PR representatives cheer on America's descent into shitskinhood. Sickening.

Palestinians are te real chosen people.

Jews are caucasian larpers.

If you call out an Israeli flag poster hard enough they'll eventually admit that they don't actually belong there but "fuck you and you can't do anything about it now, etc."

Protocols of Zion

There is no state of Palestine. There never has been and never will be. They are literally squatters.

And you are literally hook-nosed parasites. Good luck surviving for longer than a year without host countries to leech from.

Is there any census/population estimate on the area right before Israel was established? If there is, is it a Jewish-trick study?

Check it out.

Jews were under 20% of the population in 1930 and that's after the mass migration already began. Compare 1922 to 1947 (still before Israel was officially founded) to understand the scale of the infestation.

Meant to include this link

>What is Native Americans?
Israel has a history as the Jewish state.

That's the kind of logic only the dumbest of goys would fall for. If I moved to India and converted to Hinduism, would my kids and grandkids have a claim on Indian land?

That describes "semitic" ashkenazi jews and their claims on Palestinian land in a nutshell.

I have the greatest red pill on the subject ever (assuming you want to make neo-cons kill themselves).
1. Iran builds military base in Syria. [Done]
2. Iran develops nukes or secretly gets them from an interested state, maybe Russia?
3. Iran digs tunnel under Israel (which is undetectable by the way).
4. Iran places nuke underneath all major cities.
4. Boom.
5. You will never see America involved in the Middle East again and the world will be 50% more peaceful (unfortunately 50% of the non-goys live in the US)

We can only hope

There is no distinction between Jewish converts and Jews by birth according to Jewish law. This genetic shit is an obsession of goyim, it's not part of Judaism.

Reclaiming Israel has been part of daily Jewish prayer since forever, it's a fundamental goal of Judaism.

Even the "famous" anti-Zionist religious Jews agree that Israel belongs to the Jews. They just think that God is suppose to give it Biblical rampage style, like open up the earth and swallow the Palestinians in hellfire or something.

Allow me to explain.

On the day that every Jew on Earth practices Judaism by the teachings and doesn't sin, etc, the Messiah will return the exiled Jews to the Holy Land and the goyim will AGREE to serve God's Chosen People because they will watch their behavior and acknowledge their peity, goodness, etc.

Believing that this will one day happen is the only true form of zionism. Forcing it through deals between bankers and warring governments is an insult to the religion.

Yes that's the religious interpretation of some Hasidic sets like Satmar and Neturei Karta. But the key fact that even these extreme anti-Zionist Jews believe that Israel belongs to the Jews.

God speed

Israel was never meant to be a physical location.

These are the real jews. Secular/"moderate" jews are only jews by ethnicity.

Bump for the truth

Bump for the JIDF and their blasphemous ethnostate

He who control jerusalem. Control the world.


>It's Palestinian rightful clay.
Don't you mean Jordanian clay?
Israel is just a giant neighborhood that got gentrified the fuck out of.
You don't refer to Portland blacks who can't afford to live downtown anymore as having their own race or nationality.
But then even Blacks will try to stay if they can afford it - they don't hate their white neighbors and run away the moment they move in.