The Great Sup Forums Takeover

Sup Forums used to be a place where the most virulent forms of shitposting took place, it could even be described as the water cooler of Sup Forums. Now it's a wasteland filled with porn and degeneracy. A place simply uninhabitable to many who used to go there.
However, this can change, we can take Sup Forums back with the unrelenting autistic force that once prospered.
>shitpost to your hearts content
>start Big White Dick threads to really turn the bbc into massive chimpouts
Anything that comes to mind is at our disposal, the board is 'Random' after all. Who is in for some real fun?

Other urls found in this thread:

Boomer newcomers should be forced to spend 1 year lurking Sup Forums before being allowed to post.

>1 year lurking rolling threads and just overall porn-related copy-paste threads
Are you retarded?

the "boomer" meme is a JIDF/shill D&C tactic because you have not realized this you should kurk moar
Sup Forums is not what it use to be 1 yr of lurking Sup Forums won't accomplish much

He's not a boomer.

Start 'big white dick' threads to counter the Jews and niggers trying to sway the white girls on Sup Forums. Any conceivable type of thread, spam them. It is 'random' afterall.

This pic is a VERY powerful one psychologically. Most Sup Forums people are in stages 1-3 and have no real goals in life. These are the people in the sewers of society, per say. This pic gives them a GOAL and a reason to work up through the steps to the final stage.

>required to experience degeneracy

No human should be condemned to such a fate.

Let's brainstorm for ideas of Topics to post on Sup Forums. I'll start.

1. Sexy Nazi girls
2. Art - showing good white society and implanting said narrative.
3. BWC
4. Counter the BBC threads w/ BWC spam in them.
5. Redpill /general/.
6. Meme warfare.

I feel it's too early for shills, yet there are always mongoloids that cling to those terms because of
>le funny meme

We need a codeword to ctrl + f our threads to bump them. there will Sup Forums sliders.

Then bump your threads or create more and bump them.

Need more ideas of topics for Sup Forums threads. Help out.