Please help me understand your concern

I understand why most of you folks are so attracted to clear mental degradation, because it reflects your own retardation and gives you a cozy little sense of comfort in your slow maleducated simple lives.

But are you concerned about how deep the progression of Alzheimer's will be with this president? He's cracking like an egg, and it's depressing to watch. His daily word salad and scattered thinking are making it too obvious, and he should work to contain his little bouts of panic, because he looks like a senile pussy.

With the stress of the treason and obstruction investigation inevitably closing in, the Alzheimer's will surely rapidly take its toll more so than it already has. Absolutely no question there, so don't even try to "debate" me here or whatever you guys call your act of down's feces throwing incest orgies for trumps

inbred fug

Die cunt

the left can't bant

25th amendment when?

You’re so smart, I bet you watch Rick and Morty. I tried to watch it once but my big dum dum head just couldn’t take the hard science and numbers.

trig haired

You are going to prison Hillary

You shills are getting more and more desperate by the day.

i agree as a 10 year veteran in the mental health diagnosis field i can 100% confirm that this man is indeed contracting the gay. it is a very slow and painful process but he does indeed have it i can confirm if u dont believ me ur fuckin dilusional