Is there a name for a political system where the economy is capitalist but the government is socialist/communist?

Is there a name for a political system where the economy is capitalist but the government is socialist/communist?


democratic socialism

whatever chinas got

It's generally referred to as "mixed model" like what China does.

yes, its "Chinese capitalism"....but really its all bullshit, its just oligarchs like all commie states

lmao that fucking pepe, does someone have the source img?

Wrong though, Democratic Socialisms goal is to institute Marxism, Culturally and Economically, the only difference is they think they can do it non violently, the less patient of those faggots are known as revolutionalry communists, see the bolshevik menshevik split, along with KPD and Germany's social democrats in the Wiemar years.

China has state capitalism, although China is ruled by the Communist Party. China gave up on socialism when Mao died in the mid-1970s.


socialism and communism generally tend to view the economy as an extension of the state, not eternally trying to get away from the state, like in Capitalism.

if you had a very strong socialist state or communist state, there really couldn't be Capitalism. it would just be like what China has, which is a sort of bizarre plutocracy-meritocracy thing, where you really aren't sure who's supposed to be running things or where the limit is, but you know enough to stfu and never test the authority of the state or its many bureaucrats.

It's called state capitalism, although one cannot have a free and yet closed market. In reality it's just socialism.

No, but the chick is ugly and extremely Jewish looking.

>that pepe
Fucking saved

that doesn't make any sense you fucking idiot

socialism and capitalism are economic systems, not systems of government.


>socialism can't be a governmental system

Inside a prison in modern America.

China and what the USSR was thinking about. It is referred to as perestroika without glasnost if I'm not mistaken.

In theory, a "true" communist society would have no state, it would be anarchic. But that obviously never happened, their stateless utopia didn't come to fruition.

dumb frogposter


México is basically socialist with an economy that is capitalist.
You all can see how well that is going.

do you mean socialist or communist? they are not the same
and so is denmark, norway, sweden, finland and euro countries with 900+ quality life indexes. What is your point?


The Nordic countries are social democracies.

just like México, the 3rd world version


It makes a lot of sense if you look at countries such as China and Vietnam. In order to impose communism, the Communist Party set up a system of government which ensured they'd stay in power. They're still clinging to power despite abandoning actual communism.


Authoritarian capitalism, its what China is.

United States of America, present day