You heard her white man

You heard her white man
Sit down and shut up

Other urls found in this thread:

I know you are trying to shitpost here but she is not wrong. White people have continuously proven themselves to be a toxic actor in any debate about social issues. All they care about is themselves and their profits.
Fuck Drumpf and fuck White People

>*smacks lips*

but seriously, how far do they think they are going to get thinking and acting like this?

>All they care about is themselves
That would be niggers. Whites ended slavery, created modern medicine, and feed the world.

a fucking leaf etc etc

Seeing as these people think gender is fluid, can I identify as female for the time it takes to contribute my 0.02 then return to reality afterwards?

Maybe, as an Englishman, I could maintain that culturally appropriating my language to spread her bigoted ideas is a microaggression and she needs to check her privilege?


No matter what happens, we always will win. ALWAYS. It is our natural design.

What a nigger.

Fuck off KIKE.

Hello chang

Somebody who hasn't been IP banned from twitter should report them for creating racial hostility or whatever 'anti hate speech' kike shit twitter instituted.

But keep paying for dem programs with your taxes white bois. :^)

Who’s going to do the work? White men are the labor force of the richest countries. Do these niggers want this shit to turn into Haiti or Liberia?

>visit twitter account
>top tweet is calling pubg racist

motherfucker. I don't usually fall for fake bullshit.

You laugh, but this is something I saw an African man on Facebook do when a feminist criticized him for being male. He actually pulled the "labeling me a man is hateful" and she actually apologized. These were adults having a conversation. In public. Acting like this. Absolutely baffling.

> When your opinion on every social issue is enough to get you fired

Way ahead of you, nigger

Report this racist post to Twitter.

this tweet is more of a carcinogen than nuclear radiation.

Basic ghetto nog or semi-educated socialist mulatto?

99% of everything that racist boon uses was invented by white men.

Ask her what % qualifies as POC? Ask if Jews are allowed in the discussion.

>straight up disallowing a certain demographic from discussing issues
>said certain demographic straight up stops treating you like people

>Twitter account
>Literally (((Diverse))) in it
Moron. Also the Black community is homophobic as fuck

You just know before even entering the thread that it's filled with triggered drumpfkins

They always talk about how they arent sexist but as soon as a strong woman speaks their mind they go crazy and try to SHUT IT DOWN

>rashwana tribej

Looks like an anagram.

>Joined January 2018

Why are you posting your twitter account to pol?

good find leaf


she tried to shut it down first though.

Stupid nigger

My issue with this is it’s dishonesty. Stop saying you want a more diverse world. Just say we want to remove whites. Then whoever else gets in the way of blacks. It’s a black power thing and they would create a national socialist system in a minute. HORSE CLAP SHOE CLAP THEORY CLAP YALLL

America is falling apart.

America is a big fat mess

I'll do whatever the fuck I want nigress. And that terrifies you because you know you can't do a goddamn thing about it. If you try to shut me down I will dominate you, as it's imprinted deep within you to be subservient to the white man, and a racially conscious white man is nigh impossible to overcome

If this moon cricket realized what her poking and prodding would actually bring her, she'd go back to cleaning your house and calling you massa in a heartbeat. Maybe that's why blacks are so psychotic about this. They realize deep down that at any moment white people could annihilate them without a second thought.

I like you, sir

You're characterizing the argument against her with an emotional intent. I'd like to hear you defend her post.

It needs to be said, whites need to realize that they have that power, both in their ability to wield it and their empathy for races who are mere tools of that power. It doesn't mean we need to cuck, but it needs to be recognized at a certain point that with many races that your country is importing, they're both terrified yet pushing the boundaries with what they can get away with. Put the hammer down quick or you'll be overrun.

Fucking nigger, you don't speak for us, or white men.

her profile thumbnail literally looks like a hooknosed merchant.
>the white in the crook between her shoulder and head is the nose
>noghead behind her is the eye

fucking uncannny

>black people

Oh boy, I get to post it again.

We need more people like Rashwana (to secure Trump's re-election).

Mfw these retards believe that everyone should be treated the same based on their common humanity but the means to this is to find a common enemy in white people.

>what is causing a rise in white identity politics?


False flagging.

This negress is going to get tortured to death on the day of the rope.

As a non-white I'm going to make sure white voices are heard even more now... dumb fucks.

Gay white man are ssweating now

I'm fine with this. We need to continue to divide society down by basic racial groups. It's the only way to make the balkanization memes real.

Niggers are begging for the rope at this point


>how to stop whites from voting democrats ever again

inb4 banned :(

But I'm not white. I still fucking love Trump.

ur mem sux lad



Weird how half whites have this radicalized malcolm x shit. Almost like theres psychological issues with being mixed.

>They realize deep down that at any moment white people could annihilate them without a second thought.

Mfw I now understand why POC sjws think we have all the power. We let them somewhat control us through policies but we could go postal and take them out relatively unscathed.

Fuck off Justin

arent you familiar with crabs in a bucket?
> doesnt matter if everyone's worse off, so long as long as others are better than me

>all or nothing

Yup. With them there's an existential dread that at a moment's notice they could be back in chains or banished to Oklahoma just because whites decide to make it so. Problem is that nonwhites (including Jews) who don't really know how to deal with this when given the opportunity so they automatically attack

Is this the most delusional post on Sup Forums?

I agree.
White man created a world of hostility.


>a fucking flower that grows on trees

By the power of the 5% native american in me i declare you to be a nigger

>Whites only care about themselves
Blacks ended slavery and passed the 13th amendment?

> niggers and jews wonder why whites go full nazi every century.

You just know by looking at the flag that it's going to be an utterly retarded comment from someone who is either genuinely delusional, genuinely retarded or genuinely in denial

"will NOT be including them in our fight for a more diverse future."
Scratches head.


they don't think lol, they're dumb as fuck and operate solely off of victim morality

For just a second I thought that was "POO" instead of "POC"

>sit your beef eating Christian ass down white man, the future belongs to the curry-stinking POO master race now

They're not pushing hard enough. White men are far more capable at war than shitskins, so I hope they keep pushing until we get the social approval to purge them all.

What did I miss now?

>what could go wrong

a kangz and a leaf both are subhuman trash cant even make a good b8 thread

you gotta really make someone rage at least post something vile or disturbing not average we waz kangz speech