but does not guarantee food and shelter...how can one pursue happiness
while starving and homeless?
America guarantees the right to pursue happiness-
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The key word is "right". A right is not a guarantee. Stupid faggot nigger.
>how can one pursue happiness while starving and homeless?
By getting a job, I know factories who are desperate for anyone who will take a job doing menial labor at good money.
Yes it does you major faggot. We have a welfare system that provides shelter and food. The only way to fuck up in the USA is to use those gibs on luxuries like KFC and Weed.
Sorry, is your argument literally that you are too ignorant to understand what a "right" is? Why would you make this seriously?
He who does not work does not eat.
Fuck off, leaf
You work, you eat.
its that simple folks
A-Ash Blossom, did you grow up?
Well, first you pursue food and shelter, as the stepping stones to happiness. And you have the right to do so.