Dankula's Day In Court

Well people. Today's the day Dankula goes to court. I'll try and post the verdict as soon as I find out. Maximum he'll get a year in prison. Minimum a suspended sentence or a fine. He could also get community service. So we'll have to wait and see.

For those who are new to this :

Today is the trial of a Scottish youtuber who goes by the name of Count Dankula. The charge? Committing a Hate Crime, The punishment if found guilty? up to a year in prison. What did he do? Taught his Dog to do a Nazi Salute as a joke in order to piss off his girlfriend. He uploaded the video of it to YouTube and some Scottish Jewish organisation got offended and called the cops. Go send him some support.

His trial date has been postponed and changed a couple of times now, it should've been over and done with months ago.


Also Dankula has a video set to release on his YouTube channel if he's found guilty so keep and eye out for that.

Other urls found in this thread:



What happens when they find this

This should never have gone to trial, an absolutely stupid waste of taxpayers money and a travesty of justice

Today we find out if sanity still reigns in Scotland, or if fascism has finally taken over.

holy shit lol

good shit

This man is the King of Sup Forums

His video was pretty funny. I remember when it first was released My sides were unleashed

Going out like a man, I respect that

I taught my dog to Sieg Heil too, its funny

>boy this sure is satire

mine's black so i got it to answer to nigger lol

Live in Scotland. Can tell you that most people can take a joke here even dank ones. My mates and family think this is ridiculous but the people in power and the elites don't give a shit what the masses think.

>My mates and family think this is ridiculous but the people in power and the elites don't give a shit what the masses think.

Sounds like you need a Trump.

Nah, we need a modern Powell or Mosely

As long as he's got a claymore.

>Finnish screeching in the distance

> Danks Lawyer: "Well I think I can get you off the charges or at the most you'll come out with something minor like a suspended sentence"

>Dankula: "Hol Muh Fuckin Beer ya wee faggot"

Finncuck will be flipping shit


rip my sides


Lad's going up against a Jewish organisation in COURT, his own lawyer is probably also against him. he's getting jail.

Is he getting a jury trial of his peers?

I believe it's just a judge making the decision. I'm not quite sure who decides which cases go before a jury and which go before a judge.

We won't forget you 'Bongs. It's only a matter of a small parcel of pride if we have to bail you out eventually. Good luck, m8.

Bloody jock made me wee in my pants!

Is the judge a Jew?

What do you think....

It's fucking outrageous. We need a final solution to the nazi joke makers problem. Perhaps throw them all in some sort of camp?

Jesus .... while looking for an image of John Cleese doing a his 'don't talk about the war bit' I find the fucking Guardian supporting this sort of moral outrage.

I'm assuming it's a magistrates court. Normally reserved for lesser crimes.

Hope all goes well for dankula.
As a proud scotsman It fucking kills my soul that my country has gone to shit!

The SNP have ruined everything.

>Lesser crimes
Oi vey goyim.
This is the msot serious offense remember the 15 gorrilion.

>This should never have gone to trial, an absolutely stupid waste of taxpayers money and a travesty of justice

Scots law is a bit different from English and Welsh law but it shouldn't be that different, so there should be a code somewhere that'll tell you whether it's a summary offence or an indictable offence.

Summary offences typically do not have juries at the magistrates court, whilst indictable offences do at the crown court.

An offence can be tried either way meaning that the defendant could chose which court they want to be tried in.

its a fucking crime that they call themselves nationalists


>remember the *16 gorillion
Fixed it for you. Moshe just remember where the other gorillion was.

Surely he won't be jailed unless he has some sort of terrible prior.
Having never been I always think of Scot's as more 'progressive' than 'little England'. Is Count the exception to the rule or do Scot's in general see this as fucking stupid too.

So apparently Lauren is there aswell supporting him, and she says he has ALOT of shit and people gainst him. doesn't look good...


Holy Fuck if he is jailed drive the kikes out of Europe.



You are now aware this mans neighbour was convicted of hate crimes for flipping him off and calling him a nazi bastard.


I can't watch that right now. Can someone summarise.

Also one of his neighbours smeared dog shit all over his door. Fucking insane world.
Prosecution tried to add extra time/ charges, judge said sling your hook. Going back into court in a few mins, hopefully find out soon.

dumb slut who knows nothing about law whining that her feelings are hurt by a foreign court system

Fuck off we're full

Oh boy this isn't allowed in our free society

jesus christ you haggis eatin' sheep-shagger; I've seen Braveheart and Trainspotting. Why you aren't hooliganing your local government into a pile of quivering vaginal discharge right this second is beyond me. Hollywood must have lied, and you actually are a bunch of Kansas City Faggots. Sad.

Nah yeah cunt; same

If the judge said sling your hook maybe the judge is on his side ?

I wouldn't count on it, you can't add time/charges at this point which is why he said no.

1- Self checkem
2- Sorry for the misfire - smeared the wrong queer

I would prefer the judge to be fair and balanced rather than one sided. If the judge was too far on his side then MSM will cry like cunts and vice versa.


Ofcourse and if the judge is balanced or just a sane person there is no way he's getting a single day in jail

My Thoughts and prayers

Charged with being grossly offensive.

If you're wondering the difference between offensive and grossly offensive, it's the opinion of magistrates or a district judge. They like to pretend some great legal process is required, but I guarantee they've already made up their minds.

Our free speech protections are non-existent. Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights is supposed to protect free speech, but the courts always find the laws that infringe on free speech proportionate and let them stand. It's useless.

I'm unsure about Scotland, but in England and Wales they recently increased the maximum sentence for the crime of being 'grossly offensive'. This might seem like a negative, but it's actually a good thing. If you're charged with it, it should mean that you can opt for a jury trial. Do so. Better a jury than a district judge who would find the word “retarded” grossly offensive and woman showing her ankles sexually explicit.

It raises the costs for the CPS and enough of these trials resulting in acquittals will hopefully persuade them that they’re not worth the bother.

Country's a joke, they are going to try a chubby beta 30-40 year old YouTuber with piercings because he taught a pug to Nazi salute.
If they wanted to waste more tax payers money they should have tried the dog as well.

will this redpill lauren on the JQ finally..

6 million wasn't enough

We as the UK are lost forever.

no, nothing will


>they should have tried the dog as well.
I can actually see that happening.

Isn't the guy a commie? I believe the guy as a hammer and sickle tattoo.

I see how the situation is fucked up, so I'll criticize the situation. But I'm not sending a commie my support. Hope he gets locked up.

What an absolute travesty. That the Nazi dog is not tried along with the man and hung like at Nurmenberg.

Dont give them idea's. Dogs are mans only real friend.


Was a commie, has a big lenin painting aswell. Now just a normal bloke. Probably centre right if anything

sniff..I miss my doggo

I wouldn't count on it.

See the case of Liam Stacey. A biology sutdent who had never been in trouble with the law. He was jailed for 56 days for mocking a footballer who had a heart attack.


This has happened time and time again over recent years.

What's worse is, if he had made the remarks in public, no crime would have been committed. Make the remarks on twitter though and it's a crime worthy of prison.

>In other news doggo gets sentenced to jail for making the Nazi salute

Alright. I'll back him up.

He outright mocks commies now.

If Dank gets jail time, we should inundate the jail mail everyday with the darkest and dankest memes.


1. Use letter heads on envelopes (use your local members seal/important government ministers
2. Make the envelope look as official/important as possible
3. Try to use thick envelopes to prevent guards trying to hold it to a light to see whats in it.
4. Don't always use envelopes with a window on the front.
5. For every dark/dank meme you send to the jail administrators/guards send the Count 2.


He's more chad than you are. Don't see you putting up right wing videos on YouTube while you're on trial for hate speech or Lauren Southern flying over to see you specifically.


He won’t do time



They tried charging the girls who got raped during the rotherham scandal and all that with racist shit. I wouldn't be surprised. If he is found guilty hopefully its just a fine and community service.

just always remember the 600 billion goy, if any of your pets start to act like a nazi you're going to jail

He'll be put into muslim-filled prison to get stabbed like that guy who left a bacon sandwich at a mosque.


My sides the mad man

Does the original puggy vid exist anywhere?
I only get 'not in your country', ffs.....


The original got taken down, not sure by who. There are multiple reuploads

Guys I'm in the courtroom right now. It's not looking good. The judge is looking for a guilty verdict from what I can tell.

>1 post by this ID




There's no reason to believe you.

Secretly livestream it faggot, let us stand by /ourguy/

>Secretly livestream it faggot
Cant, it's illegal to film inside a court room.

Timestamp you nonce

If this guy actually gets convicted, we should hold a fundraiser to buy a million clown cars and clown noses for people in Britain, because they'd be living on fucking clown island.