Slavs are not white and it`s great

Slavs have never been considered as white, this can be found even by reading /pol replies about slavs. There are those who accepted their race roots, proud of them and fools who still live in a world of dreams about white world.

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Can Slavs even see in color

I think Slavs are white

They used to be classified as "White Ethnic" back in the day, that counts I guess.

Do you ever sleep

delet this

Slavs are white, but rooskies are not slavs.

this,only true answer


did they all died from the wars and revolution?

(((Stephen Combs)))

Finnish and estonian people white?

Estis are honoary whites
Finns I'm not sure what they are,but they have good memes

Cause russians have major portion of finnish blood

Arabs aren't even "not-quite-White." They are nowhere near White.

Except most Slavs are white

Italians not so much

Who said Arabs are White anyway? Arabs are Semite.

East slavs(Poland included) Are not white. Czech, Croats, Slovenians are white

Most Italians are literally not white by objective standards.


Calabrese. I'm just happy when the caliphate becomes a reality I can assimilate well.

yes. russians are a mix of finns, uralic people and chechens, osetians etc. no slavic blood

Most Slavs are white

Most Russians are white.

Italians are more closely related to Syrians and semites than they are to western Europeans.

Thank you Germany, that means a lot to me

What happens when you're Slav and S. Italian?

You become a mutt

I really would love to know where the British rape genes came from.

noooooooo, shut up faggots
>Slavs are definitely not white
You'd not want to emigrate to a non-white country right, westcucks? Please don't come here.

Ah, why don't you divide and conquer white people like the jew you are.

My father is a Pole, but I look more Italian. I want to escape these niggers we keep letting in, what's the comfiest place in Poland?

We did that once, maybe we can do it again

People on here like to go on about warning to kick out white east Europeans.
But the east Europeans we do have can't even be considered white.
Most look like mixed race abominations, they stand on street corners in groups and shit up the place.
They piss in the street, leave rubbish everywhere and smash glass on the pavement.
Fuck these people. Pic related.

The US census bureau says
>"White" refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as "White" or reported entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan or Caucasian.[2]

Let me tell who's white and who's not.

Slavs = not white

im ok with this


Probably Masuria or Bieszczady mountains. No job opportunities tho. I'd suggest GdaƄsk for best comfiness/getting good job ratio.

I'm slavic and I agree. Slavic people are not as "white" as germanic and nordic people. This doesn't mean we're inferior though (or subhuman), we're just different shade.

"White" is a shitty term with no real definition and shouldn't even be used.

Truth spoken

Finally! Much appreciate your opinion. Trully white people are only protestant countryies.
Maybe some of you heard about Dugin, i agree with him about a lot of things.