Should we have nuked Japan

>>Rape of Nanking

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If you didn't nuke them we could've kept the war going for another decade you fucks.

Low quality bait. Dismissed.

Two nukes weren't enough

all military decisions should be made via strawpoll or surveymonkey

This. I would have been okay with Japan nuking the USA too. One of those two had to surrender.

No, Japanese soldiers fought for their country and honour. American soldiers fought for degeneracy and Jewish interests.

Yes wish you would have done the same to us instead of the invasion and occupation

How is this bait? This is something people actually don't agree on. 85% of Americans approved of the bombings in 1945 and only 57% did in 2005.

This is OP btw

>>Finding out what people think on pol = making military decisions

Are you fucking autistic?