Trump is fuckin delusional. We gave the most powerful office in the world to this delusional ass

Trump is fuckin delusional. We gave the most powerful office in the world to this delusional ass.

This is an excerpt from the new book about Trump’s White House.

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't believe this is a real excerpt

>We gave the most powerful office in the world to this delusional ass
i didnt vote trump

It's kind of funny how this seems somewhat believable.

I totally don't think this is obviously fake garbage.

This is fucking magnificent bullshit.

Fake and gay

Oh look: an unfunny version of the faked Hillary book excerpts.
Not only is the left incapable of meming, but they’re incapable of funny content even when ripping off the exact format of right wing parody.

Sounds like a bunch of made up bullshit.

Oh look another smear campaign from Fusion

I'm a Trump supporter but thats hilarious nonetheless. Fake, but still funny.

These things are possible with democracy: learn to accept the facts, while not of your liking, and prepare to vote another day.
Whining about it is YOUR problem.


He meant BET.


This satire is much more enjoyable than the reality of kang nigger sucking the man chowder out of a cock in some degenerate homo bathhouse in chicongo. I, for one, welcome he change.


>man chowder out of a cock

Nah man this shit is funny as fuck. We should make an assload of fakes to spread around normie sites, just blatantly fictional stuff to sow doubt about the contents of the book for people who don't read it.

>Still shilling this I see

I see you shareblue

This pic says it all.


This is fantastic almost as good as the pee dossier

So where was Trump watching the gorilla channel before?


>not watchin the gorilla fighting network

Do plebs not get this channel?

>Trump complained that the TV in his bedroom was broken, because he didnt get "the gorilla channel."

I'm surprised the White House doesn't get BET.

>Do plebs not get this channel?

Don't tell them.

It's not. It's a satire piece that was going around twitter. Half of Sup Forums is too autistic to understand humour so they think it's a real excerpt and thus delegitimises the other excerpts. The other half of Sup Forums knows its satire but is using it to delegitimise the other excerpts anyway because they're worried.

>Someone Spoofed Michael Wolff’s Book About Trump And It’s Comedy Gold

these days it's exceptionally hard to tell satire apart from truth. remember trump's golden shower in russia?

> he's a billionaire in USA
Is it really that easy there? The question is, if he's a very successful billionaire, how stupid must the average american be?

>gorilla channel
Just a cheeky way of saying "CNN broadcasting Barack/Michelle Obama" IMO.

The white house cable service doesn't provide BET?

Shill harder faggots.

That's a fair call.

>tfw you almost think this could honest to god be part of the book

>the gorilla channel

So he wants to watch BET. No-one complained when Obama did that.

>fighting gorillas

So he wants to watch a pay-per-view boxing match featuring two African-American boxers. Big deal.

so you don't know about the gorilla channel?

kek that's pretty funny

Thats kinda funny and light hearted compared to real stuff that was published, like Trump repeating everything he says like a demented aspie, plus his closest friends completely losing faith in his competence to be president

He wanted to watch Cops


Wow, and this man beat the fuck out of hillary. How humiliating. What a complete fucking loser she is.

Yes, this is the man I voted for. 10/10, will vote Trump 2020! Kys please...

I was waiting for the BET reference

Live PD is a good way to get a perspective from our boys in blue

>Can't even be bothered to try
I've seen apes fling shit with more sense of the satirical.

>ITT Sup Forums doesn't understand humor

>17 hours a day
Kinda gullible aren't ya

>Hastily constructed transmission tower

If any of you believe this you are tards completely beyond help LOLLOLOL