
Is Sup Forums in favour of conscription for the ethnostate?

I am for it:
>is the most cost-effective solution for a big defensive force
>every able-bodied man becomes a protector of the nation
>teaches valuable skills such as shooting, warfare and survival in the woods
>cures men from NEETdom and gives them many friends for life
>strengthens national unity
>best protection against tyrannical government
>creates a common inter-generational theme in every man's life
6 months is more than enough to teach basic roles and 9-12 months for specialized and NCO roles. Longer service time means more interesting and more prestigious tasks and employers respect more those with leadership experience. I myself did only 6 months and kind of regret not doing longer.

The common myth that ''professional soldiers are better'' is not true. Soldiers in professional armies usually have lower IQ because you mostly get bottom-of-the-barrel types voluntarily applying. There's nothing technically demanding in a soldier's job, it's application of tactics that matters and there's no way to teach that tactical awareness. You have to have brains to know when it's smart to do what.

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You teens/failure 20somethings really show how pathetic you are when you throw around memey buzzword talking points. Get a life, you sad faggot. If you want to be surrounded by white people, buy a house in a decent neighbourhood. Broke bitch.

How are you going to survive the collapse if you can't even use a gun? Are you going to throw it away once it jams the first time and you don't know how to clean it?

Outdated practice for thrid-world shitholes that nobody would willingly fight for.

>hazing and brutal initiation rituals
>government indoctrination
>morale, training and gear are utter shit compared to professional armies
>many of the draftees will develop a deep resentment for authority
>getting shipped to some third-world hellhole to fight and die for corrupt elites

Oh look, a triggered Pakistani!

Why hide in a neighbourhood behind large walls like a cuck when I could have a whole country or continent to roam without having my NAP violated by the sight of your dirty brown skin?

Only in third-world shitholes and Russia.
>government indoctrination
Defending your people is indoctrination? Sounds like you haven't had enough.
>morale, training and gear are utter shit compared
Not in wealthy countries. In poor countries, the professional armies have shit equipment.
>many of the draftees will develop a deep resentment for authority
No they don't if the conscription is planned in a good fashion. Norwegian, Finnish, Swiss and Austrian men do not have problems with authority in general. I for one learned the importance of authority and hierarchy, without them the world wouldn't work.
>getting shipped to some third-world hellhole
That's professional armies, with conscript armies you are going to have a harder time explaining interventionism.

>make fun of finland on Sup Forums
>some Finnish guy says he's going to place a curse on me
>laugh it off and call him a mongol
>wake up two weeks later with this in my mailbox

wtf do I do now?

You have to go. This is not a third-world conscript army that you can ''buy'' yourself out of. Being a millionaire doesn't exempt you from military service.

How the fuck you did not know that you have finnish nationality?

Yeah. Why not