Chinese are the Jew of Asia and there're billions of them

Actually not all of them are literally jew-tier.
Since Sup Forums are pretty oblivious about Chinese people themselves, I will try to translate the basic Chinese characteristic of some of the most major China's provinces. Don't ask me where I got this, I forgot the source already and forgive me for my english.
So we had a map aka pic related, lets start from number 1
1/ Hebei province (meaning the Southern side of the River), the capital of China
This is the birthplace of the people that latter called themselves "the Han" In 6 of the ancient Chinese capitals (including Beijing), 3 were in Hebei. However their reputation have gone in the dump in recent years, even big companies in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or Shenzhen (some of the most developed cities in China) don't want to hire people from Hebei for they say "beware of arsonists, thieves and the Hebei people". The discrimination was so terrible to point Shenzen has been setting up public signs with "Restlessly striking on the Hebei criminals" written on them.
The reason for their behavior? May be because of overpopulation (already around 100 millions now in such a mall area) which leads the competition between citizens, the struggling to survive was out of the chart so they have this insidious personality as their natural traits.
Credibility of Hebei companies is of course very low. If they can cross your asses and get away with it they will, if they can "rape" your asses they also will. Doing business with Hebei companies is highly consider a huge risk with all sort of frauds, ghost companies and shady practices like outsourcing to unknown partners, working behind the scene with each others to deceive you and many more. The local government also don't give a shit about all that.
As the result, the Hebei people don't have high social status but they're infamous around the country. "A lot of them working as garbage/junk collectors, and also "steal" my cow if they feel like it" Cont.

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Interesting thread, thanks for the effort Nguyen

Oh shit sorry guys, the source was fucking wrong. I was suppose to write about Henan not Hebei (the neighbor province) fuck. It was number 2 so Beijing is not included.
2/ Henan province (meaning the Southern side of the River)
Cont. There's also a not very small number of prostitutes wandering around the big cities. The crime percentage of Henan people in Beijing is only behind the Manchuria people (see number 14) so they have been shitting on by other Chinese everywhere they travel. They even forced to lied about their hometown and pretend to be Hebei or Shandong people (similar tongue and appearance)
Actually these people are very hardworking and durable over the worst living condition. Most of them used to be/or still are honest, simple-mind peasants living in peaceful countryside. But they're also very conservative and traditional with lots of prejudices and can't think very far ahead of themselves. So they're the biggest labor market in China (quite irony).
Till now they still retain much of their traditions and ancient practices in their daily life, marriage, funeral and the new year celebration customs. But for some reason they're famous for disliking taking bath for hygiene???
In conclusion, discrimination against Henan people is inveterate and people blame them for many reasons. But they seem to forget these people are technically their ancestor, at least for some of them.



Lol you guys are like China's discount cousin.

this is fascinating. I appreciate the insight, Nyugen

You are heavy biased against China, tell us about who you are and why you PERSONALLY hate Chinese. Not generally, but what they did to YOU.

God damn that stupid map is allover the place, ok so number 1 is Hebei. anyway

2/The Hubei province (meaning the Northern side of the Lake)
The neighborhood province of the Henan, and no less insidious than their neighbors. Their cheap bootleg knock offs were once famous all under heaven (already being overthrown by other provinces) however their reputation isn't as trash-tier as the Hebei people. This province has many natural lakes and thanks to lots of water element in present the people here are also snappy like such element (according to old belief) with a high percentage of beautiful women.
Their characteristic also including cleverness, scoring high grades in national tests and having well-known schools for hardworking student, even better than the one in Beijing or Shanghai. One of the county? here is known for being the hometown of many Chinese-origin foreigners in the mainland.
Many regions here are very rich, comparable with the coastal cities, while the those that bordered the Anhui province (a mountain province see number 18) and Henan province (see above number 1) are among the poorest one of all China. I wonder why....

The Hong'an County here is called "the County of Generals" (with 223 generals recorded), "When the time come, heroes are born" When shit was going down here and poverty was hitting, the revolutionary spirit was also very high.

They're also quite the introverts, and can remain as the underdog for until right moment to rise, but when it comes to finding love they aren't as courageous as their neighbor Henan. (Oh hey I think I found /ourguy/)
Hubei province is also a big labor market with rural people flocking to big cities to find jobs.

Hey I'm not denying our similarities, that's why I have specific insights that the westerners lacked.
thanks goys
Kek, this was written by Chinese themselves

wow, its going to be tomorrow when you get to Heilongjiang and Sichuan.

3/ The Hunan (meaning the Southern side of the Lake)
The Hunan people are consider the Northern lads of the South, because despite being considered a Southern province of China, their characteristics are very relatable to those in Northern China. They're extroverts, downright and hot-tempered people with a loud mouth. Historical records gave them the best praises (saying "no Hunan, no army", or "The Hunan has not fallen, then the Han has not fallen") A Hunan army led by generals Zeng Guofan and Zuo Zongtang kept the Qing dynasty barely alive for another half century in its last breath while many Red party founders themselves are Hunan origin. One could easily state that the Chinese yearly modern and modern period were written by Hunan's people blood and lives

They're intelligent, courageous with strong determination for greatness and they consider serving and saving their country is the highest responsible one can have, hence "China will only perish when all the Hunan are dead" Pretty based people Cont.

Cont. So they're consider the prime example of every virtues in the Han blood, or sth similar to that.
Working as intellectuals, serving in the army or doing hard labor, they all did well. However recently, their social morality has been going down. One Hunan city was famous for having many sauna, massage salons (if you know what I mean) owned by the Guangdong people, but the price is really high for the locals to afford.
Shuangfeng County is "the hometown of fake certificates". Chenzhou is known for bribery and corrupted officers. With their characteristics once they became violent criminals they're very harmful for society. The "Car gang"? in Guangazong is one of the more dangerous one that gov here has been suppressing them heavily.
Hunan province also have many beautiful women. They're resourceful, capable and wiser than your normal women but not "very royal" waifu as people have said "THE sentimental amorous Hunan women" (they tend to have many partners and cuck you with ex-lover) Many of them are working in "illegal industry", no less than other "sisters" from Sichuan province (see number 25) and Manchuria (number 14). It has saying here "Only laugh at the poor but not the songstress" (as songstress is the ancient fancy word to call educated prostitutes, so women like this are consider the norm and better than the poor)
This's the big province that "exports" many mistresses.

hard to read, better make a video like this guy

Sorry man I just don't have the equipments for that

Interesting. Have a bump.

4/ The Guangdong Province

This province has many ethnic groups which are considered the most complex in number and variation of all China. In general their bodies are shorter and smaller, have thicker lips, wider forehead with chinky eyes that located deeper in the skull and wider noses.
According to history, the ethnic groups in Guangdong includes: people with ancient Yue ancestry: the coastal South East Asian immigrants: the people of Hong Kong, Macau; and the minorities living in mountainous regions; all with different cultures. Studies showed that these are not in the same group as northern Chinese.
In the Sixteen Kingdoms, less commonly the Sixteen States (a chaotic period in Chinese history from 304 to 439 when the political order of northern China fractured into a series of short-lived sovereign. T. wikipedia) Basically there were 5 northern barbarians tribes (the earliest ones) all raping China at the same time, so a large number of Han people migrated to Guangdong province as a result. These people are considered the purest Han bloodline (not the same as barbarian mix-blood mutts that are now living in northern China) with a population of 10 millions.

chinks are not as smart as is commonly held. there's just a lot of them and they have the most simplest herd programming i've ever seen. The Chinese Fire Drill is no myth.
They're no jews. Jews have already fucked china twice, first with marxism and then with Friedman based capitalism.
Literally the biggest collection of shabbas goys on the planet

They're not the jews in control of my government so I don't really care desu.

Cool stuff OP this is interesting

Remember the old paintings that has Chinese with that ugly hairstyle? Yes they're the people from Guangdong province, who has been exposed to western culture very early and they're also the very first immigrants that set foot in Western countries, leading to many racist Chinky stereotypes originated from them

But thanks to being in the cross road of western and eastern ideology they're the most open-mind and westernized Chinese you can find. Many leaders of the reform movement in late Qing (as opposed to the reactionaries in the north) are from Guangdong. And there're over 20 millions of them now living different foreign countries, known for their talents as businessman and merchants (Yes the people that's buying properties in Canada is them)

The Guangdong people are considered the sons of sea (as they're very capable sailors and merchants), crafty, lively, creative and full of adventurous spirit that dare to travel to many distant lands and trying new things out of the norm.

They seem to dislike "pointless" theories and philosophical debates that other Chinese love to do. They don't even care about politics in general. Thus they're the "action type" as they prefers practical methods and efficiency over formalism to get the best result possible to make more shekels. You guess that right, the most important thing to them is obviously money.

Thanks to that Guangdong is now the richest province in China with well known economic powerhouse like Hong Kong or Shenzhen. However their reputation is of a typical bourgeois family that recently got out of poverty.
Guangdong women is kind and can become great housewife. Their food is also great.

Henan and Hebei are like that because they're the fertile farmlands, a lot of rural peasants.

Jesus this's Guangdong sections is really fucking long. It's quite late here so I guess I will stock up some translated sections and continue in another thread tomorrow.

Being fertile farmlands meant in ancient times they were the cradle of civilization, but now in modern times they are rural and underdeveloped regions compared to the urban coastal area.

>Restlessly striking on the Hebei criminals

This is bullshit

Also Hunan (meaning the Southern side of the River)