Explain how believing god is not a mental illness
Explain how believing god is not a mental illness
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Explain why you never call out any religion other than Christianity for believing in a God.
Because it's "close" to them therefore they can't call out the giant elephant in the room.
But chopping your dick off and growing tits is "scientific" evidence yer a woman? Neck yourself.
Becuase the evangelical Christians in America are generally terrible people who vote agaisnt their countries best interests
True. Catholics in particular vote predominantly Democrat. We need to uncuck Christianity and get them voting conservative again.
>Evolutionists when they get questioned on abiogenesis
>hurr durr it just happened when lightning struck the water that fell from asteroids and amino acids created themselves and formed information transmitting chemical reactions and formed cells over billions of years, it sounds good to us therefore it's proof.
>if you don't believe us youre a retarded biblethumper
funny how they never realize they operate in the same dogmatic schema as fundamental Christians, touting their presumptions as settled facts and disparaging any who question their views as ignorant of it's concepts.
>their countries best interests
which is?
>the evangelical Christians in America are generally terrible people
fuckoff kike
>mfw science is used as an avenue to shit on theology.
>tfw to intlliegnt to believe i evolved from a rock