tfw Jeff Sessions is going l to be responsible for converting millennials and gen z into life long Democrats

> tfw Jeff Sessions is going l to be responsible for converting millennials and gen z into life long Democrats

Thanks Jeff

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Fuck Jeff Sessions. Fuck that there was a policy in place that let states self determine what was best for them, and he just pulled the rug out from under it to consolidate power in Washington.

If their political leanings hinge solely on the issue of the legality of a nigger tier vice, they were lost anyway. If weed is the critical issue of the time for you, you're a degenerate.

This is how Jews have done it for decades.
>Make conservatives into role models.
>turn them into grouchy unlikable cucks in the public eye.
you grow up with this shit, and soon enough you'll go
>fuck george bush
>fuck mitt romney
>fuck john mccain
>fuck white people and fuck republicans

apparently gen Z doesn't like drugs as much as millennials.

I guess growing up with druggy mom and watching her get abused by the revolving door of scumbag addict dick puts a bad taste in their mouth.

The skkkkyyyyyy is faaaalllllllling!

not if he puts all the potheads in the Marijuana Gulag and starts going after cash crop pot growers before they become Pablo Escobar.

this is how Christian Kings created Jewish bankers.

They outlawed usuary for the goy but not the Jews.

Sessions should crack down on Colorado and California before they gain a monopoly on weed. For the good of other states, California and Colorado need to be crushed.

Weed has to be legal everywhere or nowhere.

No, states that don’t want to legalize it shouldn’t be obligated. State’s rights and individuality are what make America strong.

liberals are taking this and running with it, they don't care about facts. they live in an alternate reality

The funniest thing is obongo had a veto proof super majority when he got in a did fuck all with it.
This shit could have been handled in 2009 through congress but instead he adjusted enforcement.
Obongo literally squandered a political golden ticket.

Weed is free money for Colorado and California.

The people in these states will use weed and the weed money to influence other states.

California needs to be treated as a separate country, pretend its Colombia.

Billionaires in other states need to crush the cash croppers before they get too wealthy and powerful.

Looks like you need a joint...

With the Trump Sewer Inc. Administration, law and order apparently means cracking negro skulls, not enforcing federal laws against conspiring with America's worst enemies.

I guess no one asked that dipshit why he was walking around with shit he knows is illegal when he could have just smoked the fucking thing at home before leaving.

No one will vote for a Democrat in 2018

It's the Trump administration negotiating the whole Sanctuary Cities thing.
>Gee, that's a nice legal marijuana tax base you have there. Be a shame if something HAPPENED to it.
>w-what do you want?
>Let's talk about this Sanctuary Cities thing you have going on.
>Now, I can't MAKE you stop this Sanctuary Cities thing. But my boy Sessions, well, he doesn't LIKE marijuana very much. I'd hate for him to bring the full weight of the DEA down on this lucrative little operation you have going on, capiche?

I will laugh my ass off when republican's sponsor a bill to decriminalize and or legalize federally.

>hahaha those people are subhuman losers beneath my concern
>they still vote

Absolutely do not believe this. This kind of claim is just people who won’t admit that the republicans are fucking around with state’s rights. You’re trying to make up an excuse for why it’s fine for Sessions to shit all over what the popultions of those states voted in to place.

>implying all those democrats would have voted for it and had to answer questions from PTA moms in town halls about how DA CHILDREN ARE ON DRUGS AND ITS DA GOVERNMENTS FAULT

Stoned faggots

Hi Hillary!
Oh, sorry, my mistake. Its just that when people run elections on baseless assumptions, I automatically assume they're Hillary Clinton. My mistake!

Good luck in 2018 and 2020 Mr. Dinosaur

Presuming what you say is true then I guess Sessions is just following what democratic voters want anyway.
Good to know.

you do.
federal prosecutors have been instructed to go after pot crimes in states where its legal

what do you think that means?
It means massive busts of legal stores, massive busts of grow operations - and millions of pissed off voters

>yes daddy government fuck me in the ass more! I love government controlling all aspects of my life!


For me it's less about the fact that I want to SMOK WED ERRDAY, and more that the government honestly thinks they should have the authority to ban a plant. Why do they feel the need to be a fucking nanny state?

You mean fake news.


A guess liberals and the kikes running dailystromer and TRS are all for sessions now which is why no one takes any of them seriously

That reminds me I have all this weed in my freezer but I rarely ever take the trouble to smoke it anymore. Somehow it's not as exciting as when I was 16.

Maybe I should get stoned tonight in Jeff's honor. Blast some tunes or something.

Thanks Jeff!!!!!

You fucking cuck. It wasn't supposed to be this way. He was supposed to throw Hillary and the Libtards in jail. Massacre the entire membership of antifa, and leave us alone to smoke reefer. In fucking peace.

Trump could have literally appointed Hillary AG and it would have been better than this (((fucking cuck)))

it's not just weed the dude is trashing civil liberties in the trash. weed was the last straw. He pissed on it during it's golden moment.

>it's not just weed the dude is trashing civil liberties in the trash.
How specifically is he doing this?

Shut up bitch.

Fuck it you are wrong. California is about to experience a Cali rennaisance. Weed is going to be legal, taxed, and California's budget problems are a thing of the past.

California goes from worst state, to best state, with one right decision, easily made, while we go full cuck with (((DRUMPH AND HIS RETARDED DRUG WARRIOR JS))))

I'll move to California myself, start smoking weed and get some kind of sweet government do nothing job. Fucking KEK.

>California's budget problems are a thing of the past.
An influx of money doesn't stop the underlying problem of spending said money on frivolous things.

>part of a "limited government" ideology
>tell people they cant enjoy harmless plants
>tell States, that exist for the explicit purposes of being allowed to do whatever the fuck their local populations want, that they can't do what they've legally voted on and passed.

Yeah, they’ll grow up at some point in their life. Not much to worry about

Gen Z Here: FUCK WEED AND FUCK STONERS. GO TO HELL. We'll just ask Pence to extend his "therapy" to stoners.

So Sessions is basically the same as just about everyone in his spot the last 50 years.
Thanks for clearing that up.

>tell States, that exist for the explicit purposes of being allowed to do whatever the fuck their local populations want
We lost the civil war remember? This is where states LOST the right to dictate their own laws. Every history book makes it totally about the slaves....but if you want to read black-washed horseshit and believe it, be my guest.

I think you will see federal legislation about pot after federal legislation is respected.

>An influx of money doesn't stop the underlying problem of spending said money on frivolous things.

California political leadership don't GAF about that. More tax money in, just means a much bigger pie for them to graft and skim off. This is a win win win for the citizens and leadership of California, and good for them. As California gets richer and richer, and more and more free, the rest of the country mired in a retarded drug war can watch from afar and await the SWAT raid that kills them for a marijuana cigarrette. (and they/we voted for it)

Wonder what entity or organization is putting this post on repeat for the past 24 hours?

>he's never talked to a pothead

Because the republican platform since the goldwater era has been focused on small government and states rights, but kinda just pissed on one of the only things that dems and repubs agree on (in polling)

They are giant government spend happy fucks just like Democrats.

>that they can't do what they've legally voted on and passed.
Ah yes, the leftypol meme that Sessions just made it illegal to legalize pot in a state. Thanks for outing yourself. Looks like there's a couple of you in this thread so I'm just going to go ahead and sage this bullshit slide thread.

Why do they try so hard to push our buttons and fail so badly at what our buttons are?

Eh, I agree with states rights, but when a handful of states are taking in record numbers of illegals to bolster their census score and steal more house and electoral seats, I have a problem with that and I believe any action can and should be taken by the federal govt to protect the rest of the country.

Not really. Studies have shown millenials and Gen Z are less likely to smoke pot and drink as much as previous generations did

Don’t forget:
> Sessions approves of civil assets forfeiture

I would love to see any Trumpshits defend how this is small government principles that you can be arrested and have all your property seized by the government to fund the police state directly

It's just a bad attempt at D&C. It never works because they exagerate to the point that no one takes them seriously except themselves.

>sweet government do nothing job
It sounds like youre a lifelong Dem voter anyway lol. nice try

people who smoke weed are already democrats you retard

Perhaps if Trump ran on small government principles his supporters would be more concerned.

Mental gymnastics: the post. States have a say over their Governing. Marijuana being illegal at a Federal level is completely unconstitutional, and fundamentally goes against the entire "Don't tread on me" ethos. Benefiting a corrupt mechanism that over reaches federal power is exactly what the administration he represents is supposed to protest.

>>you thinking neck beard STEM majors understand anything business related such as negotiation

It's definitely this. Heroin and prescription opiates are a far larger problem. They will use this as a bargaining chip. Prepare your assholes because they will find other things that Dems care about and threaten to take away in order to get what they want.

Totally gotta use massive government budgets to bust stoners... they're rapin all ta whyte womern!

Also, fuck states rights, I'm all about a BIG GUBMENT! I'm so conservative n shit bruh.

Nah, an assload of R's do too.

>Need that Uncle Sam penis telling me what to do.
>Of course I'm for small government bro, what are you some commie??

forcing congress to solidify the federal laws isnt a bad thing. its a gamble that could legalize it nationwide. learn to see the big picture. its the same thing they did with DACA

Actually fuck ALL of them. Except Ron Paul, he's da maine man


Educate me. Is there a single Sup Forumsapproved argument why alcohol should be legal but weed shouldn't?

The law is iffy here. I'm pretty sure I can legally buy just not sell. I think. Never took it.

You are being intentionally disingenuous, and you know it.

>states' rights are a trivial issue that only degenerate niggers care about
kys degenerate republikike shill

They're putting the tax dollars back into infrastructure and schools, you're right we'd be better off sending that money to El Chapo, he knows what to do with it!!

Stating fact only.
Perhaps you were not paying attention during his campaign.

Not really. It's all a huge scam as far as I can tell.

And like with alcohol people who want to smoke weed are just going to go on smoking it anyway regardless of what the law says.

This, its about more than weed.

they do it illegally

and will continue to do so

this won't change peoples perception of which side they're on, being how divided it is today

Yes, they'll go after legal states just like they went after sanctuary cities.


Republican politicians apparently only value states' rights when it's for the things they personally like.

No im not

But I don’t really care that much about weed being legalized, every state that does it is full of cucks who just beg to get taxed out the ass on it so it makes no difference really, it’s nearly as cheap here as where it’s legal

how did it get to his home? Star Trek teleporter?

>Is there a single Sup Forumsapproved argument
One is federally approved and regulated, and the other is considered an illegal drug and is regulated. That is the difference.

If there is no difference, then it shouldn't matter one bit. If you want to get fucked up, go get drunk. They are the same right. No difference, and therefore no need for both to exist on the market.

pic related : you

>I'm officially totally conservative and hip bros.
>Use government force to violently arrest victim-less crimes!!
You have some growing up to do. The government is NOT here to regulate personal behavior or how much soda you drink. Faggot.

Why should alcohol companies have a monopoly on getting people fucked up?

I’m trying to wrap my head around how fucking autistic you are

There is a difference between weed and alcohol

One will fucking kill you if you try to use it as often as you can use the other to little to no consequence


I'm a Ron Paul supporter and a stoner. I don't consider myself part of any political party, although I have been attracted to voluntaryism. Republicans are just power hungry insano's that want to pander, they just happen to pander to small gov't fans, which I am.

Probably in a bag before he rolled a roady and went back out.

this delusion

stoners everyone

Is the only weapon the left have anymore is scaremongering and hyperbole? It's getting old

A lot of the faggot stoners get pretty good jobs. They conform to the status quo and virtue signal like no other. Jobs are mostly a who you know thing.

stop doing illegal things then faggot

Stop driving without a seatbelt and going 5mph over the speed limit you faggot.

So why haven't they acted on weed yet?

>Jeff goes full retard on the Weed
>Trump fire him and replaces him
>Jeff gets his seat back (nullifies the Alabama election)
>New AG then fires Mueller, because new AG did not recuse himself.

Could it happen?


Weed is non-issue. Only degenerates enjoy them. Enjoy your black lungs.

So your stance then is... don't prosecute?

>New AG then fires Mueller

Why would that matter? Why do you people think firing the director would put an end to an investigation and get rid of anything that has been found out? What changed when Comey was fired?

Weed is states' issue, not Federal one. AG's one of duties is to enforce the law. If you don't like the law, then do your duty as a citizen of a Republic.