What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's basically a more realistic version of Goku. He only cares about fighting and meeting strong opponents. Nothing else matters. He won't take shit from his wife and he won't acknowledge his son until he's just as strong.

There was a problem?

Are you animeonly? Because it's a clearly explained in the manga.

It's actually never explained what made him into a psychopath other than "lol I'm strong I don't give a fuck". By the end of the third series Baki is his equal in power and he's not nearly as inhuman as his father, which means that a misanthropic attitude is not at all necessary to possess that level of power

he's a sperg

dude fighting lmao

He just plain hates black people.


They hyped the fight ever since the death of Baki's mom and his blowout in the end of the first series, and it was a canon draw (though Yujiro basically "had enough" and didn't pursue the fight until the death of either one)

Baki managed to match his father despite being only 18 years old. As of Baki Dou nobody else is in that tier of power, except Musashi and MAYBE Kaku Kaioh

I disagree. Go reread those chapters about Yujiro, he's not evil or misanthropic but sad because he's just incredibly strong. He reclaims is rightful place in the natural order and he's not doing that out of arrogance, he hasn't any interest in showing off but seeing someone even imply to not show him the due respect he should he goes mad, and no relevant or wise character has ever tried to deny him that title. Moreoever he's not inhuman, he simply doesn't care about weaklings and beating them up is just a waste of time. Yujiro beat Baki in the actual fight but Baki beat him in the abstract sense. On a pure power scale Yujiro stomped the shit out of Baki.

Yujiro didn't go all out, he only admitted defeat on a mental level but he'll still beat baki physically.

>he's not evil or misanthropic but sad because he's just incredibly strong

Killed Baki's mom in cold blood to make him hate him and work harder to beat him. Earlier, brought the Yasha Ape's decapitated head to taunt Baki into hating him, knowing they had bonded

Regularly picks fights with people he knows have not the smallest chance to win against him (such as literally whos in a boxing gym), maims them, gouges their eyes out just so he can "sleep better"

Gets the fine things in life through theft and intimidation, hasn't worked a day in his life (i.e. wants VIP treatment by governments or he'll just fucking kill everybody)

These are just from the top of my head, but there's no escaping it: he IS evil. All major character kills in the series were by him with the exception of Retsu Kaioh's death

Forgot: The way he got his wife to begin with was basically by invading her former husband's room, snapping his neck, and giving her the BBC. He's not called "Ogre" for being like a human, this applies to his morals

>Forgot: The way he got his wife to begin with was basically by invading her former husband's room, snapping his neck, and giving her the BBC

And his other son is the product of a rape. I really want to see argue him not being evil, he has basically done all the abhorrent things a man can possibly do

He's not evil the reason he can get away with all that shit is because he's strong. You don't have to like him but he's supposed to be at least a bit sympathethic, as it's showed when he bonds with Baki before the fight. He was cursed and blessed with that strenght.

>He's not evil the reason he can get away with all that shit is because he's strong.

So if you can get away with murder and rape you're not evil? What the fuck are you even talking about

>a more realistic version of Goku
no he's not. before super, goku loved fighting but he cared about protecting those he loved and stopping evil more. Yuujiro is like any generic villain who's only evil because he's the bad guy. There's 0 depth to him at all, couldn't fill a fucking puddle.

As I read it Yujiro is justified for all his bullshit even on a moral level because he's the strongest. You can't get mad at a beast for maiming animals, there is no malice in the Ogre. He's "pure" in that way.

>might makes right

Fucking edgelord. By your own "morals" you'd have no right to live, being a weak weeaboo

>As of Baki Dou nobody else is in that tier of power, except Musashi and MAYBE Kaku Kaioh
Pickle beat Baki.

>even on a moral level because he's the strongest
that's not how it works, that's not how any of this works.

Happened once.

Stop applying your shit idea of evil here.
Yujiro is justified in all of his actions, the woman he raped attacked him and the men were martial artists so they had it coming.

For fuck's sake, I'm a meek autist if you're interested, I'm not saying that's my opinion but simply how Yujiro as a character is meant to be taken in the contest of the story.

As of Baki's fight with Yuujiro he had already surpassed Pickle. He broke his fangs with two quick punches when he tried to interfere with his fight

And in Baki Dou, Pickle is squarely below that. Even Motobe did better against Musashi than him (though with massive writer help)


Yujiro has never hurt someone who wasn't fighting back, though.

>shit idea of evil
>the woman he raped attacked him

I can't believe what I'm reading. Raping a woman after you subdued her is NOT self-defense. It's villainy

>Killed Baki's mom in cold blood to make him hate him and work harder to beat him.
Baki doesn't even believe that he did that on purpose.

>wants VIP treatment by governments or he'll just fucking kill everybody
That's never been so much as implied. The governments were the one to call the treaty to him, out of fear that he would do something. Not because he *said* he would do something. And he's loyal to the treaty - he tells Ms. Hinary to fuck off when she tries to usurp the United States' treaty.

>invading her former husband's room, snapping his neck
The husband screams violent, accusatory things at Emi, and pulls a gun on Yuujiro. It's hardly as black-and-white as you therein portray it.

Nobody will make the argument that Yuujiro isn't a bad person/a dick. But he's not 'evil'. He doesn't go around randomly murdering people or anything like that. Plus, his character/personality has drastically changed since the first, early chapters of the manga. As of the current series, he just wants to be left alone. There's hardly anything evil in that.

Just mentioned it since you were including overrated Kaku. Who said himself he would play dead if he had to fight Pickle.

>carefully skirting around the rape of diane neil

Incredible. I bet you're the same user that thought raping someone you subdued is justified

Are you doing this on purpose or you can't really phantom Yujiro's character?

Kaku Kaioh is definitely one of the strongest characters in the series. Retsu was in the top 10 until he died, and he feared and respected Kaku Kaioh. Yuujiro also went into a long speech on how great he was before the finals of the chinese tournament

Why didn't you address the rape? You can't weasel out of that. But eh, I guess you're not evil if you're strong enough not to face repercussions

>Why didn't you address the rape?
I did when I said "all his bullshit" more than one more time.

>Baki doesn't even believe that he did that on purpose.

What the fuck? Where did you get that from?

He blows her eardrums then snaps her ribcage multiple times. He obviously wanted to kill her in front of Baki. This has never been contradicted

Said nothing about it because I thought that I had made my point clear. Yeah, he's a bad person for raping Jack's Mom. And she's a bad person for killing a bunch of her own allies in order to get close to him, and for trying to have him fucking killed *just because*.

Is your intent to argue that anyone in Baki is a morally good person? Because you would be mistaken in attempting to do so.

>And she's a bad person for killing a bunch of her own allies in order to get close to him

She didn't kill allies, she shot at corpses while pretending to have defected the US forces. She was in fact a UN agent all along

When Baki asked him why he did that Yujiro answered it is none of his business. If Baki wanted to ask it is not as obvious as you make it sound.

Yeah, I guess it was an accident. He really was just trying to hug her. Retard

>Is your intent to argue that anyone in Baki is a morally good person? Because you would be mistaken in attempting to do so.

Baki is a goody two shoes, so are many other characters. Half of the point of Baki's character is not being a psycho like his dad

Nice conversation skills. The point is Yujiro is a flawed human being and the biggest battle junkie in a manga where everyone is out of their minds when it comes to fighting but he's not evil, there is no malice in his action in his case and context might makes right, plus he doesn't go around killing and raping for fun. If you don't like it it's fine but don't pretend he's just a flat bad guy.

>B: Between the dreams and reality...
>B: I saw a scene with my own eyes.
>B: My mother, hugged tightly by my father, Yuujiro...
page after this
>B: My dad hugged her too tightly...
>B: My mother was hugging him back...

This obviously his idealized remembrance of the family life he never had. All the other characters saw him kill his mother

Baki was fighting to (naively) earn her love, Yujiro killed her to boost his ambition to beat him

not him, but having a fucked up morality and following it well does not mean your morality isn't fucked up. If I think cats who shit on the carpet deserve to be tortured, i'm still an asshole for torturing the cat. You can't say there's no malice in my actions.

If we want to argue that his mother had developed a morbous relationship with Baki, even if we leave aside his personal motivations he acted to make his son stronger.

A cat wouldn't dream of pissing off Yujiro.

he mellowed out somewhere at the end of new grappler

>He doesn't go around randomly murdering people or anything like that.

except that he pretty much killed a dozen nameless mooks in the original series, or at least crippled them for life

Okay, then, continuing.
>B: She was crying.
>B: Those tears...
skipping skipping skipping
>B: Because he determined that she was to be rewarded.
>B: A woman's most cherished wish as a mother - in that moment, it had become realized.

This is a perspective that the other characters could not have seen, since they didn't know either character.

>I can't read whole posts before responding

I don't even understand what you're trying to say. That there's a circumstance in which him killing his mother was good and not evil?

>You can't get mad at a beast for maiming animals,
No, because beasts don't have the moral and decision making facilities humans do.

Why are you trying to make some sort of black-and-white morality play out of the series?

Is it still not clear at this point that Yujiro respects strenght above all? Think of that time he wanted to break in at the facility Pickle was detained. Two armed soldiers were at the gate, when they saw Yujiro they quickly realized that if they had tried to stop him Yujiro would be in his right to kill them, had they stepped aside Yujiro would have been in his right to kill them because they were cowards. So the two soldiers decided to beat each other up until the both got knocked out. Yujiro commended their strenght and went his way. It is fucked up but again, he can get away with it because he's Yujiro. Had he been just evil he would have stomped them or got in by skipping them.

By killing her he fulfilled her intentions of a mother giving her life to protect her child.
Yujiro is pure.

You're missing a *lot* about this series.

so we are agreeing that he was set up as the evil villain in the first series, and maintained some of those traits throughout the other ones as well?

Well, yeah. He's not evil *now*, but he's still a massive dick. I was never arguing against that.

>when they saw Yujiro they quickly realized that if they had tried to stop him Yujiro would easily kill them
FTFY. I don't know where you're even getting "rights" from.


I feel like that guy's kinda fusing the concepts of Yuujiro and Gilgamesh together. That's the only way that I can make sense of it.

From his strenght, for the tenth time.


We should really redo those chapters someday, with actual volume scans. Hm.




Literally a sociopath.

> man is evil
> natural behavior is wrong
> instinctive comportament relative to male is bad

well we find the sjw from Sup Forums

"this guy is so strong I better do what he says or he would easily kill me" =/= "this guy is so strong it's morally right for him to do this"

you don't even know what the fuck are you talking about

>it's morally incorrect because muh human laws says so


>muh moral relativism

Not him, but I've never really understood the purpose of 'moral relativism'. It's an artificial restriction by force of definition. Why not simply do what you want? Thereby wherein you "stop", you're not inciting a relative moral, but your own will.

>Based Yujiro keeps a thread going for more than three months worth of weekly Musashi's chapters combined
Really gets those neurons grappling

>Baki managed to match his father
Did you forget the fact that the entire fight was basically Yujiro no-selling Baki? Human Nunchuck? The fact that the only thing Yujiro lost at was imaginary dinner?

Baki lost.

So aren't we going to address the fact Yujiro reached new absurd levels of swole during the post-election chapters? Do you think he's up to something?

I think he's just exercising for fun, or maybe just dehydrated himself to look scary for the new president & Hinary. He lacks any real incentive to get stronger anymore, after all.

Isn't yujiros Dad even stronger than him? I seem to recall him be semi-scared of him.

Stronger or not - wouldn't *you* be terrified if a ghost of your father rose out of the ground, and everybody could see it, so you knew it wasn't a fantasy?

On a tangential note, the freaked-outness of this font doesn't really come across in the scanlation. Looks awesome, doesn't it?
I don't remember what was used by the team. When we get around to redoing the end of the third series, I'll try to find some way of making this look cool. To that end, does anyone know any fonts that match (or rival) this one in terms of intensity? I kinda feel like I wanna use something unique, and I've got too many fonts to sift through manually.


I love how you can justify unreasonable actions of characters by showing it from their perspective.


it's like you've never read the source material ever

50 chapters a minute?

Not to sound like a pretentious faggot but I'm kinda saddened by the fact some people skim through Baki because of sorandom and funnyanatomy when it has some really neat character development.

How is that pretentious? No one likes speedreaders, especially when they try to talk as if they know what's going on in the chapters they skimmed through.

>stopping evil more

Haven't genuinely raged at a post in a while.

What do you want?


That's not Retsu.


I refuse to click that link.



Yujiro is a great villain. He is the human personification of the saying ''There is always someone, who is better at doing what you do the best''. He is a symbol as much as he is a character. Also, him winning the fight against Baki made him even better. How often do you see the big bad of a shonen manga, not being defeated at the climax?

Yujiro was just a jerk.

>Finally a Baki thread without Memesashi

Yeah, but every time someone got cocky, Yujiro showed up and put them back in their place.

So is season 3 happening or not?