Yeah haha lets just keep mocking the fucking president and demoralizing the general population haha what could go wrong

yeah haha lets just keep mocking the fucking president and demoralizing the general population haha what could go wrong

Don't worry so much about the money. Worry about whether people start killing journalists. That's a quote.

>why are you getting angry shut up and let me fuck your asshole you're demoralizing me right now just stop struggling and submit

>the general population supports donald trump


>it's not inherently American to make fun of our leader

>Liberals are stupid I should be able to criticize politicians it’s my 1st amendment right
>Trump wins
>Critics are shareblue/ctr shills
>Media is fake news
>Book is bad because it’s dividing our country

The absolute state of trumptards

>please stop saying mean things about the man I have built my entire identity around :(

Good choice of flag to make a brainlet comment

>omg omg omg you can't say that about obama hes racist
>what do you mean not your president you cis white male
>fox news should be illegal, it doesn't completely reflect my opinions on matters
the absolute, always projecting, state of the left.

Don't forget the part where they call any non-American who doesn't love USA a shariablue shill as well.

russia is a stupid ploy by neoliberals
they thin they can use "1 weird trick to get rid of Trump" and then the anomaly will be over and they can go back to the way it was. They don't understand that there will need to be systematic change to keep things like Trump from happening over and over again.

By 'general population' you mean his supporters I assume. People on the other side seem pretty motivated to get in his way.

The President deserves to be mocked. He's a legit fucking retard.

You're demoralized from them? It's practically like the retarded kid at school insulting you. You automatically disregard what they say because they're stupid.

>stop making fun of trump it's demorali- >dem-
>Making me feel bad ;_;

the president deserves to be mocked you fucking thic inbreds

Does liberals have anything other than complete hatred for our way of life and personal insults left? I mean. You could try actually being funny and memeing sometime. Although, that would require creativity.

You stupid, stupid little man. We're not liberals.
And yes, we have plenty more left. This is the beginning. You're going to wish it was left to plain insults when we're done with you fascists.

would you like to be called a nazifag you inbred?

this, but oposite

It's terrifying what is in this book!

The election never ended, it's the same smear narratives over and over and over again, some of which have been repeated like RussiaRussiaRussia and serial rapist abuser. Now they've shifted with this book to he's stupid/has dementia, just like they were doing in the 80s with Reagan.

Liberals cannot talk about actual policy because they know people are with Trump on that, so they are reduced to slurs and insults with help from the media and plants like this so-called author.

I like how plenty of liberals claim that there's no proof that genetics is correlated with IQ while using pejoratives like "inbred" to imply that he's unintelligent from genetics.

Thanks for unintentionally proving that the right is right again.


Why do 50% of my countrymen hate my country?

Fat orange lard and his cucked base spends last 8 years peddling conspiracy theories and shit talking everyone from Meryl Streep to PoWs, but nooooooo we mustn't mock and disrespect this "president."

Wow, conservative propaganda already churning these out at record speed. You guys really have this down to a science.

Rednecks need to be sent to the concentration camps ASAP.

oh no, the poor president.

I'd worry more when people start killing politicians

Show me a single video of Trump going into detail on ANY of his "policies" that is not some childish banter or a nonsensical word salad of a future dementia patient.

do you remember the last 8 years of the Obama presidency? where the right mocked and ridiculed him constantly? are you fucking retarded?

Is it making fun? Or is it blatant propaganda?

It's full of "sources said" nonsense, and the book itself is a $25 paywall. You'd have to be pretty foolish to buy it.

>believing liberal fanfiction


>Trump wins election
>praise him for dividing the country

>Trumps in trouble
>"why is our country so divided? :("

Haha I loved you Trumptards, keep it up.

Don't hate my country. I just hate the fake "patriots" who brag about freedom of speech unless it's a black guy kneeling and who are quick to abandon their "family values" to back alleged child molesters if it means they can get their Christian Sharia laws passed.


>Liberals are the smar-

>proof that the concept of digits is false
>to be this insane and brainwashed


this. There are more people that hate him than there are that don't. And at this point, I'm starting to agree

>dat jew face with the jew lips
>even his fellow kikes aren't backing him up

>it was real in my mind
kikes, when will they ever learn

Lighten up meme flag karl

>a tabloid writer who admits in the first paragraph most of it is not true and can’t be corroborated

This is literally all the left has, publishing obvious nonsense in a book


>Author cautions book is full of contradictions because it's based on personal interviews with different people in the white house who often have opposing personal agendas
>Conservative propaganda: OMg AuTHor ADmiTs HE liED abOUT EVeryTHing iN hIS bOoK.
Shouldn't have dropped out of middle school english to farm corn.

i'm buying the fucking book

>Fake excerpts to discredit book
Lol conservative propaganda is getting desperate

Prove that it's false.


>reeeeeee they weren’t supposed to notice how bullshit it was this fast

It’s republican propoganda to use the authors own words, book reviews and the authors “illustrious” journalistic passed to discredit him?

I know you hate trump irrationally but try to back away from the ledge, you’ll be happier

Roy Moore did nothing wrong.

i literally can't. It could have happened. This is Drumpf we are talking about here.

When was the last time you said anything nice about liberals user? Are you not just as guilty of casting stones?

theres countless journos that need to die

Came here for this. That's a jew face if I ever saw one. One for the oven.

>Proving the negative
The moon is made of cheese that looks, feels, and tastes like dust. Prove it's false.
Fucking moron

>citing a journalist is now invalid to indicate how said journalist's work is incorrect and unreliable

I legitimately believe it should be legal to drag journalists from their homes and offices to lynch them.

>haha what's the deal with libs being snowflakes
>OMG.. they can't say those things about trump... M-my feelings!!

I don't, I just hate 50% of the people in it.

Let them keep mocking. Worked so well for them in 2016, didn’t it? They’re virtually guaranteeing a second trump term

Except it's not his own words. I have the book and I can't find that passage about gorillas anywhere.
Conservative propaganda is infamous for manufacturing fake evidence and having their sock puppet accounts spread it to every corner of the internet while feigning ignorance. Not gonna work any longer mate.

>what could go wrong
You'll find out!

Not by southern standards he didn't, I'm sure.

Careful, you'll damage their cognitive dissonance with questions like that.

>i legitimately have edgy takes

Kek! Good job user.

Another conservative with zero comprehension skills.

Might as well be a liberal with that faggy flag.

Theres a saying in the south that the only two things that will ruin a political career is a dead girl or a live boy. That anecdote appears to hold true

The shills in this thread trying to bash Trump are on another level of retardation. They’re the same ones creaming their pants saying Trump would never make it past Iowa, Trump can never win the primary, Trump is finished he’ll never pill higher than 30%, Trump can never win the general election, Trump will surely be impeached by the end of his first year.

Jesus Christ you fuckheads reach a new level of stupidity everyday. But thanks for the laughs, it’s good to know people are actually this retarded and reminds me why the left is doomed

I’m talking about the forward not the gorilla shit that’s a fabrication

But what’s funny is he book is so saltious and the trump haters are so rabid that they believe the satire

Fox News and MSNBC should be forced to air a label identifying them as PROPAGANDA OUTLETS on every screen. CNN should be relabeled as sensationalist entertainment

>Shills have been operating in pairs.
Wtf are you guys even going on about? What do you have to say about the boom?

>Proving the negative

I don't have a new Ferrari parked in my garage and I can show you a picture, or you can look for yourself, to prove it. Just because proving a negative can be more difficult doesn't necessarily make it impossible.

Liberals haven’t done anything nice or worthwhile in the last 20 years. I should know. I was one.

>half this book is uncorrobeeated bullshit the other half is a narrative me and my buddy put together based on parts of a bunch of other bullshit stories

>it might not be true! (Haha can’t sue me now)

Ever seen how with enough recorded voice you can now make anyone say anything? It’s almost like he could take all these stories that are false or fake and make the narrative whatever he wants

Then don't elect someone so easy to mock.

Regan did have dementia
HW Bush and the CIA were running the show, thats why we got a gun ban and amnesty
CIA has been running the show ever since

>there should be more state regulations because i'm literally too retarded to discern for myself what is propaganda and what is news
god you fucks are so hopeless that you don't know how hopeless you are.

How is the forward proof that his book is all lies? If anything, the author is being upfront in cautioning the reader to keep a skeptical mind when reading what's essentially political gossip that he's collected during his time in the White House
Doesn't mean the gossip is all fake, just that gossip often has personal agendas behind them and that the reader should arrive at their own truth.

Thanks Obama

Okay, tell me how you would prove to someone that an excerpt is fake. Scan the whole fucking book for you page by page or tell you to go fuck yourself and buy the book?

We're glad you self diagnosed the problem and deported your useless ass to the Republican side :)

To me it just sounds like conservatives getting a good taste of their own medicine (project veritas).

I member being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama
I member the corporate MSM getting 99% behind President-elect Obama
I member libs saying nothing about Obama ordering drone strikes, killing innocent brown people
I member libs defending Obama on pushing for violent civil war in Syria
I member libs ignoring how Obama continued Bush's policies, bailouts, wars, spying
Basically everything i member about libs makes them appear like worms

This author just reeks of Judaism

of coursh

Because you know from the get go that much of it is untrue but you don’t know what is untrue

Therefor you can only logically consider it all untrue

>believe me
>I can tell you
>bigger/better than anyone had ever thought
>dow Jones

This is how the man talks. Someone needs to replace his batteries or update the language pack or something.

this, otherwise it's just amnesia

You won't be thinking that when the hood is forced over your head and you feel the noose tighten around your neck.

US news is such a joke. Headline on cnn for days is about a fan fiction book.


I remember conservatives screeching about Obama's golf trips yet staying silent when Donny skips town every weekend.
I remember conservatives whining about the national debt yet ignoring the $1trillion or so that's gonna be added from this tax cuts.
I remember conservatives calling executive orders dictatorial yet celebrating Donny's use of them
I remember conservatives preaching about "family values" yet voting for thrice divorced pussy grabbers and alleged child molesters.

Basically everything I remember about conservatives make them appear as the fake patriotic little hypocrite pieces of shit that they are.

>Demoralizing the population
What a weak argument. You can't even defend the cheeto properly.

>george bush had a fucking sitcom that mocked how stupid
>wah wah trump is the most attacked president in our national history don't say mean things about him :(

Imny following your logic there. First, I don't know from the get go that "most of it is untrue."
Second, even if MOST of it is untrue, the statement that ALL of it is therefore untrue does not follow logically.
But it really just comes down to who you trust. Donny lies about things that you can see with your own eyes. Forgive me if I find it hard to give him any benefit of doubt.