Why would a white person not support the idea of a white ethnostate?

Why would a white person not support the idea of a white ethnostate?

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because (((they)))'ve poisoned the minds of a vast number of white people to be self-hating pawns in (((their))) plot.


Because it is globalistic. You only think you have alot in common with Europeans, and would get along.

Because the jews are pushing it

because they can't handle the comfyness of it

I'd get along with them a hell of a lot better than I get along with the niggers and beaners I'm supposed to pretend are Americans.

how else 2 drive down price of labor?

cuz it's mean

Because they're not a racist shitbag who latches on to 19th century ideals?

This. Look at polls on segregation and miscegenation in the US from < 60's. The numbers don't lie

Because I believe in the actions of each individual and in the US of A Constitution.

Stupid dumbfuck racists.

Meme flags were a mistake.

>being this naive

>Most white Americans are 20th century immigrants.

I don't get why relative newcomers to the county believe they are "real" Americans.

Low self esteem.


Parent / daddy issues.

Impotent that needs to rely on the government.

Tons of reasons.


Because "white people" are smart enough to realise that "white" makes up several different Nations and Cultures. Just because you are white, doesnt make you American, British, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Swedish, etc

What you want is another form of Globalism, fuck off jew.

>the jews are pushing for people to have pride in themselves and the countries they built
wtf I love jews now

because they are infected by American ideology

why would you not support globalism in a white world? The only reason globalism is a problem is because the planet is full of trash

because approximately half of whites are female, and (((diversity))) is what is currently socially acceptable

race is a spook

who are you quoting

No one wants to lose their job or social standing. If Nebraska declared itself a whites-only ethnostate right now it would reach it's max population limit by tomorrow night.

>anyone that doesn't want their race to be displaced and become a minority in their own country is racist

>if they're white

Who said we were going to let in Europeans? I want no immigration and more deportations.
No they're not.
Best response so far actually.
My ideals are eternal.
The founding fathers were white nationalists and slave owning "racists".
They really were.
I have English ancestry that goes back to the 1600s in America. I also have a great-grandfather that was an Irish immigrant. White people in America generally interbreed with whites of other ethnicities.
You're confusing white nationalism with (((pan-Europeanism))). Poland is for the poles, Ireland for the Irish, etc.

Yeah, that worked so good for Europe before 1945. Lets go back to the 30 Years' War! Yay....

The 'White' ethnostate was the United States of America upon being founded. It is undeniable given everything the founders said about it.

Franklin warned that the Germans would ruin it (as Germans often do to great things) but his warnings were heard and eventually everyone as forced to integrate into Anglo-American society. They had to become American or face being outcasts.

Forget the blacks - they were never a part of America anyway except for farming equipment. It really started going down hill after the 1969 immigration act opened the country up to undesirables and actively blocked Europeans.

Old Anglo values (not found in the UK much these days I might add) created the most prosperous and free society on earth. Other Europeans could adapt easily to it (German autism aside), but the non-white races are totally incompatible with the concept of freedom and basically civilization itself.

Anyway a white ethno state would work - it did before - but you'd have to get rid of a lot of people (both white and non-white) in order to create it.

Because the Sovereignty of my Country is being threatened?
Sorry but i dont want a bunch of Brits in my country.

it's especially evil because whites are innately altruistic. the poisonous culture of self hatred and putting others before themselves is tailor made for white people.

>Sorry but i dont want a bunch of Brits in my country.
Tell me about it.

>Why would a white person not support the idea of a white ethnostate?

Their lack of support just denudes their lack of experience with non-whites in large numbers. Sargon just reeks of this.

They've been programmed by leftist bullshit all their life.

It's because they aren't white. 23andMe will always reveal the hidden Jew.

Globalism is flawed at a structural level because politics doesn't scale.
What works for a family is different than what works for a community, for a state, for a nation, and for the world.

You would be against the idea too if "all whites" suddenly became citizens of Britain, You would freak about "muh sovergnty"

Its literally Brexit.

Civic nationalism is the last stand of jews and guys with non-white girlfriends

Because they think coloreds will think, "What a great person" and they'll be famous, but alas, it's just projection just like when women work out and have those high power jobs since many cunts think that what THEY like in men, men must somehow like in them too. Projection is all it is.

Because that is counterproductive. Why sort by skin color when you can sort by usefulness?

Cause white people without a dictator naturally hate each other and wouldnt look out for each other

u confusing ethno nationalism with white nationalism

they are still 99% easier to get along with then nigs n spics
unless your the type of person that thinks europeans are already nigs n camel jockeys

hmm is this why whites love to burn coal?

they must love the dirty looks they get on the streets..
since they never got any growing up

Decades of brainwashing

>white -nationalism
>race - nationalism
>ethnicity -nationalism
>ethno - nationalism?

Are you capable of independent thought or do you just read a meme and think "lol ya fuck jews"

Jews and masons have fucked up the minds of the people.

because it implies a retreat into some kind of reservation, which will be smaller than our current grounds. It constitutes a defeat.

why not both?

Cuz is rasycs to want to create a country with people from European descent

That is generally not what people here mean when they talk about a white ethnostate.

They are thinking about retreating into some kind of reservation and giving up on the rest. That is unworthy defeatist thinking.

Because I believe that "white people" is not an ethnicity and expecting a diverse ethnic group to all get along based on the colour of their skin is fucking retarded. Also because I treat people as individuals and not members of the White Hivemind.

hahahah. Jews & Masons now.

What is America pre 1965?

>white immigrants in the US don't have a history of absolutely brutal racial violence against other white immigrants

There's literally zero praxis on the recreation of the ethnostate.

they'd literally be racist no matter what race

get your snowflake perseuction complex the hell outta here