Wanted to bring attention to a Greek thrash band named Exarsis who is pissing off a lot of Jews with their new album. The lyrics are anti Jewish, and the cover contains an image of a rabbi reading a book with the Star of David on it, dripping blood. The title of the album is New War Order. I’ve been into metal a long time and although anti Christianity is common, few have ever gone after Jews this explicitly. I think these guys deserve some attention from our family. They are getting a lot of flak so far (even though the album is excellent if you like this style). And, as you know, Greece has been hit hard economically and demographically. Might help them out. I just ordered.
Wanted to bring attention to a Greek thrash band named Exarsis who is pissing off a lot of Jews with their new album...
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Literally had no idea about this, thanks.
is Exarsis /ourband/
I don’t know about that. Sadly like many Greeks some of the members look Arabized, and their Facebook post in response to flak included “fuck Nazis and fascism”, but that may just been cover.
Track 2 is insanely good, and listen to the clip they play at the beginning of track 4. That took some balls to include
no that's just a regular chassidic jew
The band themselves said it was a rabbi
Check out the best track “Twisted Logic”
Grand Belial's Key has been doing that well since the late 90s
I think theyre still on youtube
arabs dont have masculine faces
my Greek brothers are just darker
Neat. Might givethem a listen