Good ol counter-signal thread...

Good ol counter-signal thread. Bonus points if somebody posts the one where its a tranny addicted to drugs and says "Capitalism has failed"














Same uniform, same ROE.



dunno if this counts

A few years ago I actually saw a girl I used to respect post that picture of the refugee kid covered in ashes going on a rant against people "who say they want borders." I thought it was just a meme until I saw it for myself.

Close enough


lmao the e-thots and roasties actually created that picture, I just copied it

It does








These memes are reason why I stopped arguing or even thinking about arguments.

>be nonwhite/immigrant slime
>go to university built by whites
>demand space apart from whites


>be white
>inherit nation and institutions from the founding stock of this nation
>desire a return to immigration policy of the past that lead to the greatest peace prosperity and power the world has ever known instead of ruining it

not the same

Sup Forums is about 30%-40% leftists atleast
woudnt say this is a "special zone" if thats what your getting at

He's still in better shape than me tho :/

>/pol is 30-40% wrong

No. /pol is always right.

By "pushback" I assume we're talking about bans and censorship and probably doxing, because that's pretty much par for the course when disagreeing with leftists.

The only "safe spaces" right wingers have created are safe spaces for free speech. You can come here on Sup Forums and spout your left wing beliefs all you want. You'll get a lot of shit but you won't get banned unless you are just spamming cuck memes.

>text walls
>strawman arguments
>smugie rip off

the left STILL can't meme

haha good one