Do you like dogs, Sup Forums?

Do you like dogs, Sup Forums?

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love em

Monty Python did nazi comedy, so did Mel Brooks, nobody is talking about convicting them for h8 crimes, we live in the era of stupidity now.

They're still talking about this guy? Jesus

ruin someone life, similar to people who argue that people who smoke weed should get 20 years in prison

Even British prosecutors are struggling to get any sort of conviction for this, but they keep trying.

I love dogs




There's nothing wrong with doing "nazi" salutes, God and the Sharia say nothing against it, to have such ridiculous laws is an affront to the eternal laws of God.

Furthermore, Hitler (pbuh) was a muslim at heart.

When we take formal control of the UK we will make sure to get rid of such petty laws, mashallah.



kill all the minorities



Can't be having Nazi dogs running around.



Hitler liked dogs, muslims do not.

Couldn’t he just say he taught the dog to raise its hand?

the nu-jew in me hopes he's given an absurdly harsh sentence. Best of luck.

Nah. The video in question the dog only raised it's paw when he played Hitler talking

>spent his life and career making fun of whites
>"Heil Myself"

Goddamn it, I can't hate this fucking heeb. He's fucking hilarious.


not to mention how historically accurate this song is. Even threw in Hitler escaping to Argentina. Mel Brooks was the man.

cats are the real nazis

>ear lobes
>dyed hare
they deserve it throw them under the prison

This guy is living hell. Film your pooch doing salute, goes viral on YouTube, get arrested, Jews mount up and keep you in court for a decade, life ruined. Die. Pooch sleeps on your grace and does Nazi salute as sun comes up. The absolute state of white cuckery by the Zio-mafia.

Teaching your dog a history-based trick is illegal.

From my knowledge, the reason for conviction wasn't because he taught the dog the Nazi salute (which is what the media is jumping on), but because he said the phrase "gas the Jews" 20-something times in the video. The argument was made that he chose to edit the video containing "gas the Jews" over and over again, and that was the "hate crime" that got him convicted.

Does anyone have a link to the actual video?


This can't be real... i opened 15 tabs of it here

Nothing wrong with praising the new sun to hail your neighbour.
Pointing at the sun is the oldest form of greeting.

Alex Jones interviewed the guy, and shows the video

Must be spending $100k in legal fees. The new David Irving is a pug-owning hipster lol.

The bongs are the dumbest motherfuckers on this planet. Not even the niggers are that stupid, they only act out their tribal niggardry, but these kike-slaves.... ahahaha, oh fuck. So fucked in the head, haaha

He hasn't been convicted yet, but yes that's the argument

Why is that a hate crime when you've commuted no acts of violence against anyone else? Is freedom of speech not a thing in England?


>kill all the minorities
You’re running out of time user

>Is freedom of speech not a thing in England?
No. It's a horrible dystopian shithole, always has been.

Literally everyone I know who has a German Shepard and does schtuzhund with it has taught their dog this. Any dog trainer I know that’s not pet smart tier has done this. It’s funny. Literally I know a trainer that works for a Jew and taught the dogs to do this. Jew just rolls her eyes. No mildly intelligent person is offended by this.

Hes from Scotland user, not England.

Lol no freedom of speech in bongland

We have unconstitutional crimes like that in the states

Not paying income tax
Driving without a license
Any millions things without having a license
Various product bans
Selling things the wrong way
Not baking a cake for fags

Oh, but same laws, right? We have hate crime laws too, but you aren't charged with one unless you commit some act of violence against someone else WHILE spewing "racist" words

Consider your flag. Your country has similar "hate speech" laws due to presh from the Zio-mafia.

We're seeing a confluence of Zionist censorship and corporate globalism, the endgame being a goblin-class white populace stripped of power, and stripped of the power to dissent. The end of the world started not with a bang, but with a pug Sieg Heiling on YouTube. I pray that Sup Forums isn't shut-it-downed by this time next year m8.

>Not posting pics of Hitler and Blondi

Also this

Merely being racist near somebody can be considered threatening speech and can be banned now

They've banned protesting too close to abortion clinics

We're slowly eroding as well because the leftist lawyers are trying new avenues constantly

They'll try to make hate speech we facto banned as an implicit threat of violence. It's already justified somewhat under fighting words doctrine

The fact this is going before a judge as Exhibit A is laughable. What ever next

Scotland laws are even worse. The SNP (nationalists) are as far left as Lenin.

But who is the victim of his supposed crime?
Unless his dog went and gas some jews who was hurt?

>No mildly intelligent person is offended by this.
The vast majority of humans on this planet are inept inbred borderline autistic simpletons. Why do you think shit like this is news?

>mfw dipshit prosecutors have turned him full 14/88

The fuck is wrong with the bloody British establishment. Anything they touch goes to shit.

Youngfags aren't bothered because they think hate speech laws in the US are more stringent, but you fail to see how the Jews don't give af, they mainly bleed you out in legal costs until you plea deal, because their funds are bottomless, coming from ADL and faceless Jewish zealots around the world. They spent $10 million just to fight David Irving, then made a bullshit movie about the trial called Denial that was conveniently nominated for Oscars. This dog guy is being made a global example of to warn others that no case is too trivial. He's a goy caught in their legal drag net. You could be next. Everyone here could.

A local rabbi or something got upset. Actual Israel's sent him hate mail and death threats for being a pussy

>/our doggo/


So its literally
>muh feels got hurt
The absolute state of Scotland

Your Nazi war dogs are memes. Here's an actual war hero from the Great War.

dyah like dahgs?

This should be memed.

Check'd and kek'd

thank you for this

The Israeli press has non-stop articles about this guy. It's sickening.

A documentary team has a gold mine here, this trial is literally Kakfa-esque and they are putting the dog on the stand.

Scotland is a festering shithole full of the worst dregs of humanity. Scotland is like Ireland, all those who were smart and capable left for the new world leaving the shit stained boot lickers behind.

t. Expat Scot.


He literally says Nazi is the least cute most offensive thing he can think of. How can anyone claim he was supporting Nazi ism?

>Is freedom of speech not a thing in England
Literally only if you're calling for the deaths of non-Muslims

Lol he looks exactly like a mate of mine

Sounds like you're talking about a civil suit case and this is a criminal case. Can UK courts indefinitely extent a criminal case to extort money or am I missing here?

We must secure the existence of the working line and a future for Alsatian puppies.

The 14barks

muslims are aloud to have dogs for hunting purposes , muslims Must treat animals with care or they will be punished for it.

most muslim families love CATS , my uncle has 5 cats and 3 newborns.

Meanwhile in the Scottish Democratic Republic.


>most muslim families love CATS , my uncle has 5 cats and 3 newborns.
>muslim families
>my uncle
Get the fuck out of my country

>ear gauges
He deserves it.

DOEGS? I foecken loev doegs.

hah, nice!

I'm half white yet have three GSDs. Does this make me honorary white meow?

Goddammit Pelle!
Outmemed by Swede...AND ITS NODRINK JANUARY!!!

>Is freedom of speech not a thing in England?
It literally isn't. Government could pass a law to ban criticism of them tomorrow, if they had enough MPs to push it through.

lmao why does anyone give a shit about this? dogs already hate black people. them doing nazi salutes doesn't change anything.

I'm going to burn a Scottish flag and see what happens.

Lock him up for being irritating.

Are Roman salutes illegal in not-free-countries?


Gas the Jocks. Heil Edward I.

>I'm half white
Maybe the mutt memes are true.

Stubby is a fucking war hero

You leave stubby out of this

Scottish courts, so common sense is completely over ruled by marxist thought criminality. Hurt feelings result in at least 6 years in jail.

This poor bastard...

That obvious faggot is bit late in copying Finnish memes.

>dyed hare

Pot meet kettle.

Actually I don't hate the Scots, as a part Ulster man (Last true Scots) I just can't stand the shower of bastards running Scotland.

>same laws

what exactly did you "check", newfag?