Can we talk about the real wage gap?

Can we talk about the real wage gap?
The gap between zero and $15/hr.

are there any jobs you would do that pay something like $4/hr?
Seems the internet is exempt from min wage, people do tons of shit for pennies even.

Seems to me that there should be no such thing as minimum wage at all

>pic related
They aren't even lying, it's the whole point to deny children any experience

Other urls found in this thread:

Mechanic Master Race reporting in.
I earn $43k a year, after taxes. I live rent-free in a cottage on my grandpa's 5 acre property (there are 5 cottages and 1[3bdr] house). My monthly household bill is $90 a month (this excludes my own personal expenses, although still cheap too). We have 700lbs+ of game meat and fish in freezer and dry freeze form. My siblings, cousins and other extended family have used this place as a refuge to pay no rent, save funds and pool for last 41+ years!
I'm estimating that there has been 24+ family members that have spend anywhere from 4 to 15 years here to accumulate wealth. My dad did 6 years here while he was a logistics coordinator. I'm in my 2nd year here and plan to stay for 10 years.


OP is a faggot

I used to do survey shit online for around $7-$10 an hour back in the mid-2000s. I'd see movie trailers early and rate my opinion of them and such.

Uber driver pays about $4/hour for 90% of drivers who don't know what the fuck they're doing. Many even drive at a net loss after fuel, mileage depreciation, maint, etc. Still hordes flock to it.

Texas sucks.. mostly rednecks and white trash.

Fuck off, you asshole

Steamfitter here, I make way more than you do. Big fucking deal, that doesn't matter.

this is a societal issue, not some pissing contest over cost of living and one's personal choice of lifestyle.

That pic is so misleading. Most minimum age earners in Canada were Philippino work visa recipients who send all money back. Pretty dumb to raise minimum wage just for them.

The high minimum wage will force small slightly struggling businesses to go bankrupt, the big corps will do fine, the small ones will suffer

If you are 35+ and don't have a skill/certification to make more than minimum wage, there's nothing that can be done to help you.

It's not dumb
It's about bleeding our wealth away to the 3rd world while the 3rd world takes positions that should be filled by our children

oh right, it's way too expensive to have children for some strange reason.

Fix it leaf. 3rd world is bleeding your money and 3rd world is replacing you.

>working full-time on a minwage job

Uhh sweetie? Minwage are TEMPORARY jobs, kay?


>spending money
>increasing prosperity
Pick one.

>are there any jobs you would do that pay something like $4/hr?
I waited tabled for about a year. Pay was less than $3/hour.

Pipefitter here. I wouldn't get out of bed for $43k/year. That is working class poor. I can vouch for my Steamfitting brother. We Fitters are a Master race! Money flows from the heavens like mana.

Those niggers are dumb. I make 20-30$ an hour and only work friday and saturday. I drive mostly in leftist and fag areas in LA

The problem isn’t that minimum wage is so low, the problem is that so many “””adults””” try to survive on these jobs which are designed to be starter jobs for teenagers. How about instead of fighting for 15, you fight for a real job instead?

And where would the money come from?

Its symptomatic of an unhealthy, stagnant economy if there is a disproportionately large amount of people working the bottom end jobs like clerk, carer, cashier.

Id much rather see the nations become more economically productive (which yes, means the manufacturing meme too) than minimum wage raised.

Also remove women from the work place, and require a special permit for this except in difficult circumstances. Part of the problem apart from rapefugees is women working regular hours at regular jobs, which was never the norm. This is not my opinion, but Biblically grounded.

Sorry, blame the alcochol. I meant to say, if we should regulate or post a minimum wage, where would the money come from?
Wages are dictated by the market.
Your pic is not related, it's just that aging boomers with no pension savings and low-skill workers need to earn extra, so they steal the teen jobs.
If you mean to remove min. wage as to allow teens to work, this is bullshit, you will get back to paying kids 10c per sale, up to a dollar or two per day. Welcome back to the 1920s.

>unhealthy, stagnant economy
There are plenty of jobs. The problem is that people insist on working shit tier jobs, and DEMAND that they be paid the same as people who spent time in school and became experts in a field.

A Sandwich artist from subway does not deserve $15/hour EVER.

If a job can be accomplished by any 16 year old, it is a minimum wage job, and not a cent more.

H U N T I N G • I S T • K A N G
Cityfag issues. Our family of 59 (not including in-laws and their families), across 3 generations, are a family of brainlets. We are skilled labor, farmer and fire arms dealers. Yet, for 41+ years, we have saved, pooled and invested to reach eight figures in the lower 30s. We still live frugal as shit, boy. It's actually so easy to build wealth, it's just a matter of huddling and pooling for a generation or two.
Debt and rent is absolutely alien to us

>Sandwich artist
>coffee artist
They are not even that, they are just "bread stacker" and "drink pourer". They deserve the bare minimum indeed.

Minimum wage is a price floor and you failed econ.

>you will get back to paying kids 10c per sale, up to a dollar or two per day. Welcome back to the 1920s.

That's absurd. You claim the market than post a straw man as if jobs wouldn't go unfilled due to lack of compensation.

Comon man

I would respectfully disagree on this mark as I feel when we start talking about populations rather than individuals, it is and always has been my observation that people take the path of least resistance. If they can get by on bottom tier jobs, they will. I dont feel this is a unique characteristic of todays people, and its why I feel this is a top down issue.

That's nice an all. Just don't go all "op is a fag" just because your clan is good to go.

Other than that, there's nothing wrong with out Jewing everyone else according to YOUR standards.

Minimum wag is, now and forever, $0 per hour. No amount of legislation will change this.

>price floor
artificial market that prices menial jobs out of existence, legally speaking. I guess you like the invaders

Minimum wage removal means a job is paid the bare minimum, so Paco's children will get to make you sandwitches for cents.

>They are not even that,
I know. I am just making fun of their corporate bullshit. They used to advertise that they hire sandwich artists.

Around 2000 when Subway was taking off, my buddy (who is an artist, god bless him) gets a job at Subway, and quit a week later. He was shocked that they did not allow him a creative license while he was there. He was mad that all he did was make subs.

>If they can get by on bottom tier jobs, they will.
But they cannot get by on bottom tier jobs, so they bitch that they are not being paid enough. Minimum wage is doubling in some areas. These people are taking jobs from high school kids, AND not committing to a real job that benefits society....And somehow they are getting paid a reasonable rate for this shit. This is my problem. I work in infrastructure as a pipefitter. You cannot fill the welding needs in this country right now. You could go anywhere and make thousands of dollars a week working on pipes.

I value intelligence, but there is nothing intelligent in taking away a kids starter job.....Funnier yet, places like mcdonalds won't fuck around. They will fire as much staff as possible and replace them with automated touch know, for the customer to act like they work there.

Then they go the fuck back


>Seems to me that there should be no such thing as minimum wage at all
This is correct. It has only harmed the world.

This. People are complacent.

OP is a fag

>If they can get by on bottom tier jobs, they will
Why should lazy people be provided a comfortable life by the government?

These positions clearly aren't necessary anymore. Making it hard for people to complacently fill them is good.otherwise they then raise youth to do the same in a minimal environment which would regress our society's skill.

Kinda like African mudhuts, they don't need more to survive.

>I like that content
here's something for you

I agree with everything you're saying, the only point that I differ on is im not sure most people have the perspective or even care enough what their impact is on the economy at large. Im certainly not saying that people who get stuck doing these jobs in their 40's and 50's are smart. Its just that its easy to do.

>You cannot fill the welding needs in this country right now. You could go anywhere and make thousands of dollars a week working on pipes.
I cant help but feel this furthers my side of the argument. To identify this requires both some basic degree of economic insight but also take, mental effort and money on education. I worked as a manager within healthcare some years back, overseeing a lot of 30, 40 and 50 year old people who were doing basic carer work. Sub nursing positions. A lot of these people are good mothers, fathers, etc, but they just dont know any better and dont know how to identify opportunity and take economic risks.

I feel you may aswell be asking "why are some people ambitious, and why are others not".

This was common practice until a century ago. Go be independent and "leave the nest". Oh no, we never survived together with our family during hunter-gatherer times, pooling resources.

t.McLeod Clan

Duhhh, what are tips?

>large corporation
>100+ employees

No wonder there are so many CEO's

Saw this post yesterday cunt

>reporting your tips

So why isn't every job dependent on instant performance reviews?

I'd abolish the minimum wage. It just becomes the standard wage for any form of low-skilled labor.
inb4 "you want workers earning 4 cents an hour!!!" as if there's no competition for human resources. Scandinavia and Singapore can thrive without a minimum wage, so fuck off.

>60% women

How about we just abolish the minimum wage

>t. Jamal Hermano Garcia McLeod

100 employees is a large corporation?

>most people have the perspective

You and I are on the same page. These people are lacking perspective. You are totally correct! They have no sense of self preservation, and attempt to only do enough to get by and justify bitching about how they were downtrodden etc.

>I feel you may aswell be asking "why are some people ambitious, and why are others not".

It is exactly like that. I know that people will always bitch and complain, and that there will be slackers who do the bare minimum....but for fucks sake, why do we entertain them and give in at this point? $15 an hour at a fast food restaurant will cost more jobs, not create them. Now instead of having 4 kids in high school learning a bit of responsibility and minor skills, now we have a half dozen touch screens and one wore out and tired attendant.

They fight against their own interest. They force the hand of automation. They don't realize that are bitching their way out of a job.

British Master race reporting in.

The idea is that your economy advances to a higher skilled labour force, you know, like us. We leave the menial jobs to the Pavels and the Piotrs, while we pull the capitalist strings around the world financially. Higher value, see?

>Duhhh, what are tips?
100% random and not guaranteed. However, People gladly work for less then $3/hour with performance based incentive pay.

How (((convienent)))

I own a business. Just started. Doing great so far. But I take as little as I can from my business. I bet it's near 4 an hour for a ~80 hour week.

Get shitted on, Leaf! Forcing higher taxes to raise minimum wage is a god damn travesty and you should drink piss if you think this is the only way.

I believe Sup Forums's god emperor hath proven that decreased corporate tax rates has numerous companies voluntarily INCREASING their minimum wages to $15 per. And it comes at no one else's expense. No one is being forced into it by their Gibs-me-Gov't.

Idk what the fuck occurs in your dead-end, psuedo-commie shit brained wasteland of a country with your faggot PM, but the burgers proved forcing higher taxes isn't the way to do it.

That made sense when you kept the Mohammads in their containment harams

you must live in Londonstan and don't have to live anywhere near the absolute niggers and Jihadis that have invaded.

They ain't like the Normans you fucking retard.

Yeah I always thought this was retarded. Why should I have to subsidize and employee’s wage because their boss doesn’t pay them and that’s because that’s “just the way it is”. I of course tip though because I don’t like spit in my food.

an employee’s wage*

Wouldn't be an issue if the west still had their industrial libido. No wonder there are more women in low skill jobs, men instinctively look for better work

Exactly. These people working at mcondalds now, in a past time might have been in a factory making far better wages.
IMO the nation has failed we have too many people occupying the bottom end.
You type a lot of nothing.

What you did I did to figure out Ontario Teacher per hour rates for their inflated salaries

Government teachers get $60+/hr here. Can you fuking believe that shit?

>You type a lot of nothing.
You use a meme flag and type next to nothing.

>These people working at mcondalds now, in a past time might have been in a factory making far better wages.
They still don't deserve $15 /hour . If they worked in a factory, they have skills that are above and beyond flipping burgers.

I did not believe this guy, but did a quick search, apparently 78 dollars an hour....


I also took into account their ample time off from work for summers and other breaks.

Replace it all by robots. All.
16yr wants to work. Everything usually done by 16yr olds is automated. The only thing is left: sucking neighbors dick while the robot mow the lawn. And its already happening, but they take opioids instead because they don't want to be gay.

>16yr wants to work. Everything usually done by 16yr olds is automated.
I was "working" at the age of 12. I cut lawns for 2 summers borrowing the family mower. I made and saved a few thousand. By 14, I had a taxable job as the "paper boy" in addition to my lawn care. By 16, I was cutting lawns, delivering papers and working in a retail job.

By 18, I had dropped both the paper route, and the lawn care and was working commission retail selling audio equiptment AND the previous retail job.

I bought my first car outright, which was only 3 years old. I was 18.

It has been that way ever since. I refuse to sit still, and refuse to be told that I can't make more. You can easily make more....either get another job, or get a job that pays better. It is not a hard concept. If you aren't being paid enough, go find another job.

Minimum wage jobs are minimum skill jobs. They are paid based on their benefit to society. they are low skill because even a young child could do it. By increasing minimum wage, you price youths out of the workforce.

Nothing is worse then a teenage with idle time. I never had time to party, do drugs or drink. I had plenty of money, and was great with finances.

>Get women out of the work force
>Round up the uneducated spics and blacks
>Ship them out or kill them
>Kill the Kikes
>Tariff the shit out of foreign made goods
>Tax breaks for companies that employ Americans

>Low supply of labor
>dependent on local labor supply

BAM fixed the economy

I'm working since I was 16 too. Had two large blocks where I distributed local trade paper. It went up from this.

But this is different. All the "typical jobs" will gone soon. China is loosing 1 million factory jobs a year to robotisation. They will and can afford putting the rice farmer to trade school or similar. Nothing the like will happen in the US, and we already see that. The ex-coal miner has no options (besides dropping oxi).

how to get industry experience? I just got my AAS in automotive, but no one will hire me.

China is a slave state, as all Communist states are. Only the Party Members get to be "rich"

I guess it's the ultimate question. Can a country founded by Protestant Christian Europeans be turned into a shithole because people are easy to bribe into slavery

Thats still young. That is working in college

>All the "typical jobs" will gone soon.
Slippery slope fallacy.

IF we raise minimum wage to $15/hour, MANY minimum skill jobs will certainly go to automation. The cost of goods and services will stay the same, but the cost to produce "customer service" will go down. Less people will need to work. People will still need to find new jobs. IF they were hamburger makers for their whole life, they will need retrained.

By the same token:

My job won't be automated ever. they need to make a 100% human analog that has perfect AI. By the time that happens, the AI would have killed us all, and there would be no need for me, and my skills anyway.

>The ex-coal miner has no options
You must be smoking crack. AN ex-coal miner has an impressive resume. It may show that he is a great employee, and shows up on time every day. He may rarely take time off, and is dedicated. He also should have developed side skills over the years that with a bit of finesse can be honed and quickly be used for work. "General Labor" out of our local labor's locals pay over $25/hour + benefits & retirement. Someone with that skill set would be an excellent choice for general labor.

No different then a mcdonalds worker who is not getting a raise from $7.45/hour. There are great paying jobs out there. Saying there is not is just bullshit, and you are talking out your ass.


make 10$ an hour. wage slave.
400$ a month. -57 for medislave and fed theft.
45 min drive to work. 5$ in gas each way each day. 150$ car insurance, 60$ phone, 43$ health insurance, splitting a 400$ 1 bdrm rent.
how much do I have left to eat? can I support a child? its not like a make minimum wage...

There is a huge middleclass now in China. Sure, they manipulate currencies and create one bubble after the others. Their central bank gives trillions with both hands to any shitty idea you can copy from the West. But they will keep their populace happy. The US doesn't care about that. The downfall is already happening.

People getting out of universities with A+ and still have to take entry jobs (if not just in the small niche of being an IT specialist). The wall where the train will hit hard is already in sight.
And if you ask "think tanks" they are mincing words and say all will be good, but not how.

>Saying there is not is just bullshit, and you are talking out your ass.

Dont tell me:

>There is a huge middleclass now in China

China is also about to become the largest Christian country in the world. Communists rip down churches but the signal spreads among the "middle class" that has Party affiliation

This is 100% different then them being qualified to do a job. Fact of the matter is that a hungry person will exercise their skills to make the most. If you offer to teach a man to fish, and he refuses to learn, he might as well refuse to eat as well.

They are 100% qualified to do general labor. I know this because I worked general labor for 2 years. Anyone who knows how to use a shovel is a candidate.

Starve them out.

Trades are the path to follow now. Academia is corrupted, more and more degrees are worthless by the day (not to mention the ones that were never worth a damn to begin with), and as a consolation prize you get crippling debt that you will pay off forever

Glad to see some people actually get how to defeat the jews through familial connections, now all you need is to include the neighborhood and you have natsocs. I'm sure you have a good relationship with the neighbors.

God, poor people like you disgust me. Your life of Carl's Jr and complaining is not making things any better. When I was making 10 bucks an hour, I went to community college at night. After just two years I went from $20k a year to $44k a year. Now I'm working towards university and hope to double my income again. Quit being pathetic and fix your shit.

>consolation prize you get crippling debt that you will pay off forever
Student Loans are one of the best loans in the USA. They cannot even be absolved in bankruptcy. Yet the idiots that go for liberal arts degrees don't correlate this with cash-scam. Any other thing is subject to review. I can complain about my french fries being cold, and I may get a refund. $80k in useless loans never goes away, and actually accrues interest. These people insist on acting educated with their fancy degree....yet they aren't worth the paper the degree is printed on. (It usually is nice paper too...cotton + water marks)

I made so much when I was a high school student that I was required to pay school taxes my junior and senior year. I graduated at the age of 17.

>its not like a make minimum wage...
Make more, or get an additional job. It is that 2 dimensional. If that does not work, move to where your skill set is worth more. If you have no skillset, get one. Local Trade union halls offer PAID apprenticeships. Call around, and I bet you find you could make more learning a skill then by being a wage slave.

What should an autist with a physics degree do if he is too afraid to apply to jobs for fear of rejection and/or having to work with women/nonwhites that can ruin my reputation if he says the wrong words? He is really enjoying the gibs in hit parents' basement at the moment.

>too afraid
See a shrink. If fear of the unknown is interrupting your ability to live a normal life, the job is not your issue.

Exactly. I see the main issue being that you pay and aren’t really sure what you’re getting sometimes until it’s too late and you realize you’re fucked

I think people in the field of physics would be intelligent enough to steer clear of the identity politics and would probably be a bit more rational than the typical person you would run into, but I’m no physicist and pulling this out of my ass

I've seen plenty of those, how else does a white male get approved for gibs without prescriptions for heavy meds? They let me know about my agoraphobia and gave me drugs. I'm still too disgusted by the state of western society to participate.

if only we all had a well off family that lets us live rent free on a massive property in one of their 5 cottages.

Not only that, prices WILL go up and the purchasing power of the lowest WILL end up lower than it is now, still.

People think corps and government are there for their concerns. The shit is literally propaganda and their actions reveal themselves over the course of decades, not months.

im a tin knocker and often times i wish i had gone the college route. trades are real hard work and demand a lot of your time. sometimes i envy comfortable people in an office.

>aren’t really sure what you’re getting sometimes until it’s too late
What is research? If kids go to school to follow their dreams into a meme degree, they are still getting exactly what they want. Find a college that guarantees job placement if you want a job...Or research career options within the field of study.

Id have loved to be a marine biologist. I still have a large reef in my livingroom in a glass cube. It was a meme degree, and the landlocked state I live in has a need for about a dozen such people. Id rather make money then fight for a job that may never materialize.

>I'm still too disgusted by the state of western society to participate.
You need to learn to accept life on life's terms. There is nothing to be afraid of. Go out and be the master of your destiny. No it is not always easy, and at times it is outright hard or impossible. These sensations of failure and fear will pass. As you live through your fear, you become stronger and able to live easier. I used to be like you years ago too.

>im a tin knocker and often times i wish i had gone the college route. trades are real hard work and demand a lot of your time. sometimes i envy comfortable people in an office.
I worked in the student loan industry for 5 years prior to becoming a pipefitter. I wouldn't have it any other way. Office work is fun for a few years, but after a while it sucks. We at least see and do things different all day every day....there I sat at the same chair for 4 straight years, pushing the same damn form and answering the phone with the same answers.

>Your student loan is in default. When can you pay it in full.

Ummmm...I can't but why do you keep calling me

>to let you know we have garnished your wages at 25%, and will be siezing your tax return.

You can't do that

>Sir, we just did. When will you be paying this in full?


They always called back and apologized...but still got mad when I wouldn't undo the garnishment and seizure...I still demanded payments.

I much prefer the simplicity of blueprints, piles of material and based co-workers. Office soy-boys are overrated. I work around felons and alpha males all day. Its a hoot.

>You need to learn to accept life on life's terms.
I actually do have a brother who made his own life on his own terms. He went innawoods about 5 years ago and seemed really happy when we met up a couple months ago. I guess I just need enough people to tell me how going innawoods is how I can master my own destiny, even if it isn't easy. Innawoods or teaching ESL in Asia are the two thing's I'm passionate about career/future wise. Which do you recommend?


Sad thing is that the felons have more character than any office soyboy. Both in darkness and in light.

No. Before you become the Master, you must learn to accept life on life's terms. You must conquer fear. IF you become gripped by fear in the woods at the sight of a turkey or grouse, you may freeze to death.

You must destroy all your doubts and fears. You are a man, not a box of uncertainty.

innawoods is a great next stop. I am in the process of buying my innawoods bunker. Waiting on a $20k investment to cash out, and I will be getting my acreage.

>Innawoods or teaching ESL in Asia
No joke, but one of my great friends in Highschool left for asia right after graduation to be a teacher. That was 20 years ago, and no one has seen him since. I talk via skype & email. He is married, kids, fluent jap speaker, and even looks jap now. Fully integrated weeb. He loves his life there.

Fear is a mind killer. I used to get gripped by fear. I put my faith in god, and pray and I feel better. The situation resolves later on, and I realize he was with me the whole time. Irrelevant if this is fantastic to you or not, this belief has allowed me to quit smoking, drinking and eating right. I Have a family and kids. Fear is still real, but it doesn't have to be permanent. These feelings will pass. When I am feeling excellent, I know that too is not permanent.

>felons have more character than any office soyboy

They have lived life, and are wise. They understand cause and effect, and think outside the box.

I’m a tradesman as well (apprentice) and as hard of work as it is sometimes, I would never ever trade it for the prison of a cubicle. Also with no competition in the market starting a small successful business will now be easier than ever.
Also this user has the right idea. Office soyboys and also chatty gossiping women get BTFO by the alphas and felons who just fuck around all day with each other and still get the job done

The irony is that there's a literal shortage of middle-skill workers in occupations as varied as plumbers to oil workers to film developers. Yet, urban-retards can't into, idk, increasing their skills and thereby productivity to, idk, maybe increase their wage sans government fiat with a litany of unintended consequences given how big going from $7.25 to $15 would be. In other words, reduced employment, capital substitution for labor (automated machines entirely replacing cashiers at fast-food or retail chains), or a short-lived increase in purchasing power rapidly offset by a general rise in prices (inflation) thus eroding any real, long-term gains.

>No joke, but one of my great friends in Highschool left for asia right after graduation to be a teacher. That was 20 years ago, and no one has seen him since. I talk via skype & email. He is married, kids, fluent jap speaker, and even looks jap now. Fully integrated weeb. He loves his life there.
Thanks for the input. I'm one step closer to getting over my fear with the ESL option. I'm optimistic that I can become like your highschool friend and get to the point where the fear resolves itself. Thanks user.

Clerks, food servers, and a whole host of other shitty rmployement used to actually be “professional” employment, that paid enough for people to raise families, or at least support themselves.
My parents bought their house from someone who worked for Horn and Hardart for a couple decades, who saved enough to retire. Horn and Hardart was an Automat and was almost a human powered vending machine.
Working at s bookstore used to be a professional occupation, as was being a stock clerk, etc. The reason most store personel are worthless now is because the jobs pay shit, and there’s no reason to stick around or bother learning stuff. Even if you do, in many cases you’re not going to get paid any extra for it, unless someone offers you a better job, or a monetary tip. The official inflation rate is well below actual inflation, and most people working even highly skilled trades, are being paid less far less compared to official inflation than they would have been paid in the 60s or 70s.