What did she mean by this

What did she mean by this

She needed Shinji to get in the Robot so her getting shit wouldn't be pointless

It's questionable whether she really desired to fuck him or if this was just her way of motivating him to get in the Eva. She may have motivated him to meet her to come to Nerv in the beginning by enticing him with a sexy photo (although she did say "I thought you'd be cuter in person", so she may have been getting ideas like that already).

People point to that scene where she puts her hand on his and says "I'm here for you" as evidence she's sexually attracted to Shinji, but I can't shake the feeling that she was just being "motherly" to him because they both just saw Rei die.

Wait a minute, I don't remember bottom scene.

End of Evangelion

She was dying, bleeding to death, with her heart broken after kaji died while the world was going to shit.

There is 2 reasonable reasons for doing that:

>She wanted to give shinji a confidence boost to survive the shitshow
>It is made very clear in episode 25 that being sexual is how she vent off the many problems of her life.

>Problem of life

It's the ultimate problem with life.

Yeah. Everyone end up with this problem one moment or another.

Except Yui.

The fact that Shinji recoils after she put her hand on him makes it pretty clearly that he at least thinks she's trying to get sexual.

Episode 25 during misato's "case" made it pretty clear that it was a sexual

Which ending?

this guy eh

>Which ending?




And Gendo

And all of humanity after EoE


Ha ha ha stop joking mate

I always seen that leaving the tang sea was a continuous process, not instantaneous. Asuka just happens to be the first one, and others will start popping out soon.

I dont like the theory that everyone chose to stay except asuka and shinji.

Also gendo may or may not be allowed by yui in her eternal journey because being an asshole, breaking families, killing innocents, sleeping around, etc.

It was 100% motivation. Just a last ditch effort to get Shinji moving.

"We'll do the rest later" was just a lie, she knew her wound was fatal.