You need a working brain to have consciousness

>you need a working brain to have consciousness
>you can alter and turn off consciousness using magnets
>damaging brain changes you forever

How hard is it for people to understand that they are a program run on a physical brain and after the brain shuts off they die forever? There is no afterlife because there us no consciousness outside of physical brain.

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b-b-but that's scary

no its not , you wont even notice

Magnets? I must be missing something.

Prove it faggot.

>There is no afterlife because there us no consciousness outside of physical brain.

Well neurology isn't something we understand incredibly well, the light goes off as it were, as the electrical signs in the brain cease.

But are people who are brain dead then dead? The second point to make is that these electrical signals that make up our memories flow through living matter and complex cells but there is no reason we can't emulate this in a machine, so is consciousness therefore an illusion.

Although really this is a pseudo-intellectual conversation

>immortal souls changed forever by fucking magnets

>when your computer dies, all the software you ever used disappears from the universe
That doesn’t seem right.

You should research near-death experiences. There have been many reports of people who have suffered catastrophic injuries to the head, (where the victim dies and has no measurable brain activity) only to miraculously come back to life with stories of seeing dead loved ones and/or Jesus Christ. Many of the times they tell the victim it is not their time to go, and send them back.

your soul requires the brain to work on earth, but exists apart from it. You are not your body, it is just a vessel.

>But are people who are brain dead then dead?
Yes. Ask any Doctor. Dead brain root = living body that isn't a person anymore.

don't talk with atheists, they are all retarded

Well, as I see it you just go back to whatever it was before you were born. That wasn't bad at all.

Besides, I came into existence once, nothing stopping me from existing again.

explain astral projection

The brain runs off energy. You cannot destroy energy. So what happens to that energy when you die?

They aren’t retarded, they are brainwashed.

>hey guys im LITERALLY going to hell
Be gone, heathen.

>but there is no reason we can't emulate this in a machine
Neurochemistry isn't binary fag.
It isn't discrete. You need to take into account electricity and chemistry + fuzzy variables. To emulate human brain in silicon you would need to emulate entire lifespan of a person recorded as neural stimulus and all hormonal reactions.

The brain is just a receiver

And if the brain is just a machine that reflects something non-physical? In that case everything that we observe when manipulating the physical brain makes sense.

wow scientism sure sounds like an awesome schema, those 70 years of jewish bolshevik autism really fucked up the slavic soul

Near death experiences have been figured out mostly. Its essentially one giant lucid dream.

>You should research near-death experiences
You should kill yourself.
Everything that these people describe are symptoms of lack of oxygen in the brain.

The universe is a pretty much the same and it constantly flashes on and off. When you die you die. Only to be born again once. Like a computer being turned on for the hundredth time. Organisms are the universe made conscious. To what end, is another journey all together.

>But are people who are brain dead then dead?

Absolutely. A more interesting question would be if we were able to repair the brain after brain-death to get it working again. Would the repaired system be a completely new person? The previous one lost forever?

>people coming back and recounting people that where in the room when they where out etc
>that's lack of oxygen for you

You should kill yourself and find out.

please explain

>changing values via brain damage is evidence that somehow the human soul doesn't exist
>peoples values don't change during trauma ever

It's converted to food for the worms you mongolian.

So you're telling me if I hold my breath long enough, I'll get to see my father again?

That's an oversimplification of a very complex psychological topic. There's no function and no memory after the brain dies.

>emulate entire lifespan

You don't think the brain throws out information or overwrites?

Ok let's suppose it is so. Can you tell me what is the brain made of? What are you made of? What is this world made of? What is happening right now? What is life? What is existence?

You don't need to. Just pop down to your local gay bar and I'm sure you'll find him.

>turn off consciousness using magnets
Unconsciousness =/= turning off consciousness

damn dude really opened my eyes.... i guess i never thought about it that way....

No we are merely persistent energies that occupy bodies. The body can function fine without us. That's why some people can astro project and "leave" their body

When you destroy the hard drive and cut off power to ram, all software dies. Fucking retard.
You live in "RAM". Turn off power and all information vanishes.
Your entire consciousness is in RAM for your entire life. Do you understand how easy is it to die due to this?!
Cut air from brain for 4 minutes and you are fucking done.

"figured out" to the scientist means they ascribed a label to something they don't understand using parts of a dead language and observing the change of elements within the observed structure and ascribing the change to the structure to the change in the elements while never considering why the elements are changing, merely that it is a robotic process that unconsciously just somehow happened out of nothing

Lol man sounds like you're very close minded. It's not souls that change but the medium/carrier which are our bodies.

>you can alter and turn off consciousness using magnets
Wow look out for those deadly MRI scans!

The physical representation of “me” dies, sure. The “form” of me, or soul, is eternal and reincarnates within the familial line.

You could take a decent stab in the dark at making a mechanical brain, since it sounds like we know what it might be like (going on your fuzzies).

That's why we gotta hope that science gets to the point where our "consciousnesses" can be downloaded and put into a AI so we can live indefinitely. That's why I do everything to live as long as possible.

>human language can perfectly explain reality
wow we have a literal retard here, how much glue did you huff before making this thread you autistic slavic gorilla


>temporarily making you braindamaged turns you into a liberal
Who'd guess huh?

it's likely but I strongly suggest hanging yourself though

Yes but only if you believe that our existence merely consists out of our bodily functions and there isn't anything above this level.

janusz, spierdalaj do kosciola prosto do spowiedzi, natychmiast

>all the athiests on Sup Forums

and what if backup of all your informations were kept at some cloud on some higher servers? what if the moment your brain disconnects, all the informations are sent to a "cloud"?

absolutely defeated with 1 (one) image

Only one way to be sure OP.

At current state we can make a backup of your brain, if you die and we quickly freeze it cryogenically, slice it to 1 micron slices and scan each slice individually. However actual emulation of your brain at the current moment is impossible. As we don't have anything powerful enough atm to run it nor we know how to run it. Basically, we can make hdd backup in unknown format with the hope that we later figure out processor and hdd format to read it properly. Sad really, still better than before I guess.

It's not.
Your harddrive can still be recovered (where software is stored, you probably knew that), the only way that can't be done is if someone put a hole in it or something.

And it would begin to break down because it is organic, so there is even less of a possibility of recovering what ever was held inside the brain .

Yes. It's called hallucination and confabulation. These witnesses are full of shit. Their brains create fake stories to create a consistent memory of what happened while the consciousness was losing connection.

fucking magnets! how do they work!?!

That's sad bro I've got brain damage

no that would be ridiculous and could disable the jewish schema of moral relativism and pave the way for evil essentialist schemas which might prevent global jewish bolshevism

>in the Christian afterlife God ressurects your body

Ok, most theologies involve a soul-only afterlife before the general resurrection but 'soul sleep' and materialism seem potentially consistent

Your are energy, retard. The brain is a receiver for your "soul" Your body is a vehicle for your conscious.
What happens to the electricity when your computer's software dies?


>if I use computing diction and scientific diction the quandries of 2000 years worth of thinkers are somehow moot
>I am able to completely prove all science without any faith
>sicence isn't just contemporary version of priestly magic to frame the schema
why are so many slavs autistic fedoras?

>modern electronics are a flawless allegory for the experience of the universe

watch some Peter Hitchens you utter pleb


Except you can't explain why conscious experience exists. It's metaphysical.

Not enough power to simulate all atoms. We can't fully simulate single fucking molecules if they have too much atoms.
You need to simplify shit to absurd levels for all these physical simulations to run in reasonable time.

What an amazing time we live in.

How come you never post these interesting threads in We're waiting

Oh, god probably exists, but thinking that we are somewhat special little god's chosen snowflakes is most disillusioned and arrogant thing ever, same as thinking that God cares about our individual iifes.

It's funny, only animals who have brains that take the longest to develop(humans), have reported seeing something after death;if brought back to life. It makes you wonder if our pineal gland which releases DMT during our deaths are so strong that we can see "god", maybe it's their for a reason, besides comfort of death;like an automatic switch pre-built for the end.

Either Atheism or the science which they cling too are very obviously incorrect and only through mental gymnastics/blocking do they avoid addressing this.
We have (or behave as if we have) a causal universe. This natural universe would definitively require a supernatural cause from a realm that is not a causal universe.

The only way around that is to claim OUR universe is not a causal universe, at which point all naturalistic explanations go out the window and we are again staring at a non-natural source for apparent but illusory order.

There simply is no getting around the necessity of a higher creative force.

To copy consciousness you would need to take a snapshot of all atom positions in the brain in one moment. Human connectome project has failed. Even if you download all states of atoms you would still need to have a new perfect copy of the brain to run the snapshot on it. Not gonna happen.

But user, I’ve had many computers die, and I’ve always been able to get a new computer with identical software.

>There is no afterlife because there us no consciousness outside of physical brain

Your brain is made of atoms and molecules, and none of these atoms or molecules is unique to the brain.

Consciousness is produced by molecules binding to receptors. Your blood flows to move these molecules around so they can bind to the receptors, just like it moves oxygen around for electron transfer.

Your blood exists for one purpose - electron transfer. Heme molecules grab and release electrons from other molecules into your cells.

These electrons transfer between the molecules inside of your cells to make them break apart and fuse at particular locations. DNA works this way.

This transfer of electrons is not unique to your body. It occurs in all nature.

How dare atheists have the arrogance to state;

>My sack of electron transfering molecules is conscious - everything else experiences no qualia of any form

Atheists lie to themselves that the pain will some day end. You were bullied into shutting your nervous system down, and 'death' is a projection of your own psychodrama related to other people trying to control your reward (Dopamine) system.

Your body produces your perception of the world. Atheism is just a collection of dopamine-reward system programming. Facts and truth are nothing other than chemical rewards.

Someone told you certain things were true, and now when you prove them to yourself, you feel pleasure. If you want to feel like you know everything, just snort coke.

Cell death if the equivalent of smashing HDD with a hammer. Same thing with freezing cells.

Some scientists and philosophers have argued that the brain can be seen as a filter that, as it grows and changes, blocks out influences in order to refine the development of consciousness. The conclusion is that consciousness is infinite, and the brain is just a way of refining and focusing it.

>only animals who have brains that take the longest to develop(humans), have reported seeing something after death;if brought back to life
No living creature has ever been truly resurrected. Even if you did bring an animal back, how exactly are you going to interrogate a lab mouse over what did/didn't see?
>pineal gland which releases DMT during our deaths
Has this ever actually been proven?

>>you need a working brain to have consciousness
umm sweetie, not even remotely close.

Meh, we all find out the truth eventually. But why do fags try so hard to destroy other people's faith in an afterlife?

Do you know two identical humans and brains? That's why computer metaphore is cancer. It makes fat brainlets think that they understand the topic cuz they know their nvidias.

Not really. You don't need to go to atomic scale. Problem is even if you get a snapshot you don't know how to run it.

Well when you get brain damage you are fucked up beyond belief, your awareness and consciousness disappear.

When you die you just die. Thank fucking God.

Have you had an MRI recently OP?

>It's not fake news when they bullshit about science instead of politics and still give no sources to studies

Nothing is ever identical.

10/10 would see if scifi movie

eintsten already proved this false

Read the Bible and get out of the Church of Dagon/Catholicism. It's warped your thinking and made you retarded.

dissipated as heat dumbfuck

Given that you live in 'RAM' I'd say that you can do fuck all with the brain once it loses power. Restarting the brain would require informatipn about current chemical and electrical state of entire brain before death.

this. If everything in the universe exists as a sine wave and time is merely a Z axis measurement of the existence of these waves (2 things cannot occupy the same space, even energy) then infinite universes with fractal realities exist. Life and death is just skipping from wave to wave.

Atheists are such autists that they look at a few facts and say "hah, God doesn't exist" but studying more quantum physics and nuclear theory tell me the hand of God is behind every single facet of reality.

>no consciousness outside of physical brain
wrong, your consciousness can leave the body and join other minds

, here. Genetic memory is real;

>Fearful memories haunt mouse descendants
>Genetic imprint from traumatic experiences carries through at least two generations

So, your brain is composed of neurons, and these neurons have active DNA inside of their nucleolus. This DNA is receiving a flow of electrons which is powering it, and it releases RNA which flows through Golgi's organ into ribosomes which transform the RNA into proteins and enzymes.

For a long time, we thought that memory was based on synaptic memory - now we know that it's inside the nucleolus;

>These results point to the nucleus of neurons as the potential locus of the engram in Aplysia

If genetic memory is real, and the nucleolus of neurons is the potential source of the engram (Memory,) than we can say that our memories survive death;

>8. The husband, after conception by his wife, becomes an embryo and is born again of her; for that is the wifehood of a wife (gaya), that he is born (gayate) again by her.
>9. As the male is to whom a wife cleaves, even so is the son whom she brings forth; let him therefore carefully guard his wife, in order to keep his offspring pure.

Microchimerism of Y chromosomes occur in women without sons;

>Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons

Atheists BTFO.

>Genetic memory is real
of course it is, DNA is just information, a program

Hello faggot. This took me 30 seconds to find.