WHITE PRIDE is a retarded laughable idea: the thread

White pride is dumb.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't


Gay pride is dumb
Sorry OP no more rallies for you

K either a jew or a nigger posted this.

Thread closed

Every other race has pride, why can't white people have pride? White people have created the most powerful, prosperous, free, tolerant societies ever.

>Americans have to have white pride because they have no identifible ethnicity
We should go back to British/french/german pride "White Pride" is an American Idea

Yes, we should be pride of our real ethnicities.


You stormfags should not be proud for someone's. Else's accomplishments. Same goes for all races black,yellow,red,brown I do not care.
Little man, IQ is not a objective measure of intelligence. not to mention, skull and brain size are not indicators of intelligence with that logic sperm whales. Who have largest brain and skull should be running the world right now.

>be Hitler
> claim to be master race
> get beaten by inferior races


pride is great defacto fagot

all major advances were sparked from the Mediterranean

>IQ is irrelevant
You're obviously saying this because you have low IQ. Your retarded grammar confirms this.

>ants together can kill much larger things than them
Good for the jew but bad for you.

A population's IQ is an objective measure of intelligence required to progress in both social sciences and technology. Niggers have been found wanting, and although jews are over-represented in the social sciences, they are predominantly anti-white and therefore anti-civilization. Over the last 50 years the jewish academics have undertaken a campaign of dysgenics. This will create an ~85 iq underclass that will be easily controlled by the selectively bred elite. The ideal for white nationalists is a natural, equal society that rises together in eugenic harmony guided by a strong government. The current situation is an abomination that will only become clearer in the coming decades, and the only solution is a final one.

Dude, you are talking about doing literal genocide against jews. But you are a LITERAL NAZI so I'm not suprised. Anyway that still does not change the fact that you should be proud of your own accomplishments not the accomplishments of others with your skin color. Also why do you hate democracy so much? it is certainly much more better than fascism.
P.S shouldn't you be fucking white women instead of complaining about them? Oh that is right your a bunch of virgins.

Why do u keep making these threads u dumb kike

It's only non whites that put whites on the pedestal. Do you know why they do that? Because whites are superior.

Name a race that has progressed this planet as much as whites.

Whites are the most hated race on this planet because he are so important to this planet.
Maybe one day whites will be able to go home. But until then we will just keep progressing the planet into the future we deserve. Not the future they have suppressed for us

You know that statement means you're a racist to the left. Racist racist Raaaaaaaaccccccciiiiiiisssssssttttttt!!!!!

Dude just because you feel..like I can not even.you are so racist that it hurts just fuck you. How can you say such things I will have you know I have a friends who are black and one of them has a PHD in pyshics.

Rinse all that salt out of your pussy.

I am a guy.


No woman will ever fuck you user.

>skull and brain size are not indicators of intelligence with that logic sperm whales. Who have largest brain and skull should be running the world right now.
the power of the leftist mind


lmao this is literally the gayest fucking argument in the world. i immediately stop paying attention to whatever somebody has to say when come at an anonymous stranger on the internet with this dumb shit.

But that is true though you Nazi.

My ancestors achieved great things. I understand that because I'm cut from the same cloth that I too am capable of achieving great things. I look at their greatness and strive towards similar goals. It's not my fault you can't understand the struggle and sacrifice of you're ancestors.

Schlomo, your mother asked me to remind you to bring the matzo to Shabbat dinner this Friday and don't forget to wear your yarmulke to synagogue too. You don't want Rabbi Schmuli to give you a tongue lashing again, do you?
Mazel tov,
Your friend
Herschel Bergblattstein

celtic cross is beautiful and there is no problem in being proud of our ancestry, only anti whites donĀ“t like to see culture and roots on europeans

No, idiot. A whale's brain is not that big compared to the rest of its body. When it comes to brain/skull size, you have to also take the size of the body into consideration.

>Asks people the point of white pride
>People give him good reasons on why it is good
Jump off the nearest bridge

You do realize that genetic drift explains most racial. Differences right? But your a racist so I don't except to understand real science. Also pls respond to these

Black Pride is Dumb
Prove me Wrong
Protip: you cant.

>Race isn't real
Typical leftist drivel

>Dude, you are talking about doing literal genocide against jews.
The holocaust didnt happen but it should have kikes are bourgeoise capitalist subversives and need to be gulag'd

That is a strawman and you know it

He thinks that our brains massively expanding in the past 5mil years has nothing to do with our intellgience lol

Can we please get a new logo? Now that I think about it, this logo/symbol has to be a kike false flag that makes it look like all white nationalists are former felons.