Power Puff Anime Kino

Did Sup Forums enjoy westernized echikino?

You'd know the answer if you weren't new.

But why?

Because it's boring pandering shit.

But it panders heavily to the white male who wants to fuck cute girls. Isn't that just like most anime?

The nicest thing I'm willing to leak about this shitshow was that English dub wasn't awful.

Fuck off with that kino shit. Faggiest word I've ever heard.

>not liking kino

I bet you like Naruto.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

>Because it's boring pandering shit.
this is literally 99% of anime

yes, Sup Forums enjoyed it

the only show where the dubs are better than the subs

Agreed. It's a little corny but the lines are well delivered.

Sublime argument. As if traditional anime isn't filled with poop-humor too.

It was pretty fun. The characters were loud and quirky girls with an odd father-figure, and the format was very episodic.

Beyond that I don't understand what invites the Power Puff Girls comparison.

Fuck off to Sup Forums idiot

Power Puff shit is Japanized cartoon

So what does that make Panty and Stocking? Reversed Japshit?

I can't fathom who would be so assmad as to delete a negative comment, I suppose this really is R/a/ddit.

To address your point, I have never seen an anime so fixated on its Freudian anal phase as P&S. I seriously don't get what Sup Forums's obsession with this anime is. It's not even funny.

Demon sisters didn't roll their R's. it was automatically shit

>Haha it's funny cause nips can't pronounce 'L' sound
Back to Sup Forums you racist

Burgerclaps can't pronounce 'r' actually.