Do Americans watch anime for scenes like this?

Do Americans watch anime for scenes like this?

Stop being racist

You've got a lot of nerve after bombing my homeland

You got a lot of nerve there Japan

I watch anime for scenes like that, but I'm not American. I just feel like voicing my opinion.

Japan must pay reparations for taumatizing our soldiers. Firebombing civilians is rough work.

I watch anime to escape from the burg, not see even more of it.

I'm not American, silly user.
Only uninvolved people and niggers can call someone racist.

Shit, that's a nice burger. Is it only in one episode, or is it actually a main character?

It reminds us of our childhood; growing up at the Walmart Mcdonalds, going across the parking lot to another Mcdonalds, and then on the way home to the subsidized housing complex us americans would hit up another Mcdonalds or mebbe a Wendys if the scratch lotto was kind.

Absolutely. You have no idea how fucking erect and hungry that makes me.


Burg thread?

I hope you realize that the very first air strike in world history was committed by Americans, on Americans. There is no homeland we have not bombed.

You didn't bomb my homeland yet!

Calm down Syria-kun.

I'd recommend you to get out of the thread, since were going to post lots of hambagas, don't get mad senpai.
Well, they just use those scenes for FREEDOM memes and related desu.
I bet 10 internets that it just has 3 patties.
Bacon burger>>>all

Anime burgers really remind me of wendies.

I feel like they must just have better beef/service in Japan as far as something like Mcdonalds goes.

I'm doubtful that any country can really imitate that authentic feeling an American burger can provide. The grease, the haphazardly applied sauce, the rushed feeling, the way you unwrap it to find that cheese that stuck to the side of the wrapper (or some greens if you got a mcchicken because you have amazing taste)

the feeling of depression and misery you get from the people serving you is possibly the best part. You can feel it in the sandwich, you can taste how much that money you hand them means to you. They live in their home for another week because YOU showed up and GAVE them your money so they could throw together a mildly good sandwich and fries.

It's that feeling of superiority that activates the dopamine rush, that silent air of supremacy, like you've dominated this foolish burger flipper and are now feasting upon his breaded chicken flesh, drinking from his mayonnaise filled veins.

You can't get that anywhere but here.

>the way you unwrap it to find that cheese that stuck to the side of the wrapper (or some greens if you got a mcchicken because you have amazing taste
my nakama

im never gonna look at fastfood the same

>instead im gonna get kicked out for having boners the second i walk in

You've got a lot of nerve talking shit after we spent valuable resources and manpower to give you freedom craters that you should be grateful for.

Every time I purchase a mcchicken I can't help but think about how exhilarating it would be to fuck it.

I can only imagine how nice it would feel to stick my cock between that warm chicken meat and that saucy bun while imagining some poor burger flipper trying to take their customers orders while I ram them in the asshole at my leisure.

If I remember correctly it actually was 10 patties but it was just for some promotion like anniversary or something.


I'd post that 3D burger from the "Heart Attack" grill but I don't want to give a literal heart attack to some anons.
I wonder if an average anime girl could eat it, in fact, what anime character could eat it that isn't someone big like an orc.

It would probably be really painful, especially if the sauce is sour or spicy. But maybe that's exactly what you want?

Dat base wow wow

I want to own an Akatsuki! I promise Ill take good care of her.



We will once we find it on a map.




The fact that this man is still alive astounds me. I once watched him eat raw chicken.

Why would you have burgers when you could 'ave good ol' 'go 'za




Nothing beats capitalism man, nothing.

>they actually deleted Jack posts
What the Hell

>deleting shitposts but not the thread
shit mod

Its time to stop.