
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Senate GOP 1/4/18
>WH Press Brief (Pres Trump/Sarah) 1/4/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 1/4/18
>Mooch on F&F 1/4/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 1/3/18
>VP Pence convenes Senate &Swears in new dems 1/3/18
>UN Amb Haley Press Brief 1/2/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 1/2/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 1/2/18
>TrumpTV Happy New Year (lara) 1/2/18
>TrumpTV Tony Shaffer - Natl Sec Strategy 1/2/18
>TrumpTV Merry Christmas 2017 12/24/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #22 (Lara) 12/22/17
>WH Vid: President Trump - Year One 1/1/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron arrive in DC 1/1/18
youtu.be/mi2oVgaxj1k (JBA)
youtu.be/nJWe8Z-Dazs (WH)
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron depart Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump NYE Speech @Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump New Year statement 12/31/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:





Wow, sucks that the internet died and that we've all been royally fucked, huh? The internet is completely dead. F

Where did all our fellow crusaders go for saving the internet?

I'm gonna FUCK the awoo

Ape Escape is a fucking amazing game, funnily enough

any more details on the Fake News awards?

BASED conservative Hispanics!


kek. Is there no game with a fighting gorilla?


I love Kellyanne.

Jim Acosta wins every award.
The end.

Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 700 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.

il profano

indecipherable ancestry, can blend into any racial profile and social class
elusive, un-arrestable, resistant to triggering

once noticed will become increasingly uncomfortable, will avoid direct confrontation and discussions over heritage and opt to move to a new hunting ground

threat level: high, a solitary and patient hunter, adept at deflections and can occasionally conceal carry

>that OP pic

First thing nigger. thehill.com/homenews/administration/367685-white-house-details-demands-as-part-of-daca-deal
Second thing: you're a leaf.


How is politics in Jordan???


>5 karma points have been added to your reddit account

> Implying he's not trying to start a race war where white people can't lose

the audacity of these fucking kikes, it's sickening

I have that dream but with McCain/Flake/Ryan/Corker/etc and Lou Dobbs let into the cage

I don't know how that's gonna work. Trump will be in Tennessee in the afternoon and in Atlanta in the evening on Monday.

Whoever can rape enough goats and little boys gets to be king.

> (You)

I hope that all the canary trap/"news are fake, leaks are real" memes are true. And that people like Adam Schiff who w/ 99% certainty leaked that Don Jr. email date story (which had a fucked up date) gets awarded that day for falling into basic traps.

The first known report of Amerimutts comes from the Spanish missionary Hernando de Luna y Arellano, member of the jesuit mission of Ajacan, in the current Florida. A kind and religious man, he suffered a crisis of faith during his mission in the Americas, before returning to Spain and dying in his birthplace Toledo. The forensic report written by his personal doctor states that he died while screaming the words "el monstruo" incoherently. After his death, a piece of paper that seems to describe his encounter with an Amerimutt was found among his belongings, the contents of which are reproduced in its original Spanish in the following post. (cont)

>all minority outreach is bad

Primal Rage

she can't even compete


"¡Oh, Santa Maria Auxiliadora, a ti me encomiendo, pues mi espíritu se halla sumido en el más profundo de los pesares! Quiso el fatal de los destinos que mis pasos se encontraran con una de las mas abyectas criaturas del diablo, cuya forma detallaré a continuación como aviso para futuros viajeros de aquestos lugares. Sirvan, pues, mis palabras como guía para rehuir a estas bestias.

Paseaba por la bahía de Santa María, contemplando dichoso el bello paisaje del lugar, cuando de un arbusto cercano surgió el feo ser que nos ocupa. Su piel era de un sucio color cobrizo, más oscuro que el de los indios que habitan estás tierras. Extrañas marcas y símbolos adornaban su piel, la más distinguida de ellas una especie de letra eme de color amarillo que lucia en su ancha frente. Medía unos siete pies de altura, siendo su envergadura considerable, como de jabalí o cerdo en matanza. Anchas narices y unos ojos diminutos y separados adornaban su grotesca faz, que parecía retorcerse y deformarse con extraños caprichos. Vestía ropaje harapientos adornados con varias rayas blancas y rojas y estrellas blancas en fondo azul. A primeras pensé que esta criatura era no más que una extraña especie de macaco que los nativos habían disfrazado a modo de chanza, mas mis pareceres cambiaron cuando la criatura habló. (cont)

> Licensed psychiatrist
> Giving a diagnosis without meeting the patient

In any other circumstance he would lose his accreditation but I'm sure they'll ignore it in this case.

His hair looks like a group of daddy long legs before being disturbed.

Stop filming your ill mother you disrespectful twat.

En el momento en el que la bestia abrió su enorme boca, todo sonido alrededor cesó. El graznido de las gaviotas, el bramido de las olas golpeando la costa, e incluso el sonido de mi propio aliento fueron ensordecidos al instante. El bello cielo azulado tornose negro y la luz del sol se extinguió. Una ponzoña se extendió por los alrededores, pudriendo y matando rápidamente la frondosa vegetación del lugar. Tras una eternidad, el monstruo pronunció las siguientes palabras:

"whiter then u mohammed"

La voz de la abominación se oía desde todas las direcciones y desde ninguna, la sentí en mi mente y en mi oidos. Tal fue la intensidad del encuentro que sufrí un ligero desmayo y tuve que ser socorrido por Fray Cosme, que achacó mi descompostura a una simple insolación. Desconozco del origen de las palabras que pronunció aquel siervo de Belcebú, pues no parecían propia de la lengua de los nativos del lugar, o de ningún lenguaje cristiano, mas al oirla se instauró en mi persona un pesar que me impide continuar mi labor religiosa en estas tierras. Retorno, pues, a España, con esperanzas de limpiar my espiritu."

Hernando's mental health deteriorated quickly in the ship back to Spain, and he died shortly after arriving to his country.

top kek

>Miss America could get rid of the swimsuit contest
Who the fuck would watch then?


That's bad and you should feel bad

Let me fire up photoshop and do it right for you

Day of the rope soon shill

I beg to differ.

I just realized the anime posters are most likely the same as pagan larpers.

There are no christian anime fans.

El Luz Extinguido

-Literally invisible at night
-Horrendously hideous under light, panicking observers and deterring attackers
-Adapted genetic senses, can not only detect proper genetic percentages but also become able to find different kinds of mutts just by sensing their genetic material

-Is below the 0% threshold, beyond inhuman
-Cannot racemix further, women are safe from it
-Easily ignored because, as an inhuman being, cannot use any semblance of reason

Threat level: Absolute under cover of the night, mid-to-high during daylight due to its horrifying appearance and shitposting that sucks all IQ in the vecinity and emmit extra chromosomes.

Funny how regularly you can see liberals writing articles about "WHY ARE REP UBLICANS, REPUBLICANS?" "WHY DO THEY EXIST OR VALUE THE THINGS THEY VALUE?"

These people can't even understand their own kind, but they think they understand the world..




Why the fuck did boomers revive Christianity when it was on the verge of dying in America?

Our cities aren’t being islamified just less then 10. Half of which have less then 100,000 people. Still pretty bad though. 50% are between 18 - 34. Only 20% are over 50. Though very few are between 35 - 49 or under 5. Only 7% of Muslims are under 5.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove.

El Atrocidad

The mere sight of it can make people go crazy
it's able to absorb lesser mutts or humans to regenerate HP.
Slower and less intelligent than La Creatura, but can catapult acid balls if fed enough corn syrup.
High HP and strength

Can explode while drinking corn syrup
Weak against genetic companies

Threat level: Moderate, Dangerous when in high numbers and organized in formations with other mutts

But does she like watching gorilla fights?

Just a reminder to everyone.
70% of Pakistanis are inbred.
67% of Saudi Arabians are inbred.
64% of those living in Jordan and Kuwait are inbred.
63% of Sudanese are inbred.
60% of Iraqis are inbred.
54% of Muslims in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are inbred.
25-30% of those in Turkey are inbred.
In England, at least 55% of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins.

Do you believe there are no anons here who are pagan?

A lot of good things happening lately. Ignore the kikes and shills (and sometimes both)!



>Over 100 companies giving 'Trump Bonuses' after tax victory (archive.is/cFCq5)
>DOW breaks 25,000 for the first time in history (archive.is/lcweX)
>US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000 (archive.is/8AV9u)
>Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990 (archive.is/7kQtJ)
>US manufacturing records best year since 2004 (archive.is/5IFem)
>Black unemployment rate hits ALL TIME low (archive.is/bYDiw)
>ICE is increasing presence in California because of (((sanctuary state))) law, says Trump immigration chief (archive.is/9tUh3)
>Trump said Thursday that any DACA deal he signs will need to include funding for his border wall, more money for immigration enforcement, an overhaul of the family-based immigration system and an end to the diversity visa lottery (archive.is/tEcQ0)
>Trump administration dramatically expands offshore drilling (archive.is/GaROR)
>State Department suspends security assistance to Pakistan (archive.is/QzIsH)
>Jeff Sessions to crack down on legalized marijuana, ending Obama-era policy (archive.is/XvmHt)

El Orco

Very strong (+7 STR)
Can use very heavy and big axes, swords etc
IDF provides him weapons

Suffers from mental retardation (-20 INT)
It is emotional, if the opponent says a single positive thing about Israel El Orco will stop attacking the opponent in a battle, this can result in its death

Threat level: Moderate, depends on what kind of weapon he uses.

To kill arab rape babies.


>Justice Department reopens Hillary Clinton email investigation (archive.is/mAoCD)
>The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State (archive.is/WalT6)
>Comey’s original Clinton memo released, cites possible violations (archive.is/afNSf)
>Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley says Comey leaked “at least one” classified memo to a professor friend (archive.is/0s9Wt)
>Judge allows House panel to subpoena Fusion GPS's financial records (archive.is/YwY4B)
>GOP senators request criminal investigation of Trump dossier author (archive.is/lxT2S)
>DOJ deal gives Nunes access to ALL documents and witnesses sought in Russia probe (archive.is/Jg5nQ)


how libs fail to see what is going on I have no idea.

I think maybe leftists know entirely what is up. They just play stupid.
I wish centrists could let us have at each other.

old meme


La bestia

Can cover huge distances in short time
Can launch fireballs
Can control fire


It scorches the land as he strides, rendering it unusable


Threat level: Extremely Dangerous

I love Hope.

Well now over 75% of people under 18 and over 30 are Christian regardless of race. Negroes are pretty religious

Excuse me but i'm Christian.

posts like this are the equivalent of Americans pretending to know about euro politics

>it's another episode of /sg/ fags shill /ptg/

Please President Trump, no more sand niggers!

I am not sure.


San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y las asechanzas del enemigo. Reprímelo Dios, Te pedimos humildemente, y tú Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, arroja al infierno a Goblino y a otros muttos malignos, que andan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amen

>This angry mudslime
I love triggered foreigners.

I can't tell if Conan is sensible liberal or a fence sitter, but that is a correct assesment.

It's lbowing up on dimms faces.

Has a nigger ever written a well known symphony?

How do they determine likely voters?

What's there to know?
Brussels rule them all, they are UN doges.

>>it's another episode of /sg/ fags shill /ptg/


>Speaks better Spanish then me even though I live in le 56%

>Canadians and spics are more likely to marry their cousins more than Americans

I'm saying the anons posting anime are not christian and most likely the same as pagan larpers.

Because anime has a lot of evil shit in it. Pokemon = Demon Summoning. Dragonballz's afterlife is nothing about christ but snake way. Like the world serpent. Not to mention all the improper lewdness ill-befitting of a proper follow of christ.

thanks for the tax cut gringo
*votes dem*

Nigger unemployment at lowest % it has ever been since its tracking.

but dont expect nigs to vote for Trump

Not really any reason to pay any attention to spammers when that's what they want. It only incentivizes them.

O say can you shart, in the local Walmart?
What so proudly expelled from anus' last leaking
Whose broad streaks and brown stars through the perilous blight
O'er the aisles we watched shit, gallantly streaming
And mutts nappy hair, negroes everywhere
Give proof that our race is 56% disgrace
O say, does that shiet-spangled bummer yet cut
O'er the land of the shart and the home of the mutt

Don't repeat Reagan. Learn for godsakes. They are all snakes.

The same faggots shill /sg/, the jordanian subhuman is up to 60+ posts over there currently
I assume they're shitskins from Sup Forums

el soldados la americanos


I think Trump already knows that.

Stop I don’t like Israel’s actions or the us government


It just their resident Jordanian autist. Pay no mind to him.

Um, no Drumpy, that's because of Obama. Everything good about the economy is because of Obama and his stellar leadership while everything bad about the economy is because of Drumpf and his retarded, racist, uneducated FAILURE to lead.


>be Jordanian
>more than half of his country’s population is inbred
>still think he has any right to goblinpost

He's an Arab. Considering Spanish has more Arabic influence on it than Portuguese it makes sense.

> tolerant progressive people
> Ajit, his family and kids get constant death threats
> wonder what people have to saybe about it
> everyone supports it, say that the kids should be skinned alive infront of him

What the fuck is wrong with these people. Ive barely seen anything similar or hate towards someones family on this place even. At worst its asking for the person to get gassed, but never really anything directed at their family or kids.