Why do Asian girls like white guys?

Explain this, pol

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS727US727&ei=wzNQWsWbONiSjwT-ybXICA&q=white guy asian pussy tumblr&oq=white guy asian pussy tumblr&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2001.4253.0.4325.

Aside from money? The ability to make it.

beats me

They're smart enough to understand we're perfect husband specimens

We smell better than niggers.


Well they certainly don't like me.

Why do white girls like black men? Congrats. You've just completed your loop.

they are smart and c3ertainly smarter than white women

Good question. Why are only black women loyal? Only black women want to date black men.
Seems like people only want to date white men and asian women. Why? Why are white women not wanted? Why do asian men want to rice them some salsa bitches? Why does nobody want to touch ugly ass negresses?

Unironically our eyes. Even amongst Asians in their countries the more Caucasian your eyes look the more attractive you are considered.

Asian pussy is literally MADE for white dick!

Not yet. Now we need asian guys to rice the fertile fields of Africa then we'll be even.

What do you mean Asian girls like white guys? Everywhere I've been I've always seen Asians strictly dating/befriending other Asians.

Im tired of why do X girls/guys like Y girls/guys threads
Confirmation bias okay?

97% as smart as Asians, larger, stronger, bigger penises and ambitious.
>1 billion geniuses and the Neanderthals beat them to the fucking moon

We really are niggers to the asians. It's pretty sad. You should want to take care of her and give her babies and grow old with her not MUH DICK MUH DICK!


But Japs,Chongs and Gooks Never wear bikini or other sleeveless swimsuits and wear dowdy and uncomfortable long sleeved tightshirt instead.(after 2016)how retarded these chinky Barbarians are..and it is the false of the Japs in the beach and waterpark and only caucasians,blacks and hispanics can wear bikini after 2016.

Because we have huge swinging cocks
And we're not niggers

asian female plus white male is the most prominent racemixing couple. niggers and white women is pretty low probability

>favorite local sushi resturant is run by one asian family
>all of the late twenties to 30ish year old daughters have half white toddlers, one even has twin boys with blond hair

took me by surprise the first time I saw them

>nfortunately the data reveal winners and losers. All men except Asians preferred Asian women, while all except black women preferred white men. And both black men and black women got the lowest response rates for their respective genders.
Sorry Han but your women are just as big of race traitors as ours.

And it is the truth of Japs in beach and waterpark which most of the Animes conceal and negate.ugly and uncomfortable long sleeved tightshirt.

Because Asian families think all white people have money.

I know because I'm from an Asian family.

They live in our countries, foreign women should be attached to the dominate group of the country they are living in.

They have to go back though.

(off topic, SAGE)

mudshark for the Asian race

Spot the nu-male soyboy everybody

> You should want to take care of her and give her babies and grow old with her


Pewdiepie fucking ROASTED guys like you just the other day brah:



You don't tell her you're nice you autistic cunt. To her you have to act like an alpha chad who doesn't give a fuck. That's what keeps her interested. But you should have a long term plan that includes kids and if you don't GTFO my board you degenerate pewdiefag.

google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS727US727&ei=wzNQWsWbONiSjwT-ybXICA&q=white guy asian pussy tumblr&oq=white guy asian pussy tumblr&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2001.4253.0.4325.

it is a RITE OF PASSAGE for every white male to bang an asian woman at least once!

I banged a half-asian girl myself a couple years ago brahs. Feels good!

>But you should have a long term plan that includes kids

Explain why I like Asian girls, that’s a better question


>Why do Asian girls like white guys?
They like the challenge of trying to fit a giant white cock in their sushi hole.

Is that that British actor guy from the Italian job?

because they want to be white
t. have a white gf
>inb4 race traitor
kys larping cucks

Asian men have tiny penises and they are redpilled enough to avoid paying the toll


not redpilled enough to know that men who go for asians are losers

we don't have to explain anything, just look at a nigger or gook on the street and you have your answer.



Off-topic thread and reported. Remember to SAGE!

It's already happening



For biological reasons. Asian males are neotenous, so they are the least attractive males out there.




OP wasn’t talking about men

whites and asians are mostly compatible genetic wise without the offspring coming out as some mistake of nature most of the time
whites generally have a kinder face to them that other races don't have while still being rugged and adventurous


posted this one a board:
>A lot of white guys are raised to be respectful towards women as a rule (not all of course) and this why in this day of girl power they are ignored or used by white women in the West.
>In Japan, the man is supposed to come first as they are still the primary earner. They are not raised to be as respectful towards women yet for some reason Japanese women have less of this self destructive trait of seeking the bad boy.
>When Jgirl meets Wguy who opens the door for her and treats her nicely, she's blown away the same with Wguy who meets a girl who actually appreciates his acts of kindness rather than expects them then disregards them.
>This is why there are more couples between Wguy&Jgal while Wgirl&Jguy often fail because both are prima donna expecting more out of each other while the Jguy doesn't have that bad boy streak the Wgal wants. This is why a lot Wgals in Japan end up lonely, fat, and embittered hating on their male counterparts calling them losers who could never get girlfriends back home who could care less since they've got a gf now and not one nagging on them or cheating on them with a bad ex-bf.

yeah look at the compatible kids


I said mostly you illiterate mistake of nature
