How are your kids dealing with the Trump presidency?

I have two anecdotes. The first one is sad and the second is kind of funny but also a little sad.

-My stepdaughter, let's call her Sally, is 8 years old. My wife was explaining to her that people aren't allowed to touch her without her permission, especially in her private areas, and she explained what those areas were. Sally hesitates for a moment and then says "I heard somewhere that's what Trump does." My wife then had to explain how yes, that was probably true, but that there is someone gathering evidence to make sure Trump gets punished for it; they just can't prove it yet so they can't do anything to him.

-While getting ready for bed, my wife asked Sally if she has a nemesis. Rather than say it out loud, she grabs my wife's phone, opens up a texting program, and types "Trump" in it.

Anyone else have stories about dealing with this presidency's effect on your children?

My twin three year olds wear trump hats and go poop in the toilet so that they can be winners like mr trump

My 8 year old broke into tears and asked how people can like Trump. "He's like Hitler!" xir told me.

My son told me all the other kids called your "son" faggot and pushed him into a puddle. Also said that your son was involved in selling uranium contracts to the Russians for kickbacks. So sad.

my 8 year old has not stopped crying since the election .... the other day i tried to comfort her and tell her it's okay that everything will turn out okay , i told her drumflumf will be impeached soon...... she stoped crying immedatly looked me square in the eyes and said "DADDY these are tears of joy you bitch" then she coldly told me if anybody fucks with her president she'll skewer them...... i'm shocked i'm thinking about taking her to counseling... i'm just literally shaking

that sounds traumatizing. have you thought of consoling for the family?

>really makes you think

yes i told you that in my post wat should i do!!

Sup Forums isn't your personal blog you fucking queer

I don’t think I could ever raise another man’s child.

My four-year-old daughter refers to the American flag as "that Trump thing." I watch Donald Trump speeches all the time and my kids love it and him.

Slap your wife and tell her to stop lying to her daughter, while your at it, fuck up all that Santa and bunny shit too.

My eight month old baby has hysterically cried about how intersectional feminism has been set back years by a Trump presidency

My 5 year old woke me in tears. Zhe was unable to articulate zimself at first, but after a bit of yoga and a soy latte I was able to cam Zhim down. Zhe imagined a hellscape with a lovecraftian orange monster eating brown, black, jewish, and gay people but leaving the whites alone. When I realized the implications of my poor childs story...of course. It was that rapist, that monster, that white male. #bluewave2018

On election night my eight-year old daughter cried like a bitch in heat. "How could Trump beat Helldawg when CNN had her leading by 85 points?" she implored.

Looks more like trump then a girl lol tomboy

Your wife's daughter
You're a meme in these parts.

Where can I find this monster and what sacrifice must be made to summon him?

My 7 year old son came home from work, snorted a big ole gator tail of blow and looked at me and said "Ronald Blumph amirite?"

He's fucking hilarious.

I was talking to my 3 month old transgender abortion about how Trump didn't want dumbfuck queers like her to join the military. "But joining the military is a basic human right!" she told me. Lol I love my fetus.

>While getting ready for bed, my wife asked Sally if she has a nemesis. Rather than say it out loud, she grabs my wife's phone, opens up a texting program, and types "Trump" in it.
>my wife asked Sally if she has a nemesis.
>has a nemesis.
Do you know what nemesis means Sally? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by who, Sally? Who is inflicting righteous retribution against mommy and daddy for being commie pedophiles? Type it into Mommies cell if you dont want to say it. Ok Mommy.

You don't have to 'deal' with something that is totally awesome and full of winning, duh.

This is top brickposting

Got them drinking 12 diet cokes a day and eating big macs and filet of fishes in bed while they watch the gorilla channel 24/7.

TRUMP 2020