The question no Holocaust denier fag can answer honestly

The question goes like this right: we all know the Nazis hated Jews. Made them second class citizens, said they were coming for their women and children. They were traitors, etc.

If I am to believe (I actually don’t) the denier narrative, then the Nazis spent an exorbant amount of resources, in a time where they needed all the resources available, sending Jews to nice camps where they took care of them. Some deniers even claim these camps had swimming pools, dental care and soccer teams so these camps obviously must of been nice according to them.

So the question is why? If industrial genocide is too resource intensive according to deniers, why did the Nazis spend even more resources building the Jews cozy summer camps with nice ammenties? Especially since they did it for a group they LOATHE and DISGUST.

I mean that logic just flies in the face of denier arguments itself. But I’d love to see someone explain away the doublethink.

Because without getting into the overwhelming body of evidence supporting the Holocaust, it seems like from denier arguements alone that the Holocaust happened.

>inb4 to make them better workers

Glad to know the Germans funneled grandma and little Sally, who can’t work in a munitions factory to a camp only to give them a spa treatment.

>inb4 the Shoah was too resource intensive to be done

So they just put them up in nice camps instead? Taking care of people is much more resources intensive than murdering them is.

>inb4 muh infograph kike

Not an argument

Other urls found in this thread:

It was the same thing America did to the Japanese, my friend.

>let me set up a premise that I only know how to work with

A state sponsored extermination program is not the same as internment

>swimming pools,
Just a some water to fight fires and drown people in.

Internment becomes extermination once supplies are scarce.

>once supplies are scarce.

You don't get the numbers dead in those camps from bad supply lines near the end of the war

Yeah once the supply lines were bad they just stopped feeding them as they didn't want to waste the resources.

>So the question is why? If industrial genocide is too resource intensive according to deniers, why did the Nazis spend even more resources building the Jews cozy summer camps with nice ammenties? Especially since they did it for a group they LOATHE and DISGUST.
We even build camps for them at all? Why not just marsch them into a field at gunpoint and hold them there until the die from exposure?

>damn! Ze wortzlezz jewkind collapzed on ze way to ze gaz chamberz!
>to ze hozpital, schnell schnell, we gaz you later
>*laughs in nazi*

This + typhus.

This holohoax shit has gone overboard, no from now on you kike will provide the proof, give me the 6 million names and what region they lived in and what their profession was so i can double check and make sure its not lies.

did it this way for 2 reasons
1 After the civil war 1919-1923 they saw them as a fifth column that might start another uprising while the Germans were concentrated on the war, thats why they imprisoned them

2. They needed them healthy because they did a lot of high Tier work in the concentrationcamps. The STG 44 and the G 43 the most high tech rifles the Reich had in the war had 30% of their parts produced in Concentrationcamps on German soil. Thats just an example, but because of this they needed healthy workers if you look at the amount of parts produced in the camps

Burden of proof is on you schlomo come on give me the 6 million names

>Yeah once the supply lines were bad they just stopped feeding them

Ok so let's say this scenario was true, they stopped feeding them, Isn't that still killing them?

They wanted them segregated and removed from any positions of influence. The jews were given several years to vacate the country. The ones who stayed had ample warning that things would get progressively uncomfortable. They chose to stay anyway, and they were rounded up into camps, where they succumbed to wartime privation (native Germans were boiling glue off wallpaper by the end of the war to eat), inevitable sickness when humans are packed into small places, and probably the cruelty of guards who went mad with power, which is typical of any prison system.

He's saying that it was internment. The same thing America did to the Japanese.

>The STG 44 and the G 43 the most high tech rifles the Reich had in the war had 30% of their parts produced in Concentrationcamps on German soil

Source required

Give me all the names of the people that died in in Holodomor?. Can't do it? That means it didn't happen, if this sounds retarded it's cuz it is

But the German camps were not strictly internment as evidenced by the number dead

>the numbers dead
That's the key. What are the numbers according to you?

Yeah but the motivation is different. It's an important point, because it goes from "Nazis did this because they were comically evil" to "This would have happened in any country that lost the war, and every country(America included) was evil for making the camps in the first place."

The "gas chambers and ovens" narrative leaves nothing to be learned, while the "every country would have done this" narrative lets us learn from our historical mistakes.

Camps did have swimming pool, dental care and soccer teams you utter moron, how can you deny that?
that doesn't make camps nice though.

they spend time building them because they had enough resources when they started, war depleted them.

>The numbers

Is what most "deniers" question.

Theres a huge difference between a million died because of disease and starvation as Axis supply could barely feed its troops, and 12 million were gassed.

My Fafa was put in Therenstadt the "model" concentration camp and according to what he told me, the dying started in late 44 and it was from Typhus at first then lack of food.

>makes threat without knowing Basic info
>too lazy to Google for 1 Minute

come on OP, thats just embarassing

If the holohoax really happened then why use gas chambers and ovens?shooting a kike in the head or starving them to death is so much easier,why would the natsoc need gorrillion canisters of gas instead of just bullets or one artillery shell in a group of 10,it really doenst make sense when you think about it

You unironically believe that pic-text?

Uhhh because it's not more resource intensive?
> argument defeated.
Fuck, you're stupid.

According to census data from the time I'd say in the range of 5-6 million

>According to censuses, there were about six million more Jews in Europe in early 1942 (as the Holocaust began) than there were at the German surrender in 1945. The Wannsee Protocol from 1942 said that there were 11 million Jews in Europe, of which roughly 6 million were living in German-controlled territories (as the Third Reich was at its peak by 1942).[61] Where did they go?

The gas chambers are just as real as electric killing floors, giant roller coasters, nuclear ovens, masturbation machines, dogs trained to seek out and rape jews etc

this. There you have a reasonable answer. r u happy?

why are you assuming that all of them got killed in camps? did typhus not kill a single Jew? did they no die from any other causes in war?

>"This would have happened in any country that lost the war

Come on mate now you're just excusing their crimes. Killing millions in camps via starvation is still an awful crime and could very well be considered evil

>that doesn't make camps nice though.

How the fuck not? That's more amenities afforded to them than the typical soldier?

Exactly. Literally don't feed them: all dead in 3-6 weeks. Or the price of a single bullet... and for people that supposedly built masturbation machines and procured eagles and bears to fight in cages to accent their rollercoaster tycoon experience it shouldn't be that hard to setup.

Genocide is not resource intensive as Cambodia shows.The way the Holocaust was perpetrated according to the offical history was.So you making up strawman.
Dentists,surgery,soccer teams,theater and swimming pool were in existence.
There is no doubt about it.
Auschwitz wasnt a cozy summer camp.Many inmates died because of various diseases including the SS guards.
The death toll for Auschwitz of deceased inmates excluding the gassed is around 100.000 to 150.000.
People like you are never able to answer why Anne Frank was interned at Auschwitz Birkenau and then transported to Bergen Belsen.
She was unable to work and should have been gassed.So why transport her using valuable transport space via train to Bergen Belsen ?
Makes not sense at all.

Your entire premise is fucking bullshit.
The concentration camps were not an enormous resource as you put it.

They were there to lroduce material for the war effort.

Why make them just to murder people?

You are such a fucking fag.
I cant believe i wasted time responding to your shit.

>Theres a huge difference between a million died because of disease and starvation as Axis supply could barely feed its troops

This implies the Holocaust was not purposeful

>and 12 million were gassed.

Nobody claims this

The killing wasn't intention, dingus. That's the entire point.

Bringing your enemies to a centralized location instead of killing them is a mercy. If your supply lines which you were willfully using to feed them for free are bombed and you become incapable of feeding them, is it really somehow your fault when they starve to death?

If ISIS somehow successfully waged war on the mainland US and our prisoners in Gitmo starved, are you seriously saying it'd be an "awful crime?"

>Killing millions in camps via starvation is still an awful crime and could very well be considered evil
Yes, that's exactly the point. Every country that had internment camps was willing to do the same, but never had to. The lesson is "don't put people in camps you evil pricks" and applies to both sides.

>come on OP, thats just embarassing

No where in your link is your statement of:

>>The STG 44 and the G 43 the most high tech rifles the Reich had in the war had 30% of their parts produced in Concentrationcamps on German soil


i just never understood or found any sources on how the 6 million got measured.
anyone care to explain with a non-meme'd answer?

>believing a statistic made in 1945

Dude at that Point there were 13 Million fleeing from the german eastern territories into todays german borders

You could have made up any statistic at that Point and nobody could have disproved you for the simple fact nobody had a full overview

Hell the russians recounted their Dead in 2016 and came to the conclusion that it wasnt 26 Million but 40 Million

>Nobody claims this


I'm pretty sure soldier had all of that too, before times got hard. the fact is that swimming pool is there,there are pictures of it, you can go in the camp and physically touch it. there was hospital and some of the survivors will tell you about it. I don't even deny the holocaust, I just question the number and the method mostly.


>Uhhh because it's not more resource intensive?

How is housing them at camps with swimming pools, soccer teams, and garden not more resource intensive?

I don't necessarily believe in it

>The killing wasn't intention, dingus

Which is incorrect, there is well documented evidence of the complicity of the High Command in the Holocaust

like i said, too stupid or lazy to Google it for 1 Minute.
and i allready gave you a link in the last post

Here's the hospital, the patients look pretty well cared for, recovering from Typhus

Taken out next minute and fed into a crematory rollercoaster death machine, no doubt

No one to my knowledge claims that 12 million fucking people were gassed dude

I think most of them made their way to north and south America. Hell there's even a Jew area in cuba

So you agree it was more "if they die they die" mentality rather than shove them into a gas chamber or put them on a roller coaster that leads to the furnace?

Once again, your statement:

>>The STG 44 and the G 43 the most high tech rifles the Reich had in the war had 30% of their parts produced in Concentrationcamps on German soil

is not corroborated in your link

It was the number of human sacrifices their G-d (demiurge) demanded of them in their book as blood atonement for being degenerate scum before they could have Israel back


>all the testimonials were not given under duress

No, there's not. Prove me wrong.

I'm not sure about that, I know that lot of Jews were deported to South America before World Wars.
my friend also is studying in Poland and he told me that lots of Poles still tell him that they have Jewish ancestry, so it's possible that they just assimilated and their descendant don't identify as Jews anymore

>So you agree it was more "if they die they die" mentality rather than shove them into a gas chamber or put them on a roller coaster that leads to the furnace?

I do not, Himmler admits himself that the Holocaust was a purposeful execution of Jews:

>secret speeches
You've got to be kidding me.

We have confessions well before the end of the war and surrender of the Reich

refer to
Here's the audio:

It was also corroborated in Goebbels diary

Aha, they went crypto like ole Georgie Soros

We have audio of it and it was corroborated by other members of the High Command

>the ladder was then removed
holy fucking shit i need to play the sims again

Here's some criticism of Posen Speeches

I personally believe that there was a plan of extermination. but these documents can be forged and doesn't necessarily, conclusively prove it.


People have issues with some of the translation but extermination or annihilation of Jews is very clear.

>but these documents can be forged and doesn't necessarily, conclusively prove it.

Then how do you explain the fact it was corroborated by other members of High Command?

I was personally gassed six million times by Mengele himself. I only survived by hiding a gas mask up my asshole and not letting the bear eat it.

>secret speech
>but they recorded it
>despite explicitly not wanting anyone to know about it

>Then how do you explain the fact it was corroborated by other members of High Command?
Sauce, we can dismiss this lie just as easily.

Take your strawman and fuck it until you die.

Read the metapedia link I sent you


>Sauce, we can dismiss this lie just as easily.

On 27 March 1942, during the height of the war, Goebbels wrote into his diary one of the most explicit recorded references to the Nazi genocide of the Jews:

«Aus dem Generalgovernement werden jetzt, bei Lublin beginnend, die Juden nach dem Osten abgeschoben. Es wird hier ein ziemlich barbarisches und nicht näher zu beschreibendes Verfahren angewandt, und von den Juden selbst bleibt nicht mehr viel übrig. Im großen kann man wohl feststellen, daß 60 % davon liquidiert werden müssen, während nur noch 40 % in die Arbeit eingesetzt werden können. Der ehemalige Gauleiter von Wien, der diese Aktion durchführt, tut das mit ziemlicher Umsicht und auch mit einem Verfahren, das nicht allzu auffällig wirkt. An den Juden wird ein Strafgericht vollzogen, das zwar barbarisch ist, das sie aber vollauf verdient haben. Die Prophezeiung, die der Führer ihnen für die Herbeiführung eines neuen Weltkriegs mit auf den Weg gegeben hat, beginnt sich in der furchtbarsten Weise zu verwirklichen. Man darf in diesen Dingen keine Sentimentalitäten obwalten lassen.»

«The Jews are now being pushed out of the General Government, beginning near Lublin, to the East. A pretty barbaric procedure is being applied here, and it is not to be described in any more detail, and not much is left of the Jews themselves. In general one may conclude that 60% of them must be liquidated, while only 40% can be put to work. The former Gauleiter of Vienna [Globocnik], who is carrying out this action, is doing it pretty prudently and with a procedure that doesn't work too conspicuously. The Jews are being punished barbarically, to be sure, but they have fully deserved it. The prophesy that the Führer issued to them on the way, for the eventuality that they started a new world war, is beginning to realise itself in the most terrible manner. One must not allow any sentimentalities to rule in these matters.»

Too bad they did not kill all the kikes. This is now a /stalin/ thread.

How do you explain the corroboration of the speech then by other members of high command?


It doesn't matter if it did or didn't happen, it SHOULD have happened.

Let's talk about the Holodomor.

>no link

Who was talking, what was the venue, when was it recorded, why was it recorded, when did it get released to the public, who released it?


Which high command exactly?
they could have been tortured.
name names, how do you explain other high command denying it then?




The initial use of the camps was to keep them in and move them collectively to another country at the end of the war. Unlike gulags or Rheinwiesenlager people actually had some "summer camps" for a few years. I know it is not really freedom but given that certain (((people))) have been expelled from all over Europe 300 times and that these (((people))) also wanted to turn Germany into a communist hellhole I can not blame any German wanting to expel merchants from Europe for good. Germany is a small country and has limited resources so as the war went on it needed a huge workforce. Ironically the front where Germany needed most logistics millions of workers are said to have been exterminated.

This is my source for the full entries including the original German:

>Longerich, Peter (2015). Goebbels: A Biography. New York: Random House. ISBN 978-1400067510.

Here is a link to excerpts from the diary:



Reminder that Stalin admired Hitler and he too purged Jews.

Is nobody going to talk about OP's pic!?
I'm interested in a rundown of it.
I'm at a parking lot and will commence driving. I will check back in 15. Info plz!

Yeah, your a shill. I actually poison Jews because of posts like this.

>Denying our greatest achivement

I do not understand. Why claim to hate the jews yet be so hesitant about the Holocaust, isn't our ultimate goal to have a world free of Jews? Do you fear the jews?


>they could have been tortured.

Their admission of guilt was well before surrender

>name names

Himmler, Goebbels, Hans Frank, Hitler, and Karl Jäger among others


The first one was a hoax. Ours will be real and complete.

>I'm interested in a rundown of it.

A picture from the Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives. It shows members of the German Gendarmerie and Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft shooting individual Jewish women who remain alive in a ravine south of Rovno (Rivne) in the Sdolbunov Gebietskommissariat, after a mass execution of Jews from the Mizocz ghetto, taken October 14, 1942.

On June 28, 1941 Rovno was captured by Nazi Germany and served as the administrative center of the Reichskommissariat Ukraine.

According to the Zentrale Stelle in Germany (Zst. II 204 AR 1218/70), these Jews were collected by the German Gendarmerie and Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft during the liquidation of the Mizocz ghetto, which held roughly 1,700 Jews. On the eve of the ghetto's liquidation (13 October 1942), some of the inhabitants rose up against the Germans and were defeated after a short battle. The remaining members of the community were transported from the ghetto to this ravine...

Multiple copies online and in published works are available, for example at Reitlinger, Gerald, The SS -- Alibi of a Nation, Viking (Da Capo reprint), New York 1957 ISBN 0-306-80351-8, at page 264c. Also available at the USHMM website as photo 17878

I'll use lead powder this time.



Truth matters.
And combustion is a honorable ritual they didn't deserve.
