American Hate Thread

>The Americans' 'open-mindedness', which is sometimes cited in their favor, is the other side of their interior formlessness. The same goes for their 'individualism'. Individualism and personality are not the same: the one belongs to the formless world of quantity, the other to the world of quality and hierarchy. The Americans are the living refutation of the Cartesian axiom, "I think, therefore I am": Americans do not think, yet they are. The American 'mind', puerile and primitive, lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to every kind of standardization.

-Julius Evola

I can honestly say, with good heart, intention and conviction, that of all the myriad of beings and creatures god in his infinite wisdom placed upon this earth, there is none more toxic, venomous, conniving or disgusting than the American. His breath reeks of his nation's horrible 'culinary culture'. His woman sleeps with whichever nigger roams onto his street next. His mangled and subhuman hands have brought about the end of many a great peoples and the only thing his wretched, dirty eyes see is envy and lust.

The American is a natural liar and conman, those allied with him should be aware. His armies crumple with the slightest blow of the wind however he will still beat his chest and claim victory and his integral role in any operation. He has allied himself with some of the most dastardly and evil forces in the world and in his arrogance has been enslaved and corrupted by them. The only respite I can find in these horrific injustices committed by the United States is their eventual and soon coming extinction, for the American, through all his hate and bitterness, hates nothing more than himself.

They knowingly and willingly set up the world to be destroyed on the altar of progressive ideologies and persist to this day in sacrificing everything in the name of universal liberalism. Read Heidegger, read Evola, and you will understand.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wake up. Open your eyes.

It's hard to hate America with trump as president.






>myriad of
You fucked up

>English speakers use myriad in the broad sense—both as a singular noun ("a myriad of tiny particles") and a plural noun ("myriads of tiny particles").

I stand with you in this battle, brit, fuck the yankees!

I know you are, but what am I? Lol

Like anyone cares what some fucking britfag has to say. You might as well be a sandnigger muhammed

If we can have American hate threads why can't we have nigger hate threads?
>in before there's no difference
It's bullshit we can have some kind of hate threads but not others. They only bring up racial points in these threads and NOT politics or political differences between countries so there is absolutely no difference.

El Goblino shows no fear, no self awareness, no acumen. Should you hear his shrill cries in the night you are advised to lock yourself into your homes, stay in a brightly lit room and to not open the windows no matter how many times you are pleaded with "To let us in"

G-d is on our side. He will eviscerate whatever remains of your garbage bloodlines and so-called culture until all of your descendants are atomized, androgynous, ethnically ambiguous turboconsumers. I can't wait until we get to demolish all your stupid town squares and churches and replace them with minimalls, movie theaters, and gigantic parking lots. My cock is literally throbbing at the thought of you pathetic, weak europoors crying on the inside as you are forced to consent to the superior American way of life spreading to every single corner of your atrocious lands.

Because racism is banned outside of Sup Forums. under global rules

This is not about race, it's about your sickly abomination of a country.

Whiter than you, Mohammed.

>This is not about race,
Explain le 56% face then lying faggot.



Why do Americans do this to their children?

>sickly abomination of a country
Brought to you by the limey fucks who gave you the black plague.

This is not a 56% face thread.
It is an American hate thread. As 'American' is not yet an actual race or ethnicity - you're barking up the wrong tree you slimy, low IQ mutt.

>they hate us cause they ain't us
I don't hold it against you though, I'd be jealous of Americans too if I lived in the United Cuckdom

I never understood this, the Americans are always telling us to "rise up" against our rulers but have let the Jews and other minorities tyrannise and dictate to them what they can and cannot do.

>This is not a 56% face thread.
There was one in the OP. Keep backpeddling. You're violating the rules you claim other people need to adhere to. Lying bitch.
Racism! Racism!