I just laughed for a solid two minutes in public after I pulled up this headline on my phone...

I just laughed for a solid two minutes in public after I pulled up this headline on my phone. I’ve never heard/read a more disqualifying-from-serious-regard comment from any human being ever. This is beyond ‘Baghdad Bob’ or whatever-his-name-was irl cringe comedy.

Forget the impeachment proceedings; this has reached a level of absurdity where I feel like a ‘have you no decency’ type charge from literally anyone to the tune of ‘you are seriously just too stupid you’re deposed(fired)’ would work by general acclamation.

If anyone on Sup Forums is still unironically supporting this guy you’ve gone far beyond extreme-partisan into extreme reality-denial and I worry for your mental health.

Other urls found in this thread:



Trump is not mentally stable.
Trump is not being, like, really smart.
Trump is not a genius.
Trump is not like Ronald Reagan.
Trump is not successful businessman.
Trump is not a top T.V. star.
Trump is not a legitimate President of the United States (lost popular vote and colluded with Russia).
Trump is not going to be reelected in 2020.
Trump is not going to be President for a full 4 years.

OP is a smart person, unlike Trump, who is so dumb.

The best part is that this isn’t even rock bottom/ pinnacle comedy. Looking forward to the show, chaps.

No one cares about you, but you clearly care immensely about Trump. Still feel like laughing?

Got triggered by others having a good laugh at a joke?


>trump is so retarded he became a billionaire and the president and has accomplished half his goals while many of his enemies have lost their careers

This is what public education and social media has done to our society. Where nobodies and failures feel justified in making such apparently falsifiable claims

If you’d tasked a team of top-level-ironic Jewish Hollywood comedy writers to compose the perfect tweet to make Donald Trump look like the world’a most deluded idiot, they couldn’t have done any better. It’s just staggering.

If we live in a multiple-universes reality we clearly exist in one of the most unlikely, approaching those where people walk on their hands or Mexicans landed on the moon.

>Being this assblasted by three Tweets.
Be honest, OP: how lonely are you?

Are you suggesting Trump was ‘trolling’ and not 100% serious? (As he obviously was; this man has absolutely no sense or irony or self-awareness)

He’s a ‘genius’ as convincing stupid people he’s smart.

Everything Trump does is a show, a public stunts. He has only (((alternative media))) so he has to run his mounth louder to be heard and stay relevant. Americans are obsessed with tv stars, so it works.

>le projecting bootlicker face


How are you going to make it for 7 more years of Trump if he baits you each time he shitposts? Libtards are so mentally unstable.

>Say something about Trump be it criticism or a joke
>Hur dur libtard shill!

nice proxy

What I don’t get, is that he’s set the bar so absurdly low for ‘presidential’ that if he just shuts the fuck up and does nothing for three consecutive days the MSM start praising his statesmanship.

Why does he keep shooting himself in the foot saying all this stupid shit when any first-year political science undergrad could competently screen his tweets, the falsehoods and insanity is so obvious?

They're putting Putin's personality cult to shame really, Americans always have to do it bigger


being this butthurt, having to use multiple proxies and raid from other websites

Why would anyone want a Vietnamese proxy? I have to go on shitty CNN because the BBC is blocked here.

>emperor's new clothes

Mentally broken

>durr im really a viet guys


that you Andreas?

He's actually doing a good job so far

What I don't get is how you can keep telling Trump he is doing everything "wrong" when through the choices he makes he's become a multi-billionaire and president of the United States and you haven't achieved shit.

its nice for the plebs to feel superior to the U.S president and a billionaire, it makes them feel better about their pathetic lives.

in reality they couldn't have done what hes done and that makes them feel inferior

He's either stupid or there is something else going on. Do you actually think he is stupid? You should be worried about something more nefarious.


>release IQ test to show people you're smart
>"omg how tacky c u on r/iamverysmart"
>people force it upon you to prove your mentally fit
>"oops we played ourselves"
now which is more likely, user?

This neo-con kike (((((((((Trump))))))))) was put in to destroy nationalism and right wing movements thought the planet by making them look like retarded idiots.

>countries around the world exponentially assblasted the gibs are drying up and the borders are closing
>fuck drumpf for looking after America, Hilary would have continued the gibs and open borders for all of us
that's you m8. focus on your own country, last I checked it was still a third world shithole. fix it

He has one trick, which is (as said) convincing stupid people he’s smart. “Poor man’s idea of a rich man” as has been said ad nausium. He rode that to early ‘People Magazine’-tier fame as a ‘real estate barron’, then as a reality TV star, and now as president.

Unfortunately for him and everyone else, the JOB of being president isn’t ultimately judged by popularity (which he’s latterly failing at anyway) but by performance. You can’t bluff your way though governing a country like he has everything else he’s done in the past.

So does that mean Hillary spent 2 billion dollars to lose to an illiterate, retarded. senile, uneducated, rapist, and racist who was trying to lose the election?Can't get anymore just than that.

are you stupid?


We're definitely past the "huh?", but what was the "aha!" if this was the "dun-dun-dun!" of the mysteries of the current timeline?

By fueling a nationalist movement independent of Trump that has shifted the Overton window so much that the right is talking about how they will implement an ethnostate, real (((smart)))

>You can’t bluff your way though governing a country
Watch and learn.

The whole system is shit and I just wanted to be entertained. Trump is still doing that for me, and in spades. Can't wait to vote for him in 2020.

I didn’t say he was a genious but he is certainly not an idiot

>thinks his opinion matters at all
Go eat a dog you slant eyed fuck


>spends time on his own fucking property
What's the issue here?


XD well played


What's not to like about the way he's governed the country in the first year? Cut off free.gibs, tax reform LIFETIME court appointments from supreme court down that will keep on giving for over 40 years? VA fixes. Etc etc etc etc. Guy is a fucking bad ass Republican you just can't get over he won and he troll you daily. Mentally broke your ilk is.

>He has one trick, which is (as said) convincing stupid people he’s smart.

I would say convincing people that think they are smart (you) that he is dumb is his best trick

being so delusional that you convince yourself everyone who disagrees with you is actually the same person in a giant Sup Forums conspiracy.

kill yourself, you won't be missed

>h-hes trolling guys,take that l-liberals!

drumpfkins are braindead at this point


US' economy is fucked. You can educate yourself by listening to Ron Paul and some others who don't suck Trump/Zio cock 24/7

Lets say this is the reality? (It’s closer than not imo; notably in terms of Trump becoming president despite his plans to use his running for cheap publicity); once you’re over the ‘lulzyness’ of what’s gone down doesn’t it scare you at least a bit that the world most powerful and important country is run by who would be objectively one of its very LEAST qualified citizens? If you simply picked people at random you’d almost certainly do better than Trump for president; and most people are idiots when it comes to anything more than doing their jobs (as is Trump; he was fine as a ‘media personality’)


God your memes are just pure shit.

>attempts to co-op an election meme

How bad did spending your time here for shekels hurt when Trump won?

Not as fucked as your ass when we surpass you as the supplier of natural gas to eastern Europe. Ouch.

look out yall, some fatass from the niggerlands has a new opinion everyone will discard offhand

Are people assblasted that it's not a toupee? What else would be the point of comparing a wind blown overcome of a light hue with a horse trail of a similar color? Michael Obama looks like a horse with a rod to match.

some many people in 2018 are autistic and unironically don't understand sarcasm or have any sense of humor. Eat shit gook.

>listen to this dude who hates trump trust me

He HAS to have an above average IQ. In fact, statistically he should have a genius IQ if you look at IQ and wealth.
It would be physically impossible for him to achieve what he achieved otherwise. Also, average IQ for wharton is 145

He did direct big fixes in the VA, they've completely glossed over that.

I think we’re dead and they put on a movie to teach us a lesson.

If you want to be scared, ignore the president and take a look and the senate and house. Especially the house, it's filled with the most retarded and corrupt of us all. And congress has the actual power, the president has a pen and is the face the world sees. Americas problem is and always has been congress.

nice bantz, but i was just stating the obvious. nothing personal.

so somehow, reposting someone else's IP is a measure for the value or validity of their argument?

you're a nigger and shouldn't be allowed to reproduce

Eat your tendies.

well, he's President and Hillary isn't so....

‘Popularity’ was a poor choice of words. Trumps career pre-presidency has been built on ‘notoriety’ which Trump is absolutely the undisputed master of, of all creation and of all time at. Men have conquered whole continents and haven’t gained as much note as Trump manages with a few retarded tweets.

He doesn't hate Trump. He simply criticising him. Do you even know who the guy is?

>worse clown than Maduro
Defend this USA

Assuming someone spoke in Valley girl vernacular, why would they actually type out ", like, a smart person" unless they were baiting?


we did it reddit

>beyond ‘Baghdad Bob’ or whatever-his-name-was irl cringe comedy.
Do you even remember that? It was way fucking worse, how old are you?

ahhhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahha. what a prize pratt,,,,

The world economy is growing. Trudeau is an even bigger genius by this measure since Canada has been doing even better.

Whatever entertains you, OP. As long as you work in that sweatshop 24/7 to improve my living standards i'm perfectly fine with it.

Shhhh your fucking up their rage.

well, he is gonna get impeached, and hillary isn't so...




wtf are you on about?

england niggers are the worst niggers, shut your fucking mouth, nigel

The vast majority of anti-Trump comments aren't in disagreement with any of his political choices. Ad hominem attacks like saying he has tiny hands or he's a cock holster have nothing to do with anything and should be disregarded.

I'm just gonna laugh when I watch Trump-loving retards like you lose health insurance or lose access to Sup Forums due to losing net neutrality.

Have fun choking on that tiny orange dick for now. I'm sure the senile old fart really appreciates it.

Ron Paul hates Trump cunt. Do you even know who he is?

>they will implement an ethnostate

Yeah just look at all those right wing "victories" thought Europe-oh wait.

I am a stable genius who sits in bed eating big mac's and watching network television like its 1954.

This is the actual state of the most powerful military in the world.

You all deserve this.

>economic lessons

"Presidential" is a fucking corporate PR meme, and you're a robot for accepting establishment hacks as the criteria for eligibility to govern.

I thought you were talking about CNN beeing so ridicoulus to report on such an irrelevant topic... Even Trump supporters know that trump is a fool... Part of the reason why we like him

ajajajjajajajjajjhhhahhahahhahahahhahhahah he is beyond words u lot are the worst.. ahahhahhhahahahahhahahhhahhahhahhahahhahha UN FUCKINGBELIEVABLE.... IM DYING ON THE FLOOR LOLING...

there’s a beea ona you head

This guys still on net neutrality, get with the current outrage or your never going to get a bonus.

.... and 2018 already has post of the year.