The Left is using Freudian Psychological Presumptions to undermine society

To preface the post; understand that this doesn't necessarily need to be true for the left to take its words to heart and act on them:

An excerpt from Freud's 'The Ego and the Id'
[in relation to children growing into their gender role]:
>"Closer study usually discloses the more complete Oedipus complex, which is twofold, positive and negative, and is due to the bisexuality originally present in children: that is to say, a boy has not merely an ambivalent attitude towards his father and an affectionate object-relation towards his mother, but at the same time he also behaves like a girl and displays an affectionate feminine attitude to his father and a corresponding hostility and jealousy towards his mother."
>"It is this complicating element, introduced by bisexuality that makes it so difficult to obtain a clear view of the facts, in connection with the earliest object-choices and identifications, and still more difficult to describe them intelligibly. It may even be that the ambivalence displayed in the relations to the parents should be attributed entirely to bisexuality and that it is not, as i stated just now, developed out of an identification in consequence of rivalry."

The left is attempting to undermine stable society by afflicting neuroses in the majority (especially of men) by fostering indeterminate gender identification. This movement has nothing to do with progressiveism and making trans people feel safe, it has to do with mentally-deranging as much of the population as humanly possible.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't understand. If everyone is naturally bisexual, why would it drive kids insane to raise them like bisexuals?

can you just be a nice person?
can you not be an asshole?
it's not some trick if people dont want to be the bad guys

You do know Bruce is a republican right?

how convenient

But using your desire to be Luke Fucking Skywalker as a weapon against you is.

> fuck fucking mommy. I’m gonna be mommy

Puberty, hormones, and experience/circumstance alter this as one develope his or her sexual identity.

Freud is very logical. Jung is a lot hookum.

No, they start bisexual (a lot do, not all of course) and then trend towards the correct role.

The male body is the perfect vessel for masculinity and the female body is the perfect vessel for femininity, much in the way the left-brain is the perfect place for logical and ordered thinking and the right-brain is the perfect place for chaos-comprehension, meta-analysis and creativity; however it's possible in some cases for the two halves of the brain to be used in opposite cases to their architecture.

This all has to do with the general plasticity of the child brain and body.

However, as it happens, men being masculine, women being feminine, the left-brain being ordered and the right-brain being chaotic is such an objectively good idea all the humans that did not veer down this path were objectively weaker and thus failed in the Darwinian world.

To be the opposite to your physical architecture, or worse to be somewhere in-between causes you to be inherently weak, like playing a videogame in which specific classes exist (warrior/mage/rogue) yet investing your stat points evenly amongst all the points - what happens? You get a weak warror/mage/rogue because all of them have equal points in str/int/agi.

The goal of the left is to get you to mis-build your own literal character.

Republicans are called cuckservatives, isn't that right?

There are people whose only goal in life was to do what their mother's asked of them and 'just be nice' - those men are what we today call 'soyboys'.

Nice is something you have to choose to be after you've identified your darkest sides.

Being nice and only nice is not 'nice' at all - it's out and out weakness.

Something like that, yeah.

Or conversely with 'strong empowered wumyn' - "fuck mommy, mommy is shit, i'm going to be like daddy and work 50 hours a week, that'll definitely make me feel fulfilled".

Jung is fantastic too, his work on the Archetypes is nothing short of genius.

The two disagree here and there on specifics, which is why it's important to read both. Somewhere exists the truth and it does no good to block out one in eery worship of the other.

nice, makes sense

>Nice is something you have to choose to be after you've identified your darkest sides.
It depends a lot on how you define niceness. It could just mean someone who acts nicely, or it could mean someone who explicitly chooses to act nicely. You could say that someone can't be good unless it's capable of evil. Dogs are the epitome of goodness, since they could rip people to shreds, but they rarely do so.

A modern soyboy allowing a Somalis to move in his country, rape his women and take his money is not good, since he was never capable of saying no and defend what is his. What these soyboys allow to happen is clearly evil by every metric, but the soyboys themselves are not really evil either. Soyboys are not evil, since they are not capable of it, and they are not good for the same reason. They just are. Quite sad, really.

>Dogs are the epitome of goodness, since they could rip people to shreds, but they rarely do so.

Be careful associating people with dogs in that context - they're that way because we've utterly dominated their evolutionary path to fit our own and made them hyper-subservient to our own species.

A creature that finds itself in a jungle will evolve to me a master of that jungle (or as near as damn-it) and a creature finding itself stuck in the environment of human civilisation must also find (not choose, but find/fall into) a working path to survive there.
For some animals that path to genetic prevalence was being tasty enough for us to keep them alive as farm animals, for others it was that they were excellent augmentations to our own need for mobility (horses/camels~/elephants) or our need for fast scouts, guards, pest-killers etc (cats/dogs).

The fact that very recent history has rendered a large amount of these roles for the animals in question moot (many dogs are still needed for police/farm work but not most) they've adopted a new role as 'faithful companions' (pets).

>A modern soyboy allowing a Somalis to move in his country, rape his women and take his money is not good, since he was never capable of saying no and defend what is his. What these soyboys allow to happen is clearly evil by every metric, but the soyboys themselves are not really evil either. Soyboys are not evil, since they are not capable of it, and they are not good for the same reason. They just are. Quite sad, really.

They're not evil in spite of their facilitation of evil, and it's BECAUSE of their lack of acknowledged and then tamed self-evil that such evil can be facilitated at all around them.
Another word for it is 'savvy' - you can't con a conman, you can't bullshit a bullshitter.

>mfw i got quadruple-doubles

fuck, never done that before...

Freud was a perverse lunatic who pretty much tried to destroy western psychology

>but at the same time he also behaves like a girl and displays an affectionate feminine attitude to his father and a corresponding hostility and jealousy towards his mother."

If this is true, than transsexuals are natural. I guess this is why their brains look like the sex they espouse;

>Studies beginning with Zhou in 1995 have found that trans women's brain structure (volume and density of neurons) is similar to cisgender (cis) women's and unlike cis men's, and trans men's is similar to cis men's, even when controlling for hormone use. A 2002 study by Chung suggested significant sexual dimorphism in the BSTc did not become established until adulthood, theorizing that either changes in fetal hormone levels produce changes in BSTc synaptic density and other factors which later lead to the observed differences in BSTc

MECP2 protein levels have been correlated to social sex, or gender in the sense that males and females have different levels, and social pressures can change these levels and the gender of behavior;

>MeCP2 in the developing rat brain regulates important social development in a sexually dimorphic manner. MeCP2 levels are different between males and females in the developing rat brain 24 hours after birth
>Specifically, males express less MeCP2 than females
>Reductions in MeCP2 with Small interfering RNA (siRNA) during the first few days of life reduce male levels of juvenile social play behavior to female typical levels, but do not affect female juvenile play behavior
>MeCP2 is important in organizing hormone-related behaviors and sex differences in the developing rat amygdala. MeCP2 appears to regulate arginine vasopressin (AVP) and androgen receptor (AR) production

His identification of the conscious-preconscious-subconscious structure of the brain was and is sound (and was then built upon by minds like Jung).

His analysis of the fundamental oedipal complex is the main issue most people have with his work, and is a hotly debated (and undeniably uncomfortable) topic, though not entirely unfounded.

It wouldn't surprise me at all.

The brain is hyper-plastic, and even more so during childhood.
Add in that the personality/wishes of the consciousness also act as an environment of sorts for that plasticity to mould itself into and it's not difficult at all to imagine it begins to shape itself into a more feminine structure amongst individuals whose conscious mind has become convinced they are the opposing gender.

However, to call gender dysphoria (as is done with homosexuality often by the traditional right) as being 'a choice' would be ill advised and premature, it's more like inadvertently activating a positive feedback loop in brain development, in which you end up tumbling down a given path due to some early poor decisions.

This is where the evil of the far-left comes into play; their goal is to push people down this path by saying 'that's right Timmy, your notions of being a girl are 100% correct, i'll book in your trans surgery tomorrow' and basically helping bang the nails into their coffin.

Jung believed in things like: Deer hunting symbolises sexual intercourse, and Freud saw pretty much everything trough wierd sex-glasses.
Also there is very little proof to any shadow-selves, id's and egos
Carthaginians, Phoenicians & Berbers became Jews; Freud sided with Hannibal as a Jewish proxy against Rome -
(6) Sigmund Freud sided with Hannibal as a Jewish proxy against Rome - Thomas Szasz

Thomas Szasz, The Myth of Psychotherapy: Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric, and Repression (Anchor Press/Doubleday, NY, 1978).

{p. 138} Sigmund Freud: The Jewish Avenger

{p. 146} In print and in public, Freud insists, with the voice of the wounded savant, that psychoanalysis is a science like any other and has nothing to do with Jewishness. In person and in private, however, he identifies psychoanalysis, with the voice of the prophet militant, as a Jewish creation and possession.

One of Freud's most powerful motives in life was the desire to inflict vengeance on Christianity for its traditional anti-Semitism. This idea has been suggested by Freud himself, and has been alluded to by others. In The Interpretation of Dreams, where Freud tells us so much about himself, he relates one of his dreams in which he is in Rome. To explain it, he offers the following episode about his childhood:

I had actually been following in Hannibal's footsteps. Like him, I had been fated not to see Rome; and he too had moved into the Campagna when everyone had expected him in Rome. But Hannibal, whom I had come to resemble in these respects, had been the favourite hero of my later school days. Like so many boys of that age, I had sympathized in the Punic Wars not with the Romans but with the Carthaginians. And when in the higher classes I began to understand for the first time what it meant to belong to all alien race, and anti-Semitic feelings among the other boys warned me that I must take up a definite position, the figure of the Semitic general rose still higher in my esteem. To my youthful mind Hannibal and Rome symbolized the conflict between the tenacity of Jewry and the organization of the Catholic church . And the increasing importance of the effects of the anti-Semitic movement upon our emotional life helped to fix the thoughts and feelings of those early days. At that point I was brought up against the event in my youth whose power was still being shown in my dreams. I may have been ten or twelve years old, when my father began to take me with him on his walks and reveal to me in his talk his views

{p. 147} upon things in the world we live in. Thus, it was on one such occasion that he told me a story to show me how much better things were now than they had been in his days. 'When I was a young man,' he said, 'I went for a walk one Saturday in the streets of your birthplace; I was well dressed, and had a new fur cap on my head. A Christian came up to me and with a single blow knocked off my cap into the mud and shouted: "Jew! get off the pavement!"' 'And what did you do?' I asked. 'I went into the roadway and picked up my cap,' was his quiet reply. This struck me as unheroic conduct on the part of the big, strong man who was holding the little boy by the hand. I contrasted this situation with another which fitted my feelings better: the scene in which Hannibal's father, Hamilcar Barca, made his boy secar before the household altar to take vengeance on the Romans. Ever since that time, Hannibal had had a place in my phantasies.
{end quote; endnote 28}

Hannibal, the African - whom Freud calls a "Semite" - takes vengeance on the Romans who conquered and humiliated the Carthaginians. Freud, the Semite, takes vengeance on the Christians who conquered and humiliated the Jews. Hannibal was tenacious and had a seeret weapon: elephants. Freud, too, was tenacious, and he, too, had a secret weapon: psychoanalysis. Hannibal's elephants terrorized his enemies whom the animals then trampled to death. Freud's psychoanalysis terrorized his enemies whom his "interpretations" then degraded into the carriers of despicable diseases. The story of Freud's life and the story of psychoanalysis in his lifetime are variations on the theme of justified vengeance in the pattern not only of the legendary Hannibal but also of the literary Count of Monte Cristo: the humiliated but morally superior victim escapes from dependence on his morally inferior victimizers; he hides, schemes, and grows powerful; he returns to the scene of his defeat, and there remorselessly humiliates and subjugates his erstwhile victimizers as they had humiliated and subjugated him.

the ultimate liberal trigger....

hang some "bull balls" from the rear of your car.

This is horseshit. The jew lore, as freud presumes it as well probably...even in relationship to trauma programming, mkultra...the way that they view that one can splinter a personality into two, then into 4...etc. Into further smaller bits and pieces...its dogmatic and retarded. The simple truth is that we are given a host of behaviors that were put into our DNA through evolution, some of them switch on under certain circumstances, some of them under age or duress...

but its not as simple as basic behavior splitting off or something like that. Some of the behaviors are most likely very unique, part of pre-made neurological structures that just wait for their circumstance to warrant their activation. You should never listen to freud, or to any kike. The only thing you will get is a scent of their projecting, schizohprenic minds.

This, people aren't giving Freud/Jung the credit for pushing their pseudoscience to the unwashed masses through Tavistock, which is itself basically Freemasonry for glorified hypnotists

Only in the (((USA))) tho

Remember my first statement.

This isn't about the voracity of Freud's claims, more so that those hellbent on the destruction of the west are using its suppositions as aid in their goal.

Ho do we help pull out the nails?

Gender has become confusing for adults, let alone for children.
She may be a she because of surgery and hormones, but she is not and never will be female.
I can't understand parents allowing children to experiment with this. Adults - do whatever you like. Children - no. It's abuse. That's my 2 cents.

The answer to every societal problem is always rebirth (which is, of course, easier said than done and highly simplistic an answer).

You can't undo what's already happened, but you can go forward, forge something new and better out of the previous shit.
We, each of us, have the gift of perception, and procreation - we get to analyse the good bits and the bad bits of the past and attempt to filter out the shit and push the good bits forwards into the next generation, whilst also attempting to embody the good idea we have as best as possible.

If you are a man, be as much of a man as you can be. If you are a woman, be as much of a woman as you can be. If you have kids, encourage them in the (reliably effective) direction of their own physical architecture.

But most important, most important of all - you have to become as articulate as you can manage. Because having all these thoughts means nothing if you can't explain them in a way that at least makes a bit of sense. Your capacity for advanced articulation will be your sword in the knife-fight of this idiotic political landscape we find ourselves in.
Learn your language and learn it well.

Its just that the jews are very unimaginative. They have a single track mind near some issues. The 6 million are exactly like that as well (since that number is important to their religious lore, even though in numbers it makes no sense)

The splintering of the god body, the tikkun olam, is exactly like one of these things. For MKULTRA programming it was also used, just alongside ayylmao's, many scientific experiments and much...much more...since mkultra was alongside white cryptokikes as well (who wanted to have immediate authority and leave no escape to the imagination of the victims)

The reason why we are winning is because they are wrong, and that their one track mind does not entirely affect us at all. Many of us who know about it, it affects actually zero, reverse even! The jew thinks that because they will it so, reality will obey, since they are gods chosen, since they are gods...little do they realize that even rain droplets disobey their desires with all of their might...the droplets dont even care about the jew.

It only works if you accept the lies that they spout, like the mkultra lite programming is being used upon society. Only if you accept those walls, those limits...that the walls actually materialize...when in fact that they arent actually there....if you stop believing, you can just go up to the rothschilds if you see them on the streets and just stab them to death. Basically any jew banker can be killed if you just wanted to do it. The muslims do it as well if they get the chance most often.

Holy shit Melania has gone to the dogs since the inauguration :(