Fuck cows!

Why aren't you raising your own, healthy meat in the city Sup Forums?

My chickens froze to death when the heater gave out in the night.

Same reason I don't raise cows. It's easier to buy it from the store. Store doesn't sell much in the way of bugmeat beyond shrimp and such.

Quite powerful symbolism that will happen to all of us one day.

>Fuck cows!
sorry, op.
i'm not into your mom.

When I was a small child I suggested sending the starving African children dry dog food. At the time it seemed like a good idea since it can be mass produced, requires no refrigeration, and contains all the necessary nutrition, as I got older I realized that it could be seen as offensive to compare other humans to dogs. I grew up a bit older and here's the UN suggesting the starving people of the world eat maggots and flies to get by.

When I was a child I half-jokingly suggested we bomb Africa to end the hunger.

Nowadays I realize that's closer to a good idea than I had thought. That would be barbaric and a waste of bombs, but not sending so much aid to Africa would probably be beneficial over all.

you don't have a fucking shelter for them?

by the time that happens there will only be jews anyway


>being a literal bugman

The African problem is best solved by introducing feminist ideas. Birthrates would go down drastically and the continent's future would be a lot less apocalyptic.

>Not having backups of anything important.

Africa's population is expected to boom to 4 billion by 2100. Considering they can barely feed themselves already, bombing them now could actually prevent future suffering. And we'll never have to deal with niggers again

Well the eugenics crowd has been trying to get the birthrates down there for a long time. You can read about the problems they've been having popularizing sterilization and birth control there in like Rockefeller Foundation yearly reports from decades ago.

Cutting the aid seems like it might work better, except now we have to worry about competition with Chinese expansion there.


Birds are not important.

>not living beside a hwy and eating fresh roadkill

Meat isn't healthy, it's toxic to the body and you have to cook it to bypass your gag reflex.

Raw beef is delicious.

fuck off you auckland cunt

faggot. and i mean that unironically


Are you retarded? You heat meat to kill surface bacteria and make it easier to digest. You never ate raw meat?

Ayy I have a silkworm farm and fried grubs are delicious if we have excess.

If you think about it crabs, and lobsters, and shellfish are practically insects, just look at their lifestyle and anatomy.

Do you grind them up or just straight fry and eat worms? I can see something like grub burger patties catching on, but getting people to actually eat whole worms seems like a tall order.

Meat interrupts your sex life.

>The worst possible thing to wake up to

If you're going to eat insects at least eat yummy ones like crickets. mealworm is just gross

Mealworm and cricket flour is a good idea

During the holodomor mothers ate their sick babies, meat is meat

Human meat can actually transmit human diseases. Insect meat can't.

heh, wonder if you could get the fitness crowd to view it as an alternative basis for protein shakes.

Obviously the Jews want to push things like this so they can ban meat, but it honestly seems like it could have a pretty legitimate place on the free market as another protein source if it were done right and offered at a good price.

Big thing in California.