Episode 1 should be out, right?

Episode 1 should be out, right?

subs when

maybe later today.

>serious student who wants to be a doctor route
>baka otouto route
>childhood friend who happens to have an incredible penis route

call me when the shota route starts

Is this gay? I don't want to watching something gay as I'm not gay.

It will be gay

It's like, two-thirds gay at least. Probably more.

Waste of Hidari's art desu

It's up on gogo.

>Roommates strip in the ED

Is it gayer than Makura no Danshi?


Arguably, yeah

Are we a girl in this?

I'm a girl normally

Probably. I don't think OneRoom ever specified your gender, so maybe it's up to your interpretation.

i am already

So this is like based on a dating vn for girls?
What are the boys in it like?
Sounds actually like an interesting glimpse in the vast and terrifying emptiness of the female character.

Natsuki was clearly talking about a brother.

We are disappointed that it's not actually a shota.

Wait nevermind thought the blonde in the middle was a chick

Me on the left.

Megane was supposed to be pure.




It's not gay if you self insert as the girl.

No, it's literally male One Room.

The girls never met.

>The last 5 seconds

I thought I accidentally downloaded something bad and it started playing.

They're just pushups.

Why would he do pushups on top of us?

It's not strictly first person perspective. Unless we are a ghost or something

I thought we just woke up and found a sweaty, naked dude upon us.

bit gay

>Welcome home user

Shut the fuck up, nigger

Looks like we're a briefcase this time

>incredible penis

Please explain

So is this an otome? Please say no. I want cute gay boys, not cute straight boys.

Oh boy.

>climbing on the house
Is it autism?

>Having good looking bro as fuck room mates

Come on, fujo. Let us have this one.

Though I miss the one on one format with separare stories. I would have been fine with it if the only connection to the stories was that they all knew each other.

>all in one house
>this turns into haremshit
Dropped every week,no homo.My fault not realizing the title. Shota doesnt look retarded like op's image thats good for once

Late stage autism.

Tits or GTFO.

>be guy
>worked to the bone
>constant depression
>spend 12 episodes and three different lives just to start living with one of three girls

>be girl
>relatives give you a job in a fancy apartment
>three handsome dudes at the same time
>get laid in five minutes

Not bad for 3 minutes I guess. I would have never known that Hidari did the designs if I didn't see OP pic though.

As expected, Megane best boy. No homo.

You can't be depressed if you are ripped like that guy

I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.

Also, right off the bat it's very different from One Room since they all exist in the same time and space now.

That's the magic of otome and poorly written shoujo. You can say that they work like a dog in all other fields but romance is the easiest part in these stories.

But it would be downright pitiful if the girl had less than standard living conditions or struggled meaningfully. It might work in a better otome but this is as bottom of the barrel as it gets.

Never thougut I'd say this but I miss One Room.

>One Room is at least 3 rooms
>When it's actually One Room it's called Roommates