Childless People

How does one go about red pilling/arguing against people who don't want to have children? What are some common arguements and rebuttals that occur?

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why would you waste effort on those that voluntarily remove their bloodline from the gene pool?

Argue for mandatory universal birth control to keep demographics constant worldwide instead.

not wanting children is the sign of a poorly adjusted human and an ill mind, why would you want to convince them to breed? Let them remove themselves from the gene pool.

>t. K selected master race

just let them die out

There's nothing wrong with people not wanting to have kids. They are opting out of the gene pool and we must embrace their decision, it's probably wise. Those of us who are fit to raise children should be having as many as possible, as the Muslim hordes do.

Why do you care if they don't want kids?

literally cant afford to raise one

Give them a job at the rape-factory.

this. I want a wife and kids more than anything, but I simply cannot offer anything to either of them, so there's no point.

I don't want a wife or kids because I would murder them and I'm not smart or charismatic enough to get away with it. But I'm probably going to end up doing all that anyway.

How can I find a girl that wants 4-6 kids Sup Forums?

you find a girl and tell her you want 6 kids

that makes me sad. I'm sure you do have something to offer because you are a mature and well-adjusted person -- good luck -- God can and will provide.

Try mormons or other hyper-religious people. If you're not religious or don't believe in anything recognize that at the very least it will provide moral teachings for your proposed 6 children. For a woman to agree to this you'd have to have a reasonable chance of providing for her and those 6 kids. Most women want the family "easy mode" life anyway deep down, whether they understand it consciously or not.

look closely at OP's pic. that woman just hit the wall and doesn't know it yet

Should I have babies with a girl if we are both short and ugly?
I am an engineer and she is a nurse but we are both ugly and people have specifically told me in the past that I shouldn't have children. We are both blue-eyed Catholics btw.

fpbp and checked my mutt.

>Should I have babies
>We are both blue-eyed Catholics

i would leave the child rape cult first user

People who do not want children wouldn't make good parents in the first place. With such an attitude to life and the world, they are doing everyone a favour by sparing us another copy of their maladjusted genes. If they are not willing to bear new life, they are sure as hell not fit to raise it.


But that would mean I'm going to burn in hell for eternity like you.

Hippie flag >t.cant have kids vaginas blown out.

this isnt a factual matter. if you want to convince someone youre probably gonna have to get more personal. one thing could work for one person that makes someone else not like them

the only women of suitable age in my city are roastees! they usually have a few kids in tow, and think theyre really hot shit. guess the women think theyre pretty important in a city that men outnumber women 5:1

>not wanting children is the sign of a poorly adjusted human and an ill mind

you're confusing having children with going on /pol

I am looking to redeem my bloodline in the light of the God of the Pleroma, not continue it in this dammed physical world. I have no desire to have children but instead to resist the Demiurge.

then who has been bugging the fuck out of me all day??!

If people choose not to have kids, that's their business... what offends me is childless couples who make a big fucking deal about it and constantly shit on people who do have or want to have children.

not at all, im sure

I'm not having kids because I don't want them or my grandkids to be sold at muslim slave markets or be forced to be converted to islam. That is going to happen to all your descendants.

Underrated. The incels are out I'm full entitled force today

by making fun of them

Don't. Just have more kids yourself.

Even worse, the cunts won't usually just admit that they're too selfish.

Please, please tell me that none of you find that THING attractive!

I’m an antinatalist and pessimist. Read Benatar and Ligotti. Anyone who brings other humans into this filthy existence is demonic. I’ve been forced to attend a party to which I did not RSVP.

I'm short but handsome. Propably gonna give my kids growth hormone.

Don't get your jimmies rustled. They'll die alone and sad.

Are it's eyes crooked?

awwwwww boohoo my widdle toe got stubbies!!!!!! :::::((::(((((:(:(:(:(:(:(::((::(:(:(:(((((:(::((

Just keep impregnating her until you reach the desired number.

We should kill them they are wasting air food and other ressources now stop being faggots

Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person’s genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn’t matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.

205. The trouble is that many of the people who are inclined to rebel against the industrial system are also concerned about the population problems, hence they are apt to have few or no children. In this way they may be handing the world over to the sort of people who support or at least accept the industrial system. To insure the strength of the next generation of revolutionaries the present generation should reproduce itself abundantly. In doing so they will be worsening the population problem only slightly. And the important problem is to get rid of the industrial system, because once the industrial system is gone the world’s population necessarily will decrease (see paragraph 167); whereas, if the industrial system survives, it will continue developing new techniques of food production that may enable the world’s population to keep increasing almost indefinitely.

Calling them selfish generally tends to trigger them, cause they know they are.

Very interesting that they made both her, her clothing, and her background as white as possible. I'm sure there's no agitprop intended by this, oh no.

Delusional, but i guess that what you get from a third world country.

>siblings are all married with kids
>bloodline continues while I pocket all my earnings for myself

Feels good man

Pity your mother didn’t read them.

I'm selfish and gay

This post reeks of estrogen and is practically dripping with soy.

She's a 30+ liberal woman caked in makeup and Photoshop. A few more years and she will be wondering where all the good men went.

Give her some radiator therapy:
Chain her to the radiator and rape them until her water breaks.

no it’s only mandatory for non-whites. Fucking and creampies are mandatory for whites.

Nothing really needs to be done here. The type of person prone to going "child free" overlaps heavily with the type of person who shouldn't be having kids. The only reason Sup Forums cares is that we need to outbreed the darkies to survive, but high population growth isn't necessarily a good thing outside that context.

This retarded theory needs to die.

Did you have an argument?
Do you really want to try to outbreed the Muslims, Mexicans, and niggers? Good luck.

They're killing the social and political ideas they hold dear by not becoming parents.

It's simply a symptom of being blue-pilled, it doesn't happen in vacuum. Do your duty and do what you can to red-pill them, go for the low-hanging fruit, the child-issue is probably too personal to open with.
Maybe mention that, although men and women are supposed to be "the same" when it comes to careers, men have the advantage of being able to have kids much later in life, and yet women reaching this deadline are ridiculed in media.

The type of people who don't want kids are exactly the type of people we DON'T want reproducing, idiot.

In men, too much porn.

In women, the pill.

In both, too much casual sterile sex.

Baseless paradigm that assumes all people are equal in their ability to formulate what is in their best interests. In reality, vast swathes of the population will behave irrationally if they're conditioned and pressured into doing so. You're only justifying your desire to do absolutely nothing about it.


Women have ruined society. The end.

You're a faggot, that is my argument.

Soy has shriveled your balls and turned you into a eunuch, your existence is disgraceful.

we should let them die, its eugenics. Every living being has a direct bloodline to the very first one cellular life forms that emerged on this planet, if some want to break that billions of years old chain of generations willingly let them, we dont need these degenerates.

If you have no children to pass your wealth down to you have no right to hoard wealth in the first place. As long as you don't have heirs it is justified to redistribute what you own among those less fortunate. People with children are those that are carrying the torch of the future. The real progressives.
Link to YouTube video OP pic is from

>I'm not that into children
>I like to have grown-up conversations with grown-up people
>Also it's the snot and the poop