Is marijuana dangerous?

I think so

>unearths latent mental illness
>exacerbates minor mental illness
>promotes a lazy unhealthy lifestyle
>can serve as a gateway drug
>causes a litany of health issues

The most common arguments I see are

>but muh booze is far worse
Let's assume this is true (it's not), that doesn't mean we should accept another mass poisoning of society

>Muh health benefits

Ok, fine. Let's then have it available as a prescription only drug prescribed to individuals with verifiable ailments

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Booze is worse and should be illegal as well

I don't disagree

The problem is that illegal drug trade is the flux of money that immigrants follows to come to Europe.
Personally I'd legalize marijuana and adopt a Duterte-style policy on everything else.
You tried and guess what, you made rich a lot of scummy immigrants (yes, italians).
the problem is that smoke, alcool and marijuana are impossible to stop, and every cop following marijuana trade is a cop that could be more useful on everything else.

Booze is most definitely worse. Lmao

Moreover no reason to criminalize individuals that otherwise could be functional members of society and force them into a pariah status by giving them felonies and jail time, which drain state/fed resources and eat away at one's soul. All for partaking in a non-issue mild intoxicant that has been historically used for a long period of time

>can serve as a gateway drug
Only because it's illegal you idiot.

You just said that you disagreed with this in the OP

It massively lowers fertility/sperm count. It lowers testosterone. It's bad for the brain. It makes pacifies people and makes them docile.

This. The way I see it, the main problem with booze and weed is that they're so fuckin eadäsy to produce that outright banning them is counterproductive as fuck. You can get booze from basically anything that ferments and cannabis is a plant that practically grows everywhere you toss a couple of seeds. I believe that in the end, it you legalize cannabis globally, the stupid ones are going to move to harder substances but actual sane users are going to be fine in the long run.

Like prohibition, making weed illegal causes more problems than making it legal.

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>Is marijuana dangerous?
Yes. A cop might shoot you if you run.

And meanwhile for niggers would be far more difficult to make money and to find customers for harder shit.
I'm speaking about Europe here

>It massively lowers fertility/sperm count

There isn't conclusive evidence and even the evidence that exists is either outdated, correctional or pertaining to men who are already impotent

Used to smoke, had to stop once I realized I would literally get tinnitus that sounds like coil whine
Weed was literally frying my brain and I could hear it. This GMO stuff is turning everyone into a lab rat

I think that your brain already had some damage dude

Exactly. I'm lucky to not have to deal with niggers if I'm buying weed here in finland, we have so much homegrowers here that I think it's legit been about ten years since I last bought anything from a nigger.

Literally everyone smokes weed especially women. That's why it's becoming legal.

Medical pot is fine, street pot has some nasty chemicals sprayed on it to increase potency.

Depends on who sells it, niggers just mix it with everything they can, not shit only because it has a recognizable smell

have ulcers helps me eat, im all for medical.
fucking hate wiggers with a passion, so im sort of against recreational. if you solve the wigger problem, i may be flexible there. i've never done 100+ down the road at night on weed, though i've seen dozens do it on alcohol, know many dead from it. never met anyone dead from weed, though i want the wiggers to die. pill poppers are the biggest cancer in society by a fucking landslide, also whats turning the new generation into fucking heroin addicts, that number dwarfs the dead i know from alcohol. keeping those glow nigger profits high. i see it everyday, have even helped local authorities locate it via tipping off informants. helicopter time. though the stings i've seen look more like a benny hill skit, and i've seen the dealers tipped off by someone inside a few times. if anyone sell pills or heroin and i see it, they will be informed on. get roped junkies.

Soros is a big supporter, so I hate it.

Only when you're lonely. Then its stupid texts to people you don't like and awkward times, talking to yourself in a mirror.

If you really want what is best for your society than yes weed should be rejected.

However since we have such a shit show instead of a nation I say let it ride.

Fun fact, if you drink you're causing liver damage regardless and causing candida overgrowth. You are feeding parasitic bacteria in your body which leads to other health issues. I'll stick with a joint thank you very much.

its wasted time..... maybe stuff for grannys in their pipes like in the centuries ago.

she on the best way to 100

>It's bad for the brain

I write most of my best code and come up with some of my greatest ideas while stoned as fuck. I know saying that is not really an argument, but I never understood the whole "hurr durr weed makes you dumb" meme. My brain shines when under the influence the ol' Mary Jane.

Video games are worse. Let's make them illegal. Every hour spent playing video games is an hour doing something with zero value.

>Every hour spent playing video games is an hour doing something with zero value.

Zero value? When were playing games ever supposed to provide some kind of value, other than recreational value?

Everthing you posted is complete bullshit. Pot dont make people lazy,they were already lazy and the part about booze not being worse than pot. That just tells me you know nothing about pot other than propaganda . Now excuse me,im going to take a few puffs and go to sleep.

Yeah, because that totally worked last time.

It can also lead to higher creativity, makes it easier to sleep, is a pain killer and useful in many medical treatments.

The state has no right to dictate what people put in their own bodies.

Booze = Servile, Dim, literally turns your frontal lobe off. Terrance McKenna hypothesized that alcohol is the only reason that people put up with the agricultural lifestyle of staying in once place for life in the first place. Society loves booze because it's not easy or affordable to make for the common pleb, is the perfect pacifier, and makes loads of money for police forces and the prison system.

On the other hand.

Weed = Stimulated frontal lobe, Open to new ideas (ironically what education is supposed to be about in the first place but (((society))) see's it as a threat) No harm done to the body. Society hates it because it's easy to grow, and causes the user to realize that they don't actually need all the material stuff that society wants them to buy (lazy stoner meme). Being content with what you have and finding innovative new ways to live is against the rules, so society shames and shames until you conform. Notice all arguments against weed are memes. Industrial hemp is the ultimate red pill on the cannabis subject though, and the real reason why cannabis is illegal.

>Personally I'd legalize marijuana and adopt a Duterte-style policy on everything else.

Even Duterte wants to legalize marijuana and adopt a Duterte-style policy on everything else.