Can you imagine Sargon returning to bed after being told by Spencer that he should be thankful that Spencer pointed out...

Can you imagine Sargon returning to bed after being told by Spencer that he should be thankful that Spencer pointed out he wasn’t as smart as he thought he was?

He probably crawled into bed late - after spending an hour salvaging his ego on another stream after fleeing the debate. His cow wife likely turned over and asked him what was wrong, and - breathing heavily - he brushed her off. Neither are sexually attracted to each other, it’s likely Sargon’s obesity even physically prevents him from satisfying her.

She thinks about bringing up the fact that the family’s finances are only getting worse. Maybe he should leave YouTube behind and get a real job. But she doesn’t say anything - she’d hate for him to fly into one of his impotent rages and explode when one of her children, not his, misbehaves - which is inevitable given how little respect they have for the fat, jobless, man that pretends to be her father.

Sargon rolls away from her, his fat prevents him from laying comfortably on his side - the pressure on his organs already causes him perpetual unease. He can’t help but think about Spencer, the handsome wealthy man who embarrassed him. He’s brought back to the terror and helplessness that he once felt as a child being bullied by older boys for reasons he never understood. He’s smarter than Spencer - he exclaims in his mind - how dare Spencer treat him this way? And yet, he knows that Spencer sleeps surrounded by a loyal cadre of followers who would risk their lives for him, next to a beautiful woman who he dominates in the classical sense. Spencer is a household name, and Sargon is now a joke in the only sector that gave him attention.

Sargon wonders why he doesn’t inspire. Why the only “friends” he has are strangers viewed through a computer monitor. He rationalizes, pleads with himself - all the time avoiding the real answer that, for all his “intelligence,” others are instinctually repulsed by him and his nihilistic lifestyle.

Other urls found in this thread:


* Read Seige

>soyboy vs cia nigger is something of substance.

Trs should leave.



I liked when Millennial Woes told him to "pipe down". Even the HyperNEET is getting more confident.

It was like watching the Beta uprising. I loved the sly smile Spencer had when he reminded that old man with the cat that he would NEVER change the world.

The way you portray Sargon is so accurate it’s almost like you had a camera in his room. Great writing

Thanks senpai, I figured I’d put my MFA to some use. Thinking about submitting a longer version of this to Takes from the Trough.

Is for

Fucking savage.

Tweet him this

>after fleeing the debate
what are you talking about? he stayed until the end
and its spencer who made an ass out of himself, instead of using argument he started right off with insulting sargon and continued throughout the whole interview. I dont know what kind of autist would count that as a win.


Wasn't Sargon all
>it's late, I've got to go and, uh, sleep
>after I do another show talking about how I won
>which I absolutely did fucking not
And seriously, Sargon's idea of a "win" is apparently
>oh, you can't tell me what color I'm thinking about?

Can you imagine being Sargon?
Just CRYING to himself at how PATHETIC of a sophist he is and asking his buttbuddies to "hey wouldn't it be EPIC if you were to dox the alt right on this discord? I'd act like all PISSED and shit in public and like I'm totally not okay with doxxing lel but their collectivists shadilay~~".
His overreaction to shit is so fucking unfunny and fake that I honestly don't know how my room isn't full of vomit right now.

Is there a highlights reel yet?

Sargon won the debate, end of fucking story.

Only posting because I know this can't be traced, about 3 years ago I was trawling craigslist for some gay fun, I contacted and met this guy who said he would suck my cock, only a couple of months ago did I realise Sargon was that man who sucked my cock. His beard felt awkward on my balls and I had to have a shower afterwards as his saliva left an almost sulfury smell on my cock.


Congratulations on making me feel sorry for Sargon. I hope he sorts himself out and becomes an Aryan ubermench

Septic Skeptics.

Good writing bro.

Here's the moment that the OP is based on

Other highlights:

Imagine actually believing this

"I make several videos about how people promoting white genocide is wrong, I say it's okay to be white.
But I fucking hate white people and wouldn't care if they disappear"

What did he mean by this?

He is a pathetic figure in every sense of the word. Watching him inspires pity.

idk what happened during that. He got obsessive and resorted to personal attacks, telling people to shut up

>ugh, I hate collectivists, they're the worst
>now excuse me while I embrace the most popular collective in western society, the hate whitey movement
The absolute state of Cukkad.

that whole video is embarrassing as FUCK for sargon, he misinterprets every single thing spencer says and still acts like he knows it all

Jesus Christ is Sargon a fucking child?


>Blocks your path and proceeds to smugly laugh at your questions.

Spencer did not prepare enough for this discussion. Probably would have helped to have some basic shit properly defined and laid out in a practical fashion.

I think it's because Sargon was threatened by someone who he recognized, but couldn't accept, as his superior. Sargon comes from a working-class background while Spencer was a member of the American aristocracy (wealthy, "well bred" parents). During the debate - Spencer quite literally put Sargon back in his place. Such a cold dash of reality for a man who built up his self image using theoretical, universalist, liberal texts must have seemed horrifying.

That's why their exchange about hierarchical society was so revealing - the hierarchy could be seen on that very screen. Spencer, who is handsome (good genetics), wealthy (comfortable), and inspiring (politically relevant), literally lorded over the several bugmen who opposed him - all of whom were physically unfit and lived in meager situations. Their sense of self worth was based entirely on their Youtube debate club, and Spencer effortlessly took that away from them in a matter of minutes. It's no wonder that Sargon didn't use a camera during the stream: he was afraid to show his face.

this getting tired of this eceleb shit

I only found out today that Soygon is actually raising another mans child.

I thought the whole "him and his wife son" was a pisstake LOL

I think he has one kid of his own.

if you call him out on it, he clings to the other definition of "cuck". he doesn't let other men fuck his wife. as opposed to the historic definition of the bird that lays an egg in another birds nest for it to raise.
it is what it is

Yea, he has a son and a step daughter.


> Probably would have helped to have some basic shit properly defined and laid out in a practical fashion.

He didn't have this because it's a typical "skeptic" deflection tactic. The minute you start stating firm policies (which, by the way, is not Spencer's - an intellectual - area of expertise), then they will begin posing endless hypoteticals and edge cases to try to derail the conversation away from the actual topic: are ethnostates natural and/or just? That's why there was so much "argument" (really nitpicking) over the definition of "white," even though there is a generally accepted definition of white that applies the other overwhelming majority of people who consider themselves white.

There's no need to debate over minutae or get bogged down in the weeds. Anglin's recent article in the DS does a good job summarizing Sargon's dishonest debate style, which Spencer was easily able to overcome.

do u think Spencer was respectable during the livestream?
It came off as rude to me
Also millennial Woes didn't have anything to say besides siding with spencer
Also Vee was just sucking Sargon off got annoying

Respect has nothing to do with the situation. Sargon was not arguing in good-faith by initially refusing to accept that "white" people existed, Spencer saw this and gave him the respect he deserved: none.

Nice try Spencer, you overgrown eggplant with gyno

If Spencer didn't have the voice of a thousand whining faggots, and sounded like a man, I would be able to tolerate his voice for longer than 10 fucking minutes. Didn't think either "won" but soyboy vs fatbong who's suprised?

No u

>shareblue attacks anti-white youtubers
Uh, ok. Seems legit.

>giving this much of a shit about e-celebs.
I fucking hate nu/pol.

Ecelebs are just cam whores that keep their clothes on.

Spencer is not an eceleb. Really, this debate illustrates the folly of ecelebs - the moment they encounter a figure of actual significance they get destroyed.

No spencer is another ethnostate faggot that will have his time in the lime light then fade into obscurity just like every other white ethnostate faggot from the 1950s till now.

> No spencer is another ethnostate faggot

Shouldn't you be off getting stabbed by a mob of Sudanese or something?

what is correct name for Logical Fallacy committed by Sargon by insisting on some perfect "who is White?" and "how to painlessly deport non-Whites?"

I'm not seeing or remembering, but it seems similar to "but if we can just save one child it will be worth it" for stuff like the D.A.R.E. Program

How about you answer the questions instead?

Because the questions weren't relevant or asked in good faith. The debate wasn't over the policy specifics of an ethnostate, but rather the conceptual validity of ethnostates in general. Ethnostates can still be valid political entitites even if the people advocating for them can't tell you what the ethnostate's maritime infrastructure development policy would be.

Focusing on minutae, which can then be nitpicked to infinity, is a deflection tactic used by lightweights who are unable to actually debate issues. Obsessing over "what is white" when a clear societal definition of "white" already exists (even if there are edge cases), is autistic and deserves to be dismissed out of hand. Spencer is not a geneticist, he is a political theorist. There is no percentage of Bavarian phenotype that he could have postulated that Akkad would have found acceptable - and yet, "whiteness" still exists and is in fact why all the guests were their debating the issue of ethnostates.

Oh shit, this guy is starting to get somewhere with the "Normies!"! Let's use our new mouthpiece to reframe a repetitive, inconclusive debate with a bizarre cult figure who wants to start a white ethnostate! We can make these guys think anything we like! All we have to do is keep starting threads like this one!

Nice one. kek!

what I can't imagine is there are actually people like you who actually talk about these nobodies... and then pollute this place with your half digested brain droppings on their foolishness..

What colour am I thinking of, Richard? You don't know? Racists BTFO!

Is Laurence Fishburne white? STOP WITH THESE LOADED QUESTIONS!

I need you to give me a prescriptive performative index of whiteness so I can accuse you of trying to violently impose it on others who don't live up to it, Richard. Please do that.

I literally don't care if my race, nation and people die out. The future is irrelevant.

Of course I would allow hostile foreign agents intentionally subvert my society and spread malicious propaganda. Suppressing it or stamping it out would violate their rights to undermine my nation.

Will there be bears in the ethnostate, Richard? What are you gonna do about those Richard? What do you mean, you don't even know? This is your state, lmao!!!! You don't even know! What if you're in the ethnostate and you're climbing a mountain and the rope slips and you break your neck? What would you do then???? You don't even know of your own ideology Richard!!!!

Hans, your grandchildren will almost certainly be named Muhammed because of this attitude.

Check out Vadim Newquist's twitter, he's incredibly asshurt.


>will there be bears in the ethnostate



I used to think spencer is just controlled opposition(I still sorta do) but after seeing him explain about his white ethnostate idea, Im fine with him now.

I don't follow him a lot, but it does seem that he's more informed and has a better understanding of his own position now than he used to.

This. Sargon refused to even say whether this guy was 'white' or not. If you come at someone with that level of intellectual dishonesty, what sort of respect are you entitled to?

Did Richard Spencer dismiss Sargoy's arguments as middling sophistry from a retarded sperg? Yes
Did Sargoy's arguments merit such dismissal? Also yes.

Stop making him infamous
So lets get this right..
>equality now!!
Leftists don't define equality, red flag
>wait, equality but for whites now!!
Adding white at the end of the problem doesn't fix anything
Learn some fucking logic lads

Just answer this simple fucking question, Is Michael Jackson white?

Yeah. This seems to be one of the most common and despite being fallacious, the most convincing tactic of those in opposition to the alt right. They just bring up a slew of random, often irrelevant hypotheticals and insist that if you can't explain them all, you've lost. The only options are to either attempt to explain an infinite number of hypotheticals or to deflect, so you either look like you're deflecting or accept a defensive position in which you likely will not have robust answers for every on the spot hypothetical that is produced for you to defend. It's a ludicrous say to argue and MW addressed this when he pointed out that Sargon just keeps asking questions. It played against Sargon in this debate I think because Spencer actually gave answers that seemed obvious toward the beginning and basically scoffed at Sargon which put him on tilt.

No, he was born black and had a medical condition and plastic surgery to alter his appearance.

Cutting your dick off doesn't turn you into a women, neither does bleaching your skin turn you white.

Yeah not all arguments deserve a response. Sargon's tactic is just to attack with a slew of ridiculous questions hoping eventually they won't be able to answer one which will then give him the opportunity to float about how his ~PRINCIPLES~ can explain everything.

that about sums it up.

>This. Sargon refused to even say whether this guy was 'white' or not.
the only silver lining about all of this is that this kind of blatant race denialism only exists on the internet, the average normie is much more race conscious on a base level than you would think

people like sargon and their whole "well what is white anyway" barely exist, i don't even think sargon denies the existence of the white race it is pure tactics and nothing else

I have gotten to the point that I stop reading/listening/watching people if they bring either of these things up in a non-ironic or non-critical way. It's a telltale sign that somebody has no idea what the fuck they're talking about.

Alright - I'm posting my second draft, with a revised part I and a new part II. Let me know what you think of this pasta.

Can you imagine Sargon returning to bed after being told by Spencer that he should be thankful that Spencer pointed out he wasn’t as smart as he thought he was?

He probably crawled into bed late - after spending an hour salvaging his ego on another stream following his flight from the debate. His cow wife likely turned over and asked him what was wrong, and - breathing heavily - he brushed her off. Neither are sexually attracted to each other. It’s likely Sargon’s obesity prevents him from satisfying her.

She thinks about bringing up the fact that the family’s finances are only getting worse. Maybe he should leave YouTube behind and get a real job. But she doesn’t say anything - she’d hate for him to fly into one of his impotent rages and explode when one of her children, not his, misbehaves - which is inevitable given how little respect they have for the soft man who pretends to be their father.

He rolls away from her. His fat prevents him from laying comfortably on his side. The pressure on his organs already causes him perpetual unease. He can’t help but think about Spencer, the handsome wealthy man who humiliated him. He’s brought back to the terror and helplessness that he felt as a child being bullied by older boys for reasons he never understood. “I’m smarter than Spencer.” He says in his mind, “How dare Spencer treat me this way? And yet, he knows that Spencer sleeps surrounded by a loyal cadre of followers who would risk their lives for him, next to a beautiful woman who he dominates in the classical sense. Spencer is a household name, and Sargon is now a joke in the only place that ever gave him any attention.

Sargon wonders why he doesn’t inspire, why the only “friends” he has are strangers viewed through a computer monitor. He rationalizes, pleads with himself - all the time avoiding the real answer that, for all his “intelligence,” others are instinctually repulsed by him and his nihilistic lifestyle.

He drifts to sleep and dreams what his life would be like in a better world. He has the financial security to live comfortably. His physical form is a true reflection of his self-worth. People desire him – women sexually and men ideologically. His ideas, shaped through decades of study and struggle, would change the political zeitgeist. He looks in the mirror of his dream home and recoils in horror: He’s become Richard Spencer.

Awakening in a cold sweat, he shambles over to his desktop and checks Twitter. He’s a laughing stock. It’s like he’s a schoolboy all over again. He read all the books and got the correct answer on all the tests. He knew he was right and they were wrong but no one cared then and no one cares now. He swallows uncomfortably.

He feels a hand on his shoulder. A powerful black hand.

“Am I white?” Laurence Fishburne asks.

“I... I don’t know how to answer that.”

“Yes you do. Am I white?”

“I can’t say. I can’t let them win.”

“This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, nothing more.”

“Blue. Give me the blue.”

And then Sargon wakes up, if you could call it that, back in his meager home in his meager life. He knows what he must do to be happy, but he can’t bring himself to do it. He’ll keep drowning himself in sugar and alcohol. The only thing he’ll leave behind when his body gives out is a Youtube Archive, which will consist of increasingly petty videos with declining view counts. Eventually he’ll change his name and retreat to the lower management hell he was always destined for, his only forays into politics being glimpses of the men who dismissed him on television or in watercooler banter.

It's good. It's not 'pasta' though, as it's too heady and well written.

> It's not 'pasta' though

I suppose you're right

No, stop reminding me how bad things have gotten...


sargon is still the least bad of this lineup of CIA anglo-zionist faggots

Sargon is better than all of you.

metokur and styx are also reasonable

Ok, Carl.

I'm actually impressed you took the time to tag all of these posts

>onestlee Richerd

Go to bed, Carl.

Write books

Lmao you're more of a loser than Sargon for taking the time to right this up. Neck yourself.

there is no cow wife


>Fedora tipper vocally opposed to white advocacy or truth about racial differences
>least bad

Whew lads


sargon aka carl (((benjamin))) is a jew

Yeah, I'll remove that from future drafts. I have no issue with her. In fact, I'm glad she is able to use this pathetic excuse of a man to pay for the upbringing of her children. Petty on my part, my bad.

t.sargon of cuckadd

> not participating in Right Wing Creative Writing Squads after a long day's work

Enjoy getting stabbed by a mob of Africans, m8