I just realized the difference between the alt-lite and alt-right

>wants to reform the current system instead of burning it down completely
>believes in the post-1965 ideology of applying enlightenment values to non-Europeans
>believes non-Europeans will eventually assimilate to Enlightenment-era values
>believes in first and second-wave feminism
>is striving for an economic system similar to the USA in the 1800's
>basically mild libertarians with post-1965 leftist ideas

>wants to completely burn down the system and build something entirely different from what the founding fathers wanted
>against all forms of feminism
>believes in the "natural order" as explained in Julian Evola's books
>wants a more structured authoritarian government
>basically does not believe in any enlightenment-era values
>sees race as one of the main pillars for the foundation of civilization

Which one do you identify more with? Are you in between this spectrum here?

Other urls found in this thread:


>something entirely different from what the founding fathers wanted
stopped right there as you are obviously bluepilled. Founding fathers wanted a ethnostate.


The founding fathers expected a white ethnostate.

So alt right are democracy fags?

I'm somewhere to the right of what you describe as alt-right.

Here’s the difference.

The lite hasn’t come to terms with the undeniable fact that their ideologies won’t amount to anything if they are demographically replaced, and that the only way to stop that replacement is through hardline ethnoracialist nationalism.

Yes but the founding fathers wanted an ethnostate with libertarian economics and government structure.

They had just left the UK which was a white ethnostate, but it was also a faggoty ass hellhole (kinda like it is now).

The alt-right does not really want small government. They are more interested in fascist literature and fascist philosophies, which is obviously not libertarian or small government.

Why the fuck would anyone give a shit what the founding fathers thought? They were a bunch of midwit's. If I'm gonna care what anyone thought it would be someone smart like Kant, Jung, Evola, Spengler, or literally any other 18th to early 20th century philosopher.

>UK which was a white ethnostate

If whites are the clear majority, I’d say that they are, yes. The American Right broadly stands for constitutional governance, freedom of speech, rule of law, right to bear arms, and mass democracy. Lites just haven’t yet realized that you can only have these things with a white majority population.

Fucking thank you.

USA was perfect in the 60's

>Homosexuality is a sin and gays should be put to death
>No blacks signs outside of businesses
>Hated communists

Then the fucking negroes and hippies came along to ruin it all

So basic civic v entho/racial nationalists?

same. Hereditary monarchy and restoration (creation in the case of America) of the aristocracy together with deportation of minorities, forceful imposition of Catholicism, and ban on international trade is the ultimate goal.

>the British Empire was a white ethnostate
Better to keep silent and be thought stupid than to speak (or write) and confirm it.

The Founding Fathers were political and philosophical giants among men and it is truly one of the miracles of history that so many great minds should be located at the same time in the same geographic location, especially since it was the ass end of the civilized world in that period.

Mommy Mullato Mutt Milkers

I just want dead Jews.

Lots and fucking lots of dead and suffering masses of kikes and their spawn.


Things the:
Alt-lite want:
>Money from paypigs
Alt-right want:
>For white people to be treated fairly and be allowed to exist

How was the UK, or England, not a white ethnostate?

Well the founding father's ideas have objectively had more longevity than Fascist thought leaders like Evola or Spengler.

Yes the lite thinks that the non-Europeans just need to understand enlightenment-era ideas and they will finally assimilate.

That is part of the John Locke-ish ideology though. They are just taking it to it's final conclusion. Seeing every man as an individual, even one from India or Mexico or something.

They have not given up the dream of humanity rallying together under enlightenment era values, but the alt-right explains that this is not possible for various reasons.

>The Founding Fathers were political and philosophical giants among men

Alt-Lite are literally controlled opposition shills who will fuck up our movement.
Most of them are nonwhites themselves.

Civic nationalism doesn’t actually work. It’s a gateway for those who are still influenced by the liberal/Marxist worldview of our contemporary society and haven’t come to terms with what is truly required to attain their goals.

Basically, the lites are uncomfortable with the fact that you need to actually break the eggs in order to make an omelette, but time and experience will eventually bring them over, since it will end up as a choice between breaking the eggs or starving to death.

>Hereditary monarchy
I'm an Imperialist myself. Blood doesn't make a ruler, personal qualification does.

>>No blacks signs outside of businesses
In the South

basically it boils down to:
>alt lite want to keep things implicitly white without acknowledging the necessary sacrifices that need to be made
>alt right know they need to burn everything down in order for it to be rebuilt properly

Behead those who insult goddess venti

OP you're a faggot.
Alt-right is some bullshit made up shillary to paint conservatives as extremists. No one had even heard of the alt right until shillary spoke it in her paranoia speech. The MSM had to run stories explaining the 'alt-right' to the public.

The Founding Fathers were implicit white nationalists, no one can refute this.

There is no difference between the alt right and lite. Both were created and coined by jewish enemies. The fact that white people are attempting to decide the rules despite being literally bred away is always laughable. Like that trope of a desperate person attempting to claim the crown while the ceremonial cathredal is empty and void.

>civic nationalism is the future
>just make sure jews aren’t included and things will be dandy

The dog doesn’t lead the owner, especially a sick one


>alt-right was made up by shillary

The term "alt-right" was already floating around before Hillary used it.

Richard founded the organization back in 2011.

You are one of these retards who thinks that if he didn't hear it on Sup Forums that it doesn't exist or never existed.

There's an entire world of right-wing politics that is never discussed on this website, fucktard.

They were white nationalists, but nothing they believed lines up with anything written by Evola or any other fascist philosopher.

Alt right but not exactly as you laid out. I believe we shouldn't have a monoculture of individuals in some sort of future corporate wasteland, and maintaining ethnic identities and cultures is a way to fight that, I'm not exclusionary in it though. Ie a future I imagine has unique cultures and there may be some mixing but more akin to what was experienced in the past before 1900 or so. Not promoted, not shunned, same for gay rights. I basically want to return to the culture of the past but in the future

The UK was a white ethnostate.

Every European country was a white ethnostate prior to recent times

The alt right is full of tools like money whoring thots, plebbitors and jews.

The alt lite is the exact same thing but x100

Jews are not “ based xD” and never will be. Trump has fallen to the Jews, going against everything we stood and elected him for and now, but it wasn’t our fault, we legitimately believed in him, and we were duped.

I want everything to burn

I went apathetic. Best decision ever!

I wouldn't say that the alt-right has "money whoring thots" considering there are hardly any women on it, and the second you start aligning with ethnonationalism you are basically blackmailed from the job market and public life.

The other funny difference I've noticed between the alt-lite and alt-right is this:

The alt-lite thinks that we have generally been on the right path to progress, but somewhere along the line we were "hijacked" by globalists or cultural marxists. They think feminism and other "live and let live" ideologies work in society. They actually sympathize with a lot of leftist ideas.

The alt-right basically claims that enlightenment-era values were a bad idea to begin with and there is a natural order that we have been living a system that is against the natural order of humanity. They think things like Monarchies and powerful governments were more on the right track, and we just need to bring that back and tweak it a little bit to make it functional to the modern world.

the "alt right" is such a broad, vague movement that the only thing you can really say about it is that they believe in white identity, restricted immigration and many believe in a white ethnostate, there are no alt right economics/government structure/any other beliefs at all except for being anti-communism and usually . There are libertarians, fascists, even people who are pretty similar to liberals and leftists. Some believe in a kind of "pan-europa" while others believe in secession and pan-nationalism. The alt right is more of a broad set of pro-white attitudes than anything else, and it's mainly "right wing" in the cultural sense rather than the ideological sense. The alt lite is just normies who think they're geniuses for believing in free speech ("unlike da intolaruhnt leftt!!!11!" and capitalism and working out (ie, being told by jordan peterson) that communism is bad mkay.


Also, I would add anti-feminism to both, with the alt right being far more radical in this regard than the alt lite. Forgot what I was going to put after "usually" so just ignore that.


ywn be brittany ventis floorboards.

this holy shit

why are americans so fucking obsessed with their founding fathers

"Quadroon" technically white in the Caste system
but one drop rule she black, fuck niggers gwrr


Nigger detected.

>>wants to completely burn down the system and build something entirely different from what the founding fathers wanted

What did the founding fathers think about race?


no the rights of the englishmen of good character and their posterity only not white scandinavians (muslims lovers) or white french (cowards) or white germans (socialists)


Liberty is a white concept

Without a white society Libertarianism cannot exist

The founding fathers did not believe in unlimited free enterprise. Sure they believed in the concept of personal and economic liberty, but they did not in any way believe rampant libertarian individualism.

what does venti milk taste like?

I would racemix with this

In the Caste system she white, The One drop rule she Black how am I wrong

>Everyone I disagree with is a Nigger.

Who are you quoting, Trayvon? Why are you redditspacing? Who lives in this "Caste" system? You aren't making any sense, you stinky blue gummed ape.

French Vanilla.

Chocolate milk

Well in the Spanish caste System she would be counted as white, but in the American one drop rule shes black

Move to Spain, Trayvon. I am sure they will love to have you. 25% is not one drop, you stupid coon.

De Niro's kid is a Mullato worst than a Mestizo

I could spend easily 4-5 hours just on those sublime milkers.

You are some kind of mentally challenged, go back to lurking faggot.

Are you actually a nigger?

The Alt-lite isn't a thing. Stop trying to make it one.


I've never believed in democracy. Venti is very cute though.
>that skirt
>those socks

I don't believe you. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume they are humans such as myself, so me calling someone a nigger is usually just banter because we both abhor these non-human animals. Running into an actual nigger kind of throws me off.

>Alt Lite Alt Right
Good good goyim its important to be a good goy and be divided so that the Chosen Ones can rule over you no matter what you believe in hehehehehe.

>stupid goy

>wants to completely burn down the system and build something entirely different from what the founding fathers wanted

the founding fathers would have already started a civil war against this shit, stfu you little bitch

First get some lithium, you're paranoid dude.
Second of all don't i'm not gonna fucking force you.

alt right was a strawman term STRAWMAN TERM STOP USING IT

alt light is just alt right stuff minus the genocidal nazism. most people would just ccall it classical liberalism, libertarianism, or tradtionalism. racism not required

but the term alt right was created, some nazis paraded around in the msm. and the whole thing is just a manipulation to slow down populism, which is the only thing that can actually reduce non-white birth rates through reformed immigration and jobs

or go on your establishment shilled genocide larp whatever. go fuck yourself puppet

I think I get it now, you don't believe someone who is part nigger is a nigger, so you don't categorize yourself as one. Am I right? How many "drops" of nigger are you?

Take all the alt-lite points and replace the point about applying enlightenment principles to non Europeans with demographic control where a 90-95 percent european-American majority is maintained and I think that's what the country was founded upon. We need to maintain an identity to preserve our founding values. Civic nationalists do not understand this.

>the alt-right was created by the MSM

This is literally an alt-lite talking point.

The alt-right was created by Richard Spencer in 2011 and it was a term floating around before Hillary's speech

>believes non-Europeans will eventually assimilate to Enlightenment-era values
We have 40 years of experience with this cancer. Non European immigrants will only get worse and worse, and their children and grandchildren perform worse and worse.
Their babies require more money sunken into them.
Their peak working age still drain our country.

There are only very countries like Japan, Korea, China, India which can contribute positively.

Here is the source of this really racist data, it's from our government: fm.dk/~/media/publikationer/imported/2017/indvandreres-nettobidrag-til-offentlige-finanser/indvandreres-nettobidrag-til-de-offentlige-finanser.ashx
This "alt-lite" doesn't know what the fuck it's talking about.

I don't my family has old money if you know what I mean.

I don't necessarily believe in both I think they are new race desu

the term was popularized by the msm and richard spencer is controlled you fucking idiot. like i said, fucking puppets. just get the fuck out of the way and shut up

Its complete trash to identify as (((Groups))) its against the spirit of what George Washington envisaged for the US government and it divides people.

What should be happening is that principles and issues unify people not the mere subscription to a preset of criterion like it was joining your local SJW club.

Or shutting the fucking borsers down. We'll have to make do with those that are already here. Kicking them out violates the NAP and makes us evil, there's no other ways about it.

The reason I suspect you of being a nigger is because of your poor English skills on top of being a nigger lover and apologist. Are you some other kind of shitskin?

i wish the alt-right was what you just described, but most of them want pre-65 USA back too. A lot of them don't care about anything other than race and think democracy and liberalism can work in an ethnostate when those are the concepts that lead us to multiculturalism in the first place. I find that people who want aristocracy and authoritarianism don't like the term "alt-right." maybe the alt-right started out wanting those things, but e-celebs have largely diluted any criticisms of liberalism/capitalism/democracy in favor of race realism. FFS Tara macarthy is literally a feminist

Neither really, I'm fine with indentarianism and nationalism but personally I'm more of a minarchist that tries to approach each topic with a realpolitik mindset.



Another alt-lite talking point, Mike Cernovich used to say this stupid shit.

Spencer has been doing this forever and he is close with all sorts of people. Look up his obscure podcasts, he is legitmately a rich spoiled LARPer, not a fucking CIA agent.

dudes providing an arbitrary definition of bullshit terms that are basically meaningless. he's created a strawman thats all.

its classic control. get a group to adopt a term for themselves and then define that term however you like after they've already agreed to call themselves that. fucking CLASSIC mind control

so basically you can fuck right off

Apologist? what kind of metal gymnastics have I pulled to warrant your Retard's anger?

>sees race as one of the main pillars for the foundation of civilization
It's not strictly necessary. For example, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Indian are extremely easy to cooperate with in your society. They are highly compatible with us.

So while it's not necessary to have a clean race in the nation, it simply makes everything 1000 times easier.
You don't have to sink billions into the special police force which deals with islamic terrorism for example.
Those billions could be spent on more infrastructure, or lorwer taxes overall, etc.

I'll take that as a general 'Yes' to my question.

>Hereditary monarchy and (creation) of the aristocracy together with (...) forceful imposition of Catholicism and ban on international trade

Why any of these things?

Hereditary monarchy is really out of left field to me. Even if you want to replicate the feudal society, surely there is a better way to establish a strong 'monarchical' ruler without literally leaving things to genetic chance.

Having an aristocratic class is reasonable (it is the end result of the natural order after all), but forcing one into existence defeats the entire point (which is that aristocracy arises from the natural order, it's not imposed from above).

I don't think international trade free of regulation is a good thing, but banning it altogether also seems very extreme. America could make it work, but what if we were iron- or oil-deficient?

And why Catholicism specifically? The appeal of a common religion as a unifying force is obvious, but what's so special about Catholicism? (preferably something besides "because I believe it," which is a reasonable enough answer for you to give but does very little for anyone else in your society)

I'm on whichever side Venti is on.

i didnt say he was cia. its not like everyone in the cia is a bad guy anyways

this goes waaaayyyy deeper then the cia bud

4dchess or go fuck yourself, information warfare isn't a job for brainlets, you're just getting used by your enemies who are much better at this then you. you are too simple and trusting

>bitter, angry virgins

>bitter, angry fags and coalburners

So if I don't agree with you i'm a nigger?
plz don't breed, you're like the niggers you hate. hahahaha

I'd make a fifty six percenter with her as long as she loves murrica.

And then he further confirms my conclusion.

The founding fathers were not democracy fags.

>dudes providing an arbitrary definition of bullshit terms that are basically meaningless
Thank you, now I don't have to type^ it out.

>wants to completely burn down the system

well that sounds like a horrible fucking idea
millions of people including the people with that goal in mind would die
and there's only a small chance we would ever get back to this current level