Why should collectivism take precedence over individualism?

Why should collectivism take precedence over individualism?
Why should anyone care about their """race""" over their own immediate family?
Why should """race""" matter when you can't even find two people who have the same definition of what it means to be "white"?
Why should """race""" matter more than ethnicity?
Why should a Frenchman be lumped in with a Finn when they're just as different as an Frenchman and a Turk?
Why, if the alt-right is so obsessed with the collectivization of the "white" """race,""" is the EU frowned upon by them?
Why is it only Americans who generally care about the preservation of a mythical "race"?
Is it because they have become a mish-mash of different ethnicities and sheepishly yearn for a collective identity, thus inventing the purely American concept of "whiteness"?
Are the American mutts of the alt-right so adamantly bent on the concept of "whiteness" because they feel cheated by their ancestors for having miscegenated with other ethnicities?
Why should a French-Italian-Hungarian American feel any """racial""" solidarity with a Russian-Scottish-Portuguese American? Because their skin tones are similar? Because their ancestors came from the same continent?
Bullshit. Identity politics is worthless, whether from the left or the right. No one is stopping you from marrying a European woman and having European babies. Why do you give a fuck if other caucasoids are marrying individuals with darker skintones? Don't be a cuck to """culture."""

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Slide. Saged.

>no arguments
>only muh boomer meme
>posted under the boomer flag

Define "white."

>Why is it only Americans who generally care about the preservation of a mythical "race"?
Because that's how gibs are determined. The past 60 years have been terrible for whites. They have gotten nothing out of civil rights but more demands. It is time for whites to wake up and understand there is not going to be affirmative action for them. If they are poor now, they are just going to be poorer in the future unless they take a stand.

race is just an extended family
it sure as hell isnt you so no need for you to worry about that

A European or person of European descent.

Go to prison for a crash course in why preservation of your race matters.

Define Europe.
Are Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan in Europe?
Is Turkey in Europe?
Are Sami European?
What about Roma?
Should Sicilians be considered European when they have a significant percentage of North African DNA?
Can you still be European if you’re Muslim and consider Mecca the center of the universe?
Are all the European Jews living in Israel still white?
What about mulattos?


End socialism and you'll find people have less to be nationalistic about.

Collectivism is a bargain between individuals. Everyone is required to admit that the well being of literally everyone else is more important than any given individual. This allows all the selfish individuals that compose the group to trust each other. You admit you aren't the center of the universe so the universe doesn't kill you.


this thread was probably started by the girl in this thread

Why would twitter suspend somebody because of these glasses?

nigger who cares just watch the gorilla channel like the rest of us

Because as a individual I prefer white skin to shit skin, i prefer working societies to nigger infested non working ones, and I prefer cultured moral ones, to ones populated by disgusting jewish religions.

Because whites are learning they have to play the identity politics game the other groups started since the 1960's. Without a sense of collective identity whites will become a minority and their interests subordinated. They already are in many instances and groups like Jews have strong group cohension and strategy to advance their interests. In the US whites will be a minority by 2043 so we have already lost the battle here.

White birth rates are in decline all over the Western World and our people will simply be swept away like many before us if we are not organized and advocating our collective interest. Immigration is invasion and it always has been. We have no duty to accommodate it and it is not in our interest to do so.

As to the issue of White Identity most Europeans are of Indo European descent. The differences between European groups are significant but they are nothing compared to the racial and cultural divide between whites and Semitic, African or Asian groups. There is commonality between all Europeans as being part of the greater Western culture and heritage.

Moreover, most nations are politically organized as ethno states. It is simply foolish to believe that radically altering demographics will not exacerbate divisions and lead to conflict in the future. History shows that it will and the US is already headed for civil war because of these problems.

It just boils down to doing the right thing for our people. We cannot allow ourselves to be bullied by non white groups in our own countries anymore and we will protect our identity as is our right. We have no duty to retreat and we these other groups nothing. We are simply behaving as any other people would when confronted by a foreign invasion.

I used to be a libertarian and civ nationalist myself. It's nothing personal. It's not the world I wanted but this is just how it is.



individual liberties are facilitated by the collective and the collective's values of individual liberty

also we live in a democracy and the name of the game is mob rule


This doofus needs waking up

Why would you care about this bullshit? Do you have enough time to spend it on this pointless crap like racewar etc.
Live your life, faggot. You'll be dead by 30 anyway.
Do drugs, do alco, do shit. It doesn't matter because you were born to die, there's no ultimate goal in this life. No matter what your choices are, everyone dies.
Your mother gave you birth to make you suffer in this world.
One sunny day you finally go out and get killed by some dindunuffin passing by.

American ethnonationalists are mutts. Rest of the civilized WHITE western world doesn't give a fuck because we're actually white and have history and heritage.

Sup Forums is full of retards with their ignorant criterias.

>IQ over 95
This is pretty much all you need. We can include people like armenians, koreans and argentinians too in the movement. Why are geographic boundaries and physical appearance relevant? The people who pretty much built western civilization (Italians and greeks) are brown.

Does this man looks white to you?

Very nice shill. Except you, and many others seem to be confused. Whites are mixing the least of all races. What actually happened was something called the 1965 Immigration Act, which shifted immigration from Europe to the 3rd world. 3rd worlders, which breed like rats. This is our first concern. As for intermixing, it would be negligible, under normal circumstances, but fags like you are forcing the issue.

Read the comments on this video and the dislike bar... absolutely glorious to see people seeing through the kike conditioning.


Does this man look white to you?
>protip: he’s portuguese

Help expose pedos.

>Why is physical appearance relevant

Because it's part of our identity.

>protip: No he's not, ethnically. He's a moor rape baby


Wm married to a balck woman,. The idea I oqe some "race" jack shit is hilarious. Its mainly white trash pushing this shit because being white makes them feel special. You will notice virtually no uppef or middle class people suppprt it

Nice one Milleneeyul ewes

Of course. I'm saying if youre from a civilized christian background then I have no problem with you.

holy shit i was gonna give you serious answers to every question but they're all so badly formulated that you're not even doing a good job of pretending to be a boomer

hail victory my fellow stormfag

lmao. "skeptics" are still so buttblasted. No wonder, their whole identity is based on being on the fence and bitching about some retards with no arguments :^)

>Identity politics is worthless, whether from the left or the right.
Would you say that to a lefty tomorrow?
Would you tell """la raza""" about you opinions?
Would you tell this to a black getting affirmative action?
Or do you want only whites to "lift their game"?

>why this and why that


>Why should collectivism take precedence over individualism?
Neither should take precedence over the other.
>Why should anyone care about their """race""" over their own immediate family?
They shouldn't.
>Why should """race""" matter when you can't even find two people who have the same definition of what it means to be "white"?
It determines how closely you are related to someone.
>Why should """race""" matter more than ethnicity?
It shouldn't.
>Why should a Frenchman be lumped in with a Finn when they're just as different as an Frenchman and a Turk?
He shouldn't.
>Why, if the alt-right is so obsessed with the collectivization of the "white" """race,""" is the EU frowned upon by them?
They're American.
>Why is it only Americans who generally care about the preservation of a mythical "race"?
Ask an American.
>Is it because they have become a mish-mash of different ethnicities and sheepishly yearn for a collective identity, thus inventing the purely American concept of "whiteness"?
>Are the American mutts of the alt-right so adamantly bent on the concept of "whiteness" because they feel cheated by their ancestors for having miscegenated with other ethnicities?
Could be.
>Why should a French-Italian-Hungarian American feel any """racial""" solidarity with a Russian-Scottish-Portuguese American? Because their skin tones are similar? Because their ancestors came from the same continent?
Genetic compatibility and cultural background.
>Bullshit. Identity politics is worthless, whether from the left or the right. No one is stopping you from marrying a European woman and having European babies. Why do you give a fuck if other caucasoids are marrying individuals with darker skintones? Don't be a cuck to """culture."""
It is worthless and multuculturalism provides an opportunity for it.

In contemporary postmodern times, anti-white racism is everywhere. From the media and universities to the streets.

More and more white people are being attacked for being white. That's why it matters.

>Why should collectivism take precedence over individualism?
They shouldn't
>Why should """race""" matter when you can't even find two people who have the same definition of what it means to be "white"?
your are a divide and conquor jew

>Why should collectivism take precedence over individualism?
I believe that every one should be judged as individual when it comes to court, job application, etc.. Collective should come in to play because other groups see themselves as a collective if you adopt individualistic mentality and go up up against people with collective mentality you are going to loose.
Why should anyone care about their """race""" over their own immediate family?
They shouldn't.
>Why should """race""" matter when you can't even find two people who have the same definition of what it means to be "white"?
This is retarded. When SJW,BLM, etc. come to take away your rights they have no trouble distinguishing who is white and who isn't, but you do fore some reason. If it is legally allowed to discriminate based on your race then you are white.
Why should """race""" matter more than ethnicity?
Well just because some one is born in your country that doesn't mean thy adopt the mindset of your nation. I think you should be proud of your ethnicity and your race.
>Why is it only Americans who generally care about the preservation of a mythical "race"?
They are not. That "mythical" race come up with the concept of western values.
>Identity politics is worthless, whether from the left or the right. No one is stopping you from marrying a European woman and having European babies. Why do you give a fuck if other caucasoids are marrying individuals with darker skintones? Don't be a cuck to """culture."""
Its easy to say this as long as you don't live in a muslim ghetto or a black ghetto. Whites are being discriminated right now and we are the majority what happens when we become the minority every other group of people is allowed to be proud of who they are, is allowed to have their own natural habitat except whites. Zimbabwe was a democratic society at some point. What makes you think that something that happened in Zimbabwe can't happen here?

>actually the concept that works in upwards of 95% of cases isn’t a thing because they’re are about 5% debatable cases
Wow the existence of black people and native Americans btfo because they’re not perfectly defined

Different groups of people have different reproductive strategies. One of many reasons our society's are not a complete shit is because we can afford to feed our people and provide them with a job and a home. More people means more pollution, look at China, India, Africa when they turn they place in to a junk yard completely uninhabitable and useless where do you think they are going to move? And and even if you disregard everything i say what is wrong with just caring for your own people and not wanting them to go extinct? Why would you welcome that?

>Why should a Frenchman be lumped in with a Finn when they're just as different as an Frenchman and a Turk?
This triggered my autism. Are you comparing Finns to turks?

>Why is it only Americans who generally care about the preservation of a mythical "race"?
>Is it because they have become a mish-mash of different ethnicities and sheepishly yearn for a collective identity, thus inventing the purely American concept of "whiteness"?


Americans don't seem to understand that ethnicity is important outside of the Americas.

All politics are identity politics. If you are against identity politics, you are either apolitical or a hypocrite.

>dosent understand biology

op, aren't you some schizophrenic race mixing kike who frequently posts as "anti sjw libertarian"?

>Why should collectivism take precedence over individualism?
because you owe your family your love, support and labour, not only above your own wellbeing but in tandem with it
>Why should anyone care about their """race""" over their own immediate family?
you shouldn't, that defies the concept of tiers of affection and is closer in execution to leftist-collectivist than fascist collectivist
but your family harmony will be greater and more reliable if they're members of your race

>Why Why Why, Lisa, why?
OP stop being Tommy Waseou

>all those words
>go right to reddit's mutt meme

>(Italians and greeks) are brown.
A whole lot less brown in ancient times than they are now. Look at the ancient Macdedonian admixture in the Pashtun. (Search pashtun red hair). There are entire communities of isolated ancient macedonians who weren't browned by the muslims. Same thing for the example this guy gives . The Spaniard in that picture had his greatx30 grandparents browned by arabs. We would still consider him white however, so clearly the question is what degree of admixture is acceptable.

White people know when they see a white person, and if you don't understand that you are clearly not white yourself. That alone is demonstrative of the power of racial unity.


because collectivism has been the survival strategy for hominins for millions of years. You see, there weren't many of them who said
> " I'm a strong independent Homo who don't need no tribe"
and those that did generally had short and progeny-less lives.

I agree with you. The American conception of whiteness (which is certainly in the ascendance in British political commentary) seems very odd to me. It involves grouping everyone from Belorussian potato farmers to North American WASP elites together in a single, uniform category. This makes very little sense when applied to certain left wing ideas that are in vogue right now. White privilege doesn't really hold up if you take into account how disadvantaged some 'white' communities are. In a similar way, affirmative action loses its lustre once you realise that it's primarily benefiting BME kids from affluent, privileged families. Affirmative action is great for these elites within their own communities (who are bound to do well anyway) but does very little to help kids from the ghetto or the trailer park, regardless of whether they're white, black, or whatever.

And this is the crux of the matter. The politics of race have completely poisoned the well of social justice. Eminently unjust policies which often disadvantage the most vulnerable communities are now being propagated because we're applying these flawed conceptions of race and privilege.

not you

Lmao at all these faggots trying to defend their precious little hivemind from real arguments and questions by calling them kikes, since that is the only way for them to deflect them. Funny how you imagine yourself a freethinker.
You are bloody pathetic.

>anti-white faggot

go suck off a somalian you fuckin beta

>French-Italian-Hungarian American
Don't talk about Roger like that