Anti-immigrant Japanese nationalist economist was arrested for DV

> 妻を殴るなどしてけがをさせたとして、警視庁が経済評論家の三橋貴明(本名・中村貴司)容疑者(48)=東京都港区港南4丁目=を傷害の疑いで6日に逮捕していたことがわかった


nationlists are THIS violent.
He was one of famous advocator of anti-immigrant policy. NOW he is FUCKED

We should not listern to violent criminal opinion for immigration policy.

Other urls found in this thread:

What is a DV even?

You can listen to a professional's opinion even if you learn his wife accused him of beating her you know.

the kikes/elite are shutting down opposition. Prepare to be enriched with diversity.

looks like it stands for "domestic violence"


There are two economist, one is harvard professor of econoics(Saul Kenneth Rogoff) and this shit tier economist with DV tendensies

Which is more reliable?

Sometimes a guy beating up his wife is not a Jewish conspiracy. Jewish influence is minor here, almost wholly consigned to media with a tiny presence through academia.

>Which is more reliable?
The one who wish to protect his homeland from shitskin invasions.

I appreciate that you respect academic integrity, however, there's no doubt that the effects of immigration are a negative force. The DV dude has his mind made in a direction which will help Japan more than Saul Kenneth Rogoff in the long term. The costs of integrating an immigrant into a homogeneous society would be extremely large considering the uniform social structure of Japan. Any skills that the immigrant brings will be a minuscule positive in comparison to the cost of disrupting the social structure of where he resides. What Japan has is unique from the rest of the world and that should not be ruined simply because the man who advocates for it has beat his wife. Stop this now Japan Jew.

Good. He is doing his part to keep nip women in line from degeneracy.

you dont understand. In the west the jews are the new elite with no loyalty for the non jew middle class.
But ultimately it is the elite, regardless of ethnicity that want immigration because it raises asset prices.
The elite own assets.
In a country where population declines they will see demand plummet and their capital decrease. If they do not care about the middle class they will just import new people to increase demand. Thus there is pressure to have open borders

The elites around the world have become more and more globalized and thus divorced from their home culture. Inevitably they stop giving a shit about their own people and see themselves as a global caste with more in common with each other than the middle class in their own lands. Just because it hasn't happened in Japan and that it happened in the west first doesn't mean that it is not going to happen in Japan soon.
Your elite will betray you like ours have betrayed us soon enough.
Your daughters and granddaughters will be preyed on by brown men and your elite will laugh to the bank.

but you would be only using an ad hominem against him. Wouldnt this weaken your argument in your first place? Aren't you striving to be better than those you see as villanious?

>Which is more reliable?
You need to look at their work and make comparisons to judge reliability.

Fuck off english teacher. Nobody likes you.

Davidkun strikes again. No one can stop Japan from becoming an successful multicultural diverse megapower!

Immigration is one-stop solution for all of Japan's problems.

Fuck off nip

This is bait idiots, end it here

Check the fucking catalog before you post. Bad nip.

fuck immigrants
they fuck up everything
just try to communicate your viewpoint without behaving liek the fucking monkeys your trying to keep out
pol ofcourse is not capable of this

your country is a puppet state dude, you cant lose a war to the us and not become one, its not optional. they dropped nukes on you and you been drawing hello kitty ever since

WHY with your level of intelligence are you even on here!?!?

we already welcome all white people,

what else are we talking about?

syrian refugees and other shits?
you do understand, we need SKILLED

with language abilities, high IQ, in IT, engineering, and science. For shit-tier jobs, we got chinese people on every corner.

Stop stealing my thread, OP

>Jewish influence is minor here
>implying (((Roosevelt))) baiting us into WW2 wasn't Jewish influence

>all white people
Lets make one thing clear: no hannichi

where do you live?

tokyo's fucking crowded dude

I can't be bothered with any more phillippinos on my block with their shitty ass pubs and skanky ass women

hannichi is half a day fucking dweeb

He is known as anti-Abe

(((Saul Rogoff)))? , I'll take the jap.

Male arrested for DV in 2018, you presume guilty?

Wake up. Biocunts will call cops on you any time you hurt ther fifis.

hannichi (反日)as in anti-Japanese you fucking English teacher.

of course they have to attack him,
he's redpilling the nips on multiculturalism

what exactly did he do? maybe his wife needed some patrolling, ain't nothing wrong with that

moving to Japan next month with my family, glad this racist cunt got arrested.

It's ok. One day it will be legal again for men to hit women. That's when we will be uncucked for good. Never forget this period for when we are uncucked we may want to go soft.

Nationalist tend to be anti-social and therefore predisposed to violence and crime. Also, his wife probably fucked a gaijin while he was out trying to MJGA.

Take me back to the days of Sean Connery where a man could rough up his woman a little and she liked it that way.

Then how do you explain declining birthrates, i.e. JAPANESE GEOCIDE

Read a few of the articles, none of them confirm anything other than he was arrested for """"""""""疑い""""""""" of DV. He hasn't been convicted and not every time a bitch screams we need to listen. Please stop self-hating ホモ野郎さん.

And sometimes Generals that discover we killed the wrong enemy dying in a car accident has nothing to do with Jewish influence.

Double Vaginal?

85% of all assaults were black on asian? am I reading that right? that can't be, that's insane

Double penetration, my favorite type of porn

this is ludicrously convenient.

The jew has this much power even in jap land.

Though perhaps it's as simple as bribing the wife with a load of money to accuse him of domestic violence.

This basically, I realize my country is shit and it only produces shit, no need to force a developed homogeneous nation like Japan to deal with them. I wanted to apply for MEXT this year but I decided to stay because I don't belong there. Japan only needs people than can match it's education level and work ethic.

Japan needs to start deporting, not importing.

Some of you are pretty cool though, at least you can purge your own terrorists

And this is why it's important to the Hebrew to make women important to society.

There's too much Japs, country is overpopulated already, it's about time to reduce the population. Without importing (((refugees))) though

>you can purge your own terrorists
>your own terrorists
See the problem here? We're the source of the problem, doesn't matter if some happen to be the solution, it still wouldn't exist if Islam didn't exist.

i dont see a link any where. so baseless claim by a english teacher

T. Homosexual English teacher

Going to leech off of superior people or just going to shit in the streets?

I don't really think that Islam is the reason for terrorist. You know the actual (((((((((((reason)))))))))))), it's just that they use religion to misrepresent their actual goals and Arabs get pretty gullible if someone starts allahu akbar'ing around

based af desu

I thought it was near impossible to be arrested for domestic or child abuse in Japan

Yes, Islam is bad for you, goyim. Why don't you accept some of western values for your own good?

pls stay in india

>Nip beats wife
>Crowd goes wild and demands his opinion on not allowing more wife beaters in the country is discarded

I can't help but see the irony again.

You can't stop the poo

> The police department arrested an economic critic Takaaki Mitsuhashi (real name, Takashi Nakamura) suspect (48) on suspicion of injury on the 6th, as he beat injured his wife (teens).

Immportant thing is
Takaaki Mitsuhashi (48)
his wife (teens)

He made all Japanese men an enemy.

I'm sick of all the stupid Jap threads. If this is the only person who is anti-immigration in Japan then fuck that shitty country. They deserve nothing but death.

man A says "the sky has a blue color during daylight with no clouds"
man B says "the sky has a green color during daylight with no clouds"
plot twist: man A beats his wife

you're saying the sky is green then?

Does this mean one is now invited to japan for procreation with your people?

great news

so he spoke against immigration and now he's being accused of something that'll nerver be proven?

how awfully convenient

>nationlists are THIS violent.
You can divorce a persons opinions from his behavior.

What did he even do?
Did he kill an Immigrant? (if yes that is FUCKING BASED)

domestic violence is pretty vague over here

Japan don't fuck up like we did. Keep these fuckers out at all costs

>Any skills that the immigrant brings
You won't get skilled immigrants. You get sub-80 IQ inbreds who spent their childhoods in a hellhole so they are mentally deranged and violent. They are also religious fanatics who will despise everything about your society, never attempt to integrate and do their best to tear it all down.

Japan needs mass immigration

it'll be a 3d change but it must happen

2d can no longer support the people of japan

Sup Forums will be at the center of this transformation and the gooks will hate us for it but it must happen

>We should not listern to violent criminal opinion for immigration policy.
Ones morality, lack of thereof or criminal activity even, should not influence your views of their arguments, unless it's a religious debate.
For argument to be valid it needs to be coherent and supported by evidence, it doesn't require anything other.
Who makes the better argument?
>one is harvard professor of economics
You just committed rogicar farracy.

Also (((Saul))).

>Beating your wife (s)
>A crime

What? That's not very progressive.

>in his late 40s
>has a teenage wife

muh hero