Name a problem with this movie without memeing once

Name a problem with this movie without memeing once.
Pro tip:an overwhelming majority of you literally fucking cant

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>Still haven't seen it
For as much as you all are hyping it, it better be the best goddamn thing I've ever seen

It's probably the MOTS

It's enjoyable

Romance is underdeveloped. You need to just accept that they've fallen in love with each other from the body swap but the movie doesn't make you feel it.

The final act goes for a big crowd pleasing save the day action vibe instead of a more appropriate thematic culmination of what's come before.

The final act felt very disjointed with the rest of the film and dragged on for far longer than it should have.

Its overrated. You can say that isn't a problem with the movie itself, but I would disagree. Its like if you heard someone say The Titanic is the greatest movie of all time simply because they know it made a lot of money. The movie itself attracts cancer, and this is a flaw.

>Save the day action vibe
user did you finish the movie
Also I'd say implications throughout the story and the scene on the mountain/minutes after that said plenty.
Also time loops and shit.

It's good but overrated. That's really all there's to say.

Ah yes. The fine example of contrarianism Sup Forums claims to deny having.
Nigger please.

>The movie itself attracts cancer, and this is a flaw.
Ask me how I know you're a retard.

just got back from seeing it in theaters. the first time it was on a shitty small plane screen on the way back from deployment. just as amazing the second time if not more literal 10/10

Their love for each other was kinda rushed. There was not enough time for the audience to get sucked in into their relationship.

How do you know Im a retard? Iv'e tested my IQ and its 185.

I hope you're just joking. You sound even more retarded now.

>user did you finish the movie
I saw it in a cinema like a year ago.
It goes full on 80s kids movie everybody-work-together-now, big action stakes stuff. Come to think of it, it was very similar to the ending to Summer Wars. That movie was a narrative clusterfuck in a lot of ways, but an ending like that makes sense there since that movie was about community working together. It was a distraction from what Your Name was really about. Shinkai went for the big rousing crowd pleasing 'exciting' option rather than being true to his concept and characters.
Another problem: Shinkai overplays his hand with the false suspense of withholding whether convincing the mayor worked. The movie's already put you in enough suspense, so it wasn't necessary. It was more important and interesting to show how the guy actually convinced his dad to order the evacuation, but we're cheated out of seeing that. Maybe Shinkai couldn't think of a way to convincingly depict that so tried to work his way around that.

The scene on the mountain was great, I'll give it that. But earlier in the movie the film doesn't visualise or make you feel how true love develops just though getting to walk in the other's footsteps. It's a difficult thing to depict, but a better filmmaker would have tried harder to show how they get to know the other person's heart and soul over time, rather than just the particulars of their day to day life. As it is it just pops into the movie and then it has to be taken for granted, which isn't enough when the romance ends up having epic significance attached to it.

Still his best movie by far.

its not based on the meme, there is no evidence Shinkai ever heard of Keit-ai

Overrated pretentious edgy SJW bullshit.

I wish it was longer.

What does this even mean?

the second time seeing was worse, it hit me so much harder. I cried so much, since I knew what was coming I cried harder with anticipation. Are there any anons that want to come see it with me this week in socal? Near LA

25 above Einstein, huh? your autism must be superpowered

That the movie is shit.

>going with someone who's going to cry on my shoulder
fuck off

ill cry on my tissues fyi, dont be heartless user

Forced romance elements, LOL HERE'S A FUCKING METEOR, characters not understanding how the body swaps work despite basically understanding at least 80% of how it works, poor pacing at times

characters are underdeveloped, not sure how I'm supposed to care about the characters if they are school boy a and school girl b. plot twist/only development is really hacky and feels like Shinkai just needed to throw some action in. Still his best film.

Learn some fucking respect for your fellow moviegoers you cunts.

You will, without a doubt, be disappointed

This. The only reason people give a shit about it is because THE GRORIOUS NIHONJIN RABU IT AND IT MAKE BIG MONEY SO IT MUST BE THE BEST AH-KNEE-MAY EIGA EVERRRRRRRR. If it was just a randomly chosen anime film, I guarantee nobody would care

>First half was rushing as fck and zen zen zense ruining the first half

There I said it

stupid grandmom musubi bullshit

> Another problem
that girl told her dad the stone will be split at first meeting, and news said no one predicted that... so quite plausible

> plane viewing
Im sorry user. At least you made it back in time to see it in theaters.

>I saw it in a cinema like a year ago.
It came out in nip cinemas like seven months ago.

the stone? THE STONE?

> Shinkai went for the big rousing crowd pleasing 'exciting' option rather than being true to his concept and characters.
> Still his best movie by far.
Pick one.

No reason to feel bad you werent smart enough to figure it out yourself before the main characters user. Shinkai gave you plenty of hints.

Did the movie deviate from the novel?

Opening with a boobie groping scene is probably not the best idea

Other than that, I can't. This is one of my favorite movies of all time.

>It was more important and interesting to show how the guy actually convinced his dad to order the evacuation


I love this movie but I think that without the visuals and music it would just kinda be shit

The music kinda felt out of place to me. I love RADWIMPS, but I didn't think it was the best choice.

i get where user's coming from. it had its flaws but your name is still better than any of shinkai's other works

I thought the insert songs were a little out of place and disrupted the flow of the movie. They felt like OPs and EDs, and I kept expecting it to cut away to credits, even though they were in the middle of the movie. Also, the line where they said something like "we're switching places!" in unision in a split scene was goofy. Made me cringe.

That's all I've got.

it's popular

If you get spoiled on the twists and turns, then you'll be disappointing. Just skip this thread and watch the 720p rip now, then rewatch it again in 1080p when BDs are out to see the hidden clues sprinkled all over the movie.

Waiting for the BDs may not be worth it if you get spoiled in between.

>movie started with "who are you?"
>movie ends with "what's your name?"

Too complicated/too much shit going on at once towards the end, shit gave me a headache

complicated in what way

Shinkai having music videos in his movies is pretty much his style, if 5 cm and Garden of Words are any indication.

there was too much pottery in this movie; my favorite is how they both left behind their most precious possession in the underworld.

Plot wasn't perfect. You would think at any point Taki and Mitsuha would take a look at the year. Especially considering they used their phone's calendar functions constantly.

look at how this imouto embraces the underworld. she must be musubi.

>ywn experience young love

The summer wars tier ending felt like such an overdone cliche sequence of events that it killed almost all of my enjoyment for the movie up to that point

It was like a dream to them, they wouldn't notice or remember those details, and it'd be easily overlooked like they are in dreams.

Yotsuha is a miracle of the universe

Don't remind me

Best girl

I wonder if she secretly swapped with someone and we didn't recognize it. Maybe I'll pay attention and see if she acts out of character on my rewatch.

But they felt more natural in those movies. They happened near the end, and the pop songs had a more melancoly tone. These ones came near the beginning and really sounded like OPs/EDs.

It's a small complaint, but it threw me off and took me out of the story.

It doesn't exist.


Oh shit, I was wondering who that was supposed to be, damn I'm dumb


cameo from Sup Forums

>token MC with some artsy interest like most Hackoto Shinkai MCs
>the girl is uninteresting and just wants to escape her reality
>body swap
>through time travel
>(no problem messing with electronics and OS dates)
>mobile phones as a major plot element
>muh magic spit sake will let me jump through time and dimensions
>another fucking ending song with loud vocals in place of actual narrative/story telling

I feel like I've watched the same unoriginal crap 10 times already. If you're older than 16 years old and this is your "favorite movie" you should feel bad for yourself.

Misuha cut her hair.

This. Even the Gods didn't like it so they struck her down with a meteor.

They write down rules and they leave notes on their bodies for each other. They follow each others routines flawlessly after a few tries.
They go to classes and every student ever knows the date, month and year as they have to write that shit down for their classes, in their notebooks or in forms and stuff.
>b-but 'twas only a dream and it felt like that for them
Yeah, no.

I think that the whole oppai thing is cringy as fuck. they took it to far at the end when they meet the first time.

Its explicitly described as a dream, user.

>true to his concept and characters
What do you mean by that?
I'd take that over the do less than nothing omegas he traditionally makes. Would you really have preferred that? Also Taki and Mitsuha aren't that type of character either. Both are extremely outgoing and active.

It's just another shallow underdeveloped love story with a fantasy setting with no meaning or depth.
You will forget about this """massively popular""" """"""highly successful"""""" film in less than 2 years.
Trust me on this one.

Wait did they? I don't remember. What were they?

Each other, hence why they forgot.

I liked the plot enough to look past that but I still think it's a genuine plot hole. They were both very proficient with the swapping after a while and were able to remember what they did. I think if you're aware enough to leave a note on your phone for someone else you're aware enough to check the time.

Also how could someone not hear about when an entire town got fucking obliterated by a meteor 3 years ago?

The movie wasn't long enough, there should've been several hours more of Taki and Mitsuha in Tokyo.

It is one of those things you have to take on faith, but I've had dreams where there were out of place elements that I just didn't care about, and made perfect sense while dreaming.

For the latter point, I'm inclined to believe its intentional that Taki didn't remember hearing about it. There's that quote that gets repeated about how the comet is nothing more or less than a beautiful view. Well, that's not true; that comet was a terrible disaster that destroyed a town and ruined lives. Its supposed to be ironic; there's all those newspeople talking about how amazing and fortunate they are to see the comet. For those people, that's all the comet is. The rural-urban divide is obviously a theme here; Taki from Tokyo couldn't care less about the disappearance of an entire community, and takes it for granted.

>Also how could someone not hear about when an entire town got fucking obliterated by a meteor 3 years ago?
Kids sure are clueless amirite

I don't understand any of the time travel shit that happened. It didn't really make sense to me. The result was nice and all but I didn't understand shit. Time travel doesn't have to be super tight knit or have its mechanics explained in detail, but I'd at least like for what, when, and why something happens to be clear. Otherwise it's just really contrived.

>""""""highly successful""""""

What didn't you get about it? The time travel stuff was caused by the guardian god working through the Miyamizu bloodline; that's mentioned by Grandma. Taki theorizes its to warn them about the comet, and he'd be right, since the shrine has those drawings of the comet, from 1000 years before.

Grandma has her monologue about how Musubi is knotting, which explains why the body switching also involves time travel; think of it as each being a string, and then getting tangled backwards and forwards.

No time travel happened.

>matching making god wants to hook up the latest of age Miyamizu daughter with some guy
>turns out the guy she wants is three years too young for her right now
>send that fucker from the future so their ages match up
>this ends up being what made her want that guy anyway
>also those Itomi idiots burned down their records and now don't remember there's a giant fuck you rock heading for them soon
>how the fuck did they forget, they painted a mural of it right fucking their in the shrine
>future kid saves their ass by changing the past through the power of love
>keep them apart until 8/5 years later and the age difference isn't such a problem
Who knew Musubi wasn't into /ss/?

too nippon for me

i dont give a shit about nippon voodoo shintoh magic or whatever the fuck the social commentary was about

it was pretentious as fuck i just want cute girls falling in love

the time travel felt out of place like a contrived asspull solely existing just to save the girl who TRAGICALLY died *cough* forced drama *cough* out of nowhere

Does it also explain why some teenage kid living hundreds of miles away like Taki (apparently unrelated to the Miyamizu bloodline) of all people is involved?

I mean all the shit with the spit sake and the mountain and how they talked and whatnot. They were both talking to each other despite being 3 years apart. Basically the stuff after Taki decided to take his trip to visit Mitsuha made no sense to me. Also the cell phone deleting shit. And the history books changing. Basically everything in the narrative for the most part was sound until he finds out Mitsuha was long dead.

Likely because they're soulmates, as in the god knew they'd fall in love with each other.

I liked it until it turned into X-Men: Days of Anime Past

Because the girl who was going to be bodyswapping wanted a Tokyo life, which Taki would be able to help give her. Other than that, it's kind of implied that the god can see through all of time since it can link the future and past so easily. Probably, the god knew what course of events was supposed to happen, and nudged things in the right direction. Taki was probably chosen at random by fate, as most things would be to begin with.

I liked it a lot, but it didn't really amaze me or strike me as a super memorable film. I had a fun time and felt some emotion and suspense

It has way too many insert songs. After the second one I started to roll my eyes.

It won shitty awards and it made less money than Pocahontas, kek.
If something makes money doesn't necessarily mean it's good.

Ok, well the spit sake is half of Mitsuha, as in it contains her essence. Drinking it allows him to unite their souls and switch again. The cellphone deleting is supposed to represent the dream fading. They were only able to talk to each other when it was twilight, which is when magical things occur as its a liminal space, as per the teacher's lesson from early on.

Basically, you have to take it as magical realism. Like, how Taki is able to give back her ribbon and it remains with her going back, despite the pen not going with her. That's symbolic; yeah you could say its an inconsistency, but who cares?

>I mean all the shit with the spit sake and the mountain and how they talked and whatnot. They were both talking to each other despite being 3 years apart.
That's fairly easy as long as you're accepting superstitious shinto mythology as absolutely true. Twilight is described early on as the boundary between worlds and the shrine is also said to exist at the same boundary. The spit sake is magic god juice that contains a part of Mitsuha, so by consuming it Taki can re-entangle their life lines like how the Grandmother describes. Why it sends him right to the day of the meteor is whatever. You basically have to accept the god is influencing things a little bit, as long as the mortals are willing to pull their weight.

>Also the cell phone deleting shit.
I got nothing. Even by time travel rules it doesn't make sense, since they haven't actually changed the past. They're just from someone in the past and this time travel doesn't effect anything related to their creation. This has to fall under bullshit "it's all just a dream despite also being real" nonsense. Now that Mitsuha isn't around in that time period, the world is changing as if she was never there. Or something.

>And the history books changing.
Explain further

>Watch chinese cartoon.
> "It's too chinky!".

Speaking from a success standpoint, 331 million worldwide isn't a negative in this case.

Pic related. Basically: shinto magic I ain't gotta explain shit.