Why do Germans have such an inferiority complex towards the Anglo?

We wouldn’t have to keep fucking your shit up if you stopped being retards ruining Europe.

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German schools before WW1 would teach about the Anglo and his Empire; they would teach how his Empire was illgotten, by lies and cheating; then WW1 came and Jerry came with all the confidence earned by his race.
He shot the Belgium; the Flemish, the Walloon and their unproffessional armies (both German and Belgian) clashed; the German marched on. Then he met his cousin the Saxons who left their homeland for foreign shores to met again in a great war; but this man, son of Seanote, was not the thrifty-coward of the German soldiers school days; to keep the Empire, England wielded a proffessional army of 100,000 men who brung in from all corners of the globe to play in this family feud (one of my great-great uncles came all the way from Chile to serve). The soon forgot what their 'education' as no propaganda could met the English bullet.

TL;DR: Germans in the pride of their; philosophy, art, history and so-on were laid low by the Maxim gun, national ego died.

I am paraphrasing Adolf Hitler; if anyone if interested.

cause germans have "I see that you have thing, it is only fair if I have thing as well"
I have no idea, some sort of advanced jealousy

>inferiority complex
you mean daring to oppose your oppressor, the crypto-jews
> ruining Europe
what is anglo?

It's not an inferiority complex, much more respect for tenaciousness and a succesful empire.
No more brother wars.

Well said!

Even Adolf recognised the superiority of the two bollock Anglo.

Do you know any English people in Germany? If so, How are they perceived by the natives?

>I see that you have thing, it is only fair if I have thing as well
but that's exactly what you guys are doing here, driving with vans into our country and stealing shit

Lmao, I'm sure these anglos left the EU because they were tired of being Germany's bitch.

Hey, there Hans and sir Mccullen.
just a question,
Wha happens if the Russians/Chinese/Indians decide to invade europe and North Africa, say in 70 years ?
why don't you have a European Army ?

I know several British expats in Berlin. Most are very bluepilled #remain zealots. They're obsessed with Brexit, they're similarly obsessed with Trump, they rant about German right-wing parties and movements. They see racism, nationalism, misogyny etc. everywhere in the West.
That's really sad because other than that I really like them and they're good people. I agree with this explanation:


you destroyed Europe you kikeloving little shit.

No more brother wars; however the respect only came after the Hitler's rise to power, before and during WW1 it was near hatred.

If only Harry had an Iberian wedding; he could of had a good-looking wife.

He certainly did, he considered the Anglo-saxon as part of the Hyperborean race and had great respect and love for the English race. This was a mutual feeling as Labour/Liberal/Conservative admired what the Führer had accomplished, that was so until Winston Churchill hungered for war...

Holy fuck, im sick off britcuck kvetching

Sure thing Muhammad

Good to hear. I'm planning to move to Germany when my German is good enough. But only for a few years as I have unfinished business in the UK I'll have to come home for.
Thanks for your answer

nigger shut up
and tell Jugenddamt to stop stealing Polish kids in the middle of the night and giving them away to turkish families you absolute trash of human society

If the German and English men who fought in WW2 could only see what they were fighting for.

How many other wars have you heard of were the two sides stop fighting and play football together on Christmas?

God I fucking hate the kikes!

you let them do whatever the fuck they want anyways and if it wasn't for north america they would have pushed your shit in in ww2. all these years later and you still let them push you around.

I've had a British family as neighbours for a couple of years now and they're one of the respectable people I know. They definitely represent the more gentlemanly, aristocratic type of the old UK which makes me quite sad since I know that they're a rarity in the modern UK where traditionalism has been to a large extend replaced by decadence and degeneracy. Though I guess that goes for all European states.
Anyway best of luck to you Britons for reclaiming your nation.

Hitler was right, especially about what would happen to Europeans AND Americans in the long term.
Unfortunately he was too agressive and tried to do too much. He should have spent his life strengthening Germany, then let his sons or grandsons unite Europe once Germanys position was unchallengeable.