Why can't we all just get along...

Why can't we all just get along? Black crackhead stealer folk only do what they do because of their childhood experience. Retard inbred arabs only suicide bomb random coffee shops because of their upbringing. Indians only shit on the ground because that's what they saw growing up.

When will you fuckers man up, forgive others for what is not their fault, and simply live as a good example for others?

You have succumbed to the forces of Ahriman. We live in the time of the War of All Agaist All. Judgement is necessary in that one must be able to discern right from wrong action, but we must learn to find the middle ground.

We are all in the same boat. None of us is perfect. Law and order is necessary, but remember to judge the act, not the man.

Love thy brother as thyself.

I am not a robot.

Other urls found in this thread:


My brothers are my germanic kin, not subhumans. Fuck off, hippie faggot!

>Why can't we all just get along? Black crackhead stealer folk only do what they do because of their childhood experience. Retard inbred arabs only suicide bomb random coffee shops because of their upbringing. Indians only shit on the ground because that's what they saw growing up.

Wrong. Twin studies show that blacks raised in rich white families still perform worse in school than whites. Yes, a person is a combination of nature vs. nurture, but idealistic retards like you just WISH that everything was 100% nurture so you don't have to accept the painful fact that there are such things as superior and inferior people.

We easily understand that you need to breed the strongest and best race horses to get the best results. If what you're saying is true you could take a donkey and train it with the best race horse trainers and it could win the kentucky derby.

"No one is to be called an enemy, all are your benefactors, and no one does you harm. You have no enemy except yourselves."

Francis of Assisi

Yes, genetics plays a role in intelligence. Dogs are pretty stupid, does that mean we should kill them all?

>You have no enemy except yourselves.
I agree with this part. Everything giving whites problems today was because of our own stupid choices. Jews have no power over us unless we listen to their lies.

The reason Christianity is in tatters today is because of this bullshit. You have to hate evil and prevent it from spreading. Now we have this tranny slippery slope fucking our children in the head.

I completely agree with you, other me. We ought to remember who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. They want us to think that the average person is powerless to positively change the world, but the TRUTH is that we have INFINITE POWER - both individually AND collectively. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital, yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.

What we need to do is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually AND collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and therefore MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people DO NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. This means that NOTHING is impossible (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself literally says "I'm possible!"). People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power. (end of part 1)

(start of part 2) I am not racist (in the sense of hating any race), I am a race-realist. Race exists and we are not equal physically nor are we equal mentally, but anyone can rise above the limitations of his or her race (but it's difficult to do and therefore it rarely ever happens) - and despite the FACT that we are all unequal both physically and mentally, it is also a FACT that we are ALL EQUAL in terms of who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form - and we NEED to remember that to stand any chance of making the world a truly better place. I do not adhere to any religion, but the (((Bible))) was right when it said that we are ALL made in the image of God - and that was one of the very few times that the (((Bible))) was right. And each member of any race should breed ONLY within that race - that's how we maintain REAL diversity (not kike-enforced 'diversity'). (end of part 2)

>Dogs are pretty stupid, does that mean we should kill them all?
I'm glad you brought up Dogs. They are a perfect example of the differences in race (breeds) of the same species (canis familiaris).

No one can deny vast differences in size and behavior between dog breeds. Nobody would every suggest that a chihuahua would be a better guard dog than a pit bull, or that a dachshund could run faster than a greyhound. But this is exactly what we are trying to suggest with human beings.

Nobody wants to kill anyone here (if we don't have to). It's just frustration and memes. We wouldn't care at all if they simply stayed in their own countries and minded their own fucking business.

None of which would be an issue if parents actually put the time and effort into properly raising their children.

>entrusting the rearing of your offspring to the State

(start of part 3) We are all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL save the white race from extinction and prevent the end of Western Civilisation. We ought to embrace nationalist principles to save the white race from extinction and prevent the end of Western Civilisation even while REMEMBERING who and what WE REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. Our TRUE STATE, our TRUE NATURE and our TRUE IDENTITY is Pure Consciousness and Pure Consciousness is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. We are SIMULTANEOUSLY one yet different in our oneness in much the same way that the waves of an ocean are one with that ocean but are also unique in and of themselves in that each wave has its own shape, speed and size. I think that's pretty neat. What we call 'reality' is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale. From unconditional love we ALL sprang and to unconditional love we ALL return. I am another you and you are another me. There is no death, only transference of consciousness. There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception. There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences. There is no separateness, only oneness. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my message shall NEVER pass away. The message is more important than the messenger. (end)

The robots should take a good hard look at this post and learn from it.

Ok, the races are not equal, nor the sexes, nor dog breeds. I understand that, and thank God that we are not all identical, homogenous robots.

The problem is finding a way to work with and not against each other. It's a small planet, and complete isolation of genetic subgroups is neither possible nor beneficial.

Volatile nigger breeds like Pitbulls should be eradicated

>and complete isolation of genetic subgroups is neither possible nor beneficial.

Complete isolation of genetic subgroups is both possible AND beneficial - that's how we maintain REAL diversity (not kike-enforced 'diversity').

>complete isolation of genetic subgroups is neither possible nor beneficial.
Nobody is advocating complete isolation. The issue with whites at this time is that we are the only group on the planet that is being forced to be integrated with everyone else in the world. Every other group of person has a homogenous country where they can associate with their own kind if they wish to. Whites don't get that choice anymore, and if current trends continue white people will be destroyed.

All these hippie ideas you hold. I guarantee they are mostly only held by other white people. If white people disappear. People who believe we are all one in consciousness will disappear also (except for hindus).

In the real world, it's about as possible as a perfect communist utopia. Take your head out of the sand.

>dogs are stupid
Citation needed . Dogs don’t sell crack, ruin neighborhoods, or produce welfare parasites. With all that considered I’m leaning toward the conclusion that dogs are better than blacks

>Take your head out of the sand.

Only after you take your head out of your ass.

>what is japan
>what is south korea
>what is china

I don't want the U.S. to be completely white and kick everyone out. I want several states to break away from the united states and become white only areas. While the rest can remain as it is. I enjoy some of the multicultural aspects of America, but only if it is voluntary.

Speaking of dogs.
There's a nice dog in my neighborhood I walk past all the time. He seems friendly so I greet him as such. I ask the owner permission to give him a dog treat. He oks it. So every day I walk by I greet the dog and give him a treat. Dog wags tail takes treat and that's that. After a few weeks of this I decide to step up my interactions, I give the dog his treat then reach to pet him. Dog gets all crazy and bites me. WTF. Did I do something wrong. I give it a week and resume daily treat rituals , dog is back to normal tail wagging etc. Again I decide to try to be better friends with the dog. AGAIN he bites me.
Owner explains ,dog likes treats, but hates you and ONLY likes you on HIS terms. The dog owner begs me to stop letting myself get bitten.
Who's fault is it that I got bitten twice?
You get the point ?

>I am not a robot.
seems legit

Man it's great listening to myself talk. I hope we meet someday and sing.

>People who believe we are all one in consciousness will disappear also (except for hindus).

There are people who realise that just because we are all one in consciousness does NOT mean that we are all one in body and mind (because we aren't). We'll survive. You'll see.

I look forward to meeting you, other me.

Division and isolation and wishful thinking about totally unrealistic political goals is not productive. What I'm saying is that the greatest thing you can do with your life is to be the best possible example of what a human being can be, a light for others to follow. Have children, and raise them to be great examples for future generations. Or don't, and spend your time leading other lost souls to higher ground.

Help. Do something constructive with your life.

Time for some consciousness liberation!

Raw Deal

Masses fed on bread and lies
The dreams within our hearts
Never to be realized
Sleeping behind the wheel of life
Until the day we rise
Until the day we rise
Until the day we rise

Ignorance is bliss
Or so we seem to believe
Those who scheme to bereave
With magic words they weave
Like a tapestry
Oh the papistry
Oh the papistry
Oh the papistry

With a malicious sneer
The priest and the king and the profiteer
Always turning peer on peer
Selling pain and fear (weapons gear)
From stone to spear to atomic bomb
How could we let things go so wrong?
It goes on and on and on
Now we're breaking the cycle
With our song

Enslaved in debt to a central bank
Depraved in heart with (((you))) to thank
Only saved are those with higher rank
The rest of us?
Walk the plank
Your son and daughter?
Cannon fodder
Beware the marauder

Mind control is hard to break
The culture prescribed is harder to take
Media madness obscuring what's real
Influencing what we think and feel
It's a raw deal

Bow before me
Down you kneel
Kiss the ring
Your soul is sealed

To all you lurkers out there, you are so loved. This macrocosmic cancer we call a zionist military-industrial cabal is being healed as we speak. Our best and brightest are working tirelessly to clean up this thought pollution. Everything you see and hear writes deep into your DNA like a hard drive. It's beautiful to see threads like this on Sup Forums amidst the ignorance and prejudice and fear.

I completely agree with you. I like some (key word: SOME) of the non-white minorities in this country, but you know as well as I do that white identity is under siege right now, so we need some white-only areas to prevent the white genocide agenda from being fulfilled. A world without whites is not a world I want to live in and I say this as a half-white (pic related).

>What I'm saying is that the greatest thing you can do with your life is to be the best possible example of what a human being can be, a light for others to follow. Have children, and raise them to be great examples for future generations.

Sup Forums has always advocated this. The only difference is we don't feel our political goals are unrealistic or unproductive at all. My idea of being a great human being is fighting for my ideals and what I believe in. I believe in a future for European people, and that is not possible without an ethnostate where we can grow and evolve unmolested by the rest of the world.

OP, you need Jesus.

>because of their upbringing
Culture matters

(((They))) are obsessed with suppressing our sense of the possible. There are two things that (((they))) do not want you to know above all else:

1. That who and what you really are is Pure Consciousness, which is infinite and eternal, experiencing life in a temporary human form.

2. That what we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable, which means that nothing is impossible (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself literally says "I'm possible!").

Why the tribalist mindset? Why not try to help all who need assistance in this dark world?

Life will be fair once we don't need wheelchairs

I'm a HUGE FAN of anarchy and I've used the anarchist flag on Sup Forums (it's the ONLY ideological flag I've ever used on Sup Forums, but ONLY ONCE since I'm against ideological flags on Sup Forums). People think that anarchism is only for edgy teens, but I'm 29 and I'm against edginess simply for the sake of edginess. Anarchism does NOT mean 'without rules', it means 'without RULERS' - which means that anarchism is a system where we are TRULY FREE (as opposed to 'free-range', like we are now). I dream of a world without governments, Jews, niggers, Muslims, borders, religions, flags, poverty, countries, money, human-made laws, weapons, diseases, courts, pollution and wars. I dream of a world where everyone has raw vegan organic alkaline food, unfluoridated water, shelter, artificial intelligence that can never hack into our brains, clothing (unless they want to be nude like me), environmentally-friendly technology, robots that do whatever we want for us but can never betray us and unindoctrinating non-compulsory education. I dream of a world where everyone can joyfully, peacefully, truthfully, freely, independently, fairly and unconditionally lovingly explore both inner space and outer space together - forever.
In a perfect world that was morally and spiritually advanced, there would be NO government. But without the moral and spiritual advancement required to handle anarchism maturely, the best type of government would be a minarchist government. We could use minarchism to transition into peaceful anarchism.

inb4 peaceful anarchism doesn't exist

Peaceful anarchism DOES exist, don't fall for kike lies.

That's the easy way out. Much harder is to enter the fray. You are a coward who would run from uncertainty in favor of perceived security.

>Why not try to help all who need assistance in this dark world?

Because many of those people do not want our help. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it.

>Black crackhead stealer folk only do what they do because of their childhood experience.
Yeah, no.

There is no greater predictor of tendency towards violent crime than your race. It's hilarious that the left accuses the right of being "anti-science" while literally outlawing racial studies.

Arabs aren't bad because of their race, they're bad because of Islam. All Muslims are bad, regardless of race, including whites and Asians.

>When will you fuckers man up, forgive others for what is not their fault

Nobody blames one black for another's crimes. We acknowledge the pattern of violence their DNA tends to create. Why do you think wealthy, supposedly integrated blacks commit more violent crime and score lower on SATs than the literal poorest whites?

Acknowledging the various strengths and weaknesses of different people groups isn't "hate." I acknowledge Asians are more intelligent than whites. Do I hate myself for being white? Of course not.

All races have equal worth in God's view. That in no way means we should pretend there are no differences and force people to live around races that aren't compatible with their own.

Anarchism = Against the Archons

If you ever have a child, you'll begin to understand. They'd sooner walk on broken glass than put on shoes, but you fucking make them until they learn.

You are correct. But I don't hate the Archons. I don't hate anyone. I forgive the Archons for their parasitical behaviour and I firmly believe that our light and our love can set free both ourselves AND THE ARCHONS.

So TEACH them. They are lost and they need help. Do you not understand that your mindset is like one who advocates imprisoning retards and drug addicts simply to segregate them from society? It does them no good.

I'm talking about adults here, not children. We need to be at peace with the fact that some people will not accept our help no matter what. But even if you never accept my help, there is still one person who can help you - yourself. God helps those who help themselves.

Whites are not responsible for the shortcomings of blacks, or vice versa.

I am pro-charity, and white Christians overwhelmingly donate more to minorities than any other demographic. Still, this is not in any way an argument for forcing races to live together, importing refugees, and promoting white guilt. Go on mission trips or send aid to nonwhite countries through voluntary donations? Absolutely!

Keep the flame alive, brother. Ride, Light Warriors.

Everything in the universe is nature. Everything is natural, including technology. Nature and technology CAN co-exist in harmony. I am not opposed to humanity advancing through technology and I dream of a world where nature and technology co-exist in harmony. Indeed, technology is derived from nature. Nothing is truly artificial because everything is a part of nature. For example, a computer might be thought of as 'artificial' but computers are made of carbon atoms and carbon atoms are a part of nature - so computers are natural. Everything is natural. But just because everything is natural does NOT mean that everything is 'good'. With this in mind, how can the notion of anything being 'supernatural' be true? There are only two types of 'natural' - the 'natural' that people understand and the 'natural that people do not understand (and therefore call it 'supernatural'). A techno-naturalist utopia IS possible. We can enjoy a world of futuristic skyscrapers with lush plants growing on them.

You are your brother's keeper.

Yep. And the borders of nations were set in place by God, and intended to be respected.

Acts 17:26
and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation

OT was about aliens keeping humans under control, had nothing to do with God, but that's another thread.

Acts isn't from the OT...

I don't say "Rest in peace.", I say "Thrive in Heaven."

I don't say "Original sin.", I say "Original innocence."

I don't say "The truth hurts.", I say "The truth heals."

I don't say "Ignorance is bliss.", I say "Knowledge is bliss.".

I don't say "Love is blind.", I say "Love sees everything."

I don't say "Either-Or.", I say "Both-And."

I don't say "Fall in love.", I say "Rise in love."

I don't say "Life is the opposite of death.", I say "Birth is the opposite of death."

I don't say "The sky is the limit.", I say "Nothing is the limit."

I don't say "Universe.", I say "Electroholofractalic Projection."

I don't say "Thing.", I say "Relatively independent sub-totality."

I don't say "Universe.", I say "Youniverse."

I don't say "Solid Earth.", I say "Hollow Earth."

I don't say "The root of all evil is money.", I say "The root of all evil is ignorance."

I don't say "Coincidence.", I say "Synchronicity."

I don't say "Subjective-Objective.", I say "Transjective."

I don't say "Kill two birds with one stone.", I say "Don't kill."

I don't say "Competition is the mode of Nature.", I say "Co-operation is the mode of Nature."

I don't say "Animals.", I say "Family."

I don't say "Intelligent design.", I say "Self-aware design."

I don't say "Aliens.", I say "Family."

I don't say "History.", I say "Ourstory."

I don't say "Rights are given.", I say "Rights are asserted."

I don't say "Culture of life.", I say "Culture of quality of life."

I don't say "Competition breeds excellence.", I say "Co-operation breeds excellence."

I don't say "The older you become, the wiser you become.", I say "The younger you are, the wiser you are."

I don't say "Conspiracy theorist.", I say "Conspiracy realist."

I don't say "Adults are the parents of children.", I say "Children are the parents of adults."

I don't say "Punitive justice.", I say "Restorative justice."

I don't say "Sovereign nations.", I say "Sovereign souls." (end of part 1)

(start of part 2) I don't say "Innocent until proven guilty.", I say "Innocent unless proven guilty."

I don't say "Scarcity.", I say "Abundance."

I don't say "Work harder.", I say "Work smarter."

I don't say "I think, therefore I am.", I say "I am, therefore I think."

I don't say "Understand.", I say "Overstand."

I don't say "I love you to death.", I say "I love you to life."

I don't say "You can't have your cake and eat it too.", I say "You can have your cake and eat it too, because a cake is meant to be eaten."

I don't say "Life is short.", I say "Life is eternal."

I don't say "Goodbye", I say "Until we meet again". (end)

The meaning of Life can be found among the infinite variety of expressions and forms that are associated with It.

It can be found when a child is born.

It can be found when a lioness protects a baby deer.

It can be found through the sight of only one visible star in a cloudy sky at night.

It can be found in the generosity of a drunkard.

It can be found when a mother forgives her daughter's killer.

It can be found when a man sacrifices himself to save a complete stranger.

It can be found as the sparkle in a child's eye.

It can be found through the smell of the morning dew.

It can be found as the dance between the Sun and the Moon during an eclipse.

It can be found sung to God by illiterate villagers.

It can be found through an elephant's shedding of tears for its dead calf.

It can be found when rain falls in summer.

It can be found when the Sun shines in winter.

It can be found in the lonely silence of space.

It can be found as the tears of a child.

It can be found through the unconditional love possessed by a dog even when abused by its owner.

It can be found as the righteous roar of thunder.

It can be found in the gentle swaying of an oak tree.

It can be found as the laughter of a child.

It can be found by our ability to learn from past mistakes.

It can be found as the majestic view gained standing on a mountain-top.

It can be found through the charity of those already poor.

It can be found as hope in situations which appear hopeless.

It can be found chirped by birds at dawn.

It can be found when the defeated rise to claim genuine victory.

It can be found when a fish successfully swims upstream even while struggling against the tide.

It can be found as the divinely inspired insanity of a man living on the streets.

It can be found by the courage of a disabled man who is ready to overcome all obstacles.

It can be found when a boy softly kisses his father on the nose.

It can be found as the colour of a flower. (end of part 1)

(start of part 2) It can be found when two people rise in love.

It can be found through inward freedom in spite of outward slavery.

It can be found when the blind see.

It can be found when the deaf hear.

It can be found when the lame walk.

It can be found when the mute speak.

It can be found when the dumb know.

It can be found everywhere.

It IS found everywhere! (end)

The Wise Fool runs with a broken leg.

The Wise Fool dances nude on snowy mountains.

The Wise Fool hugs the same rock every day.

The Wise Fool sleeps with both of his eyes open.

The Wise Fool experiences an eternity in a moment.

The Wise Fool experiences a moment in an eternity.

The Wise Fool can see a song.

The Wise Fool can hear a colour.

The Wise Fool can touch a rainbow.

The Wise Fool can taste a belief.

The Wise Fool can smell a concept.

The Wise Fool knows the greatest words are those left unsaid.

The Wise Fool wears a blindfold to improve his vision.

The Wise Fool feels the coldness of the Sun.

The Wise Fool feels the hotness of the Moon.

The Wise Fool does not seek answers.

The Wise Fool seeks possibilities.

The Wise Fool travels without moving.

The Wise Fool knows that gold and dirt have the same value.

The Wise Fool laughs at tragedy.

The Wise Fool does not laugh at comedy.

The Wise Fool believes we all cry at birth to know we are alive.

The Wise Fool has no purpose.

The Wise Fool believes an ocean is his tears.

The Wise Fool knows that light can make a person blind.

The Wise Fool knows that darkness can make a person calm.

The Wise Fool realises that he loves only himself.

Farewell, blue ball of transience. You can hold my feet to your soil no longer, for I am flying Home.

I bid thee adieu, fragrant flower. Your beauty lures me no longer, for I am flying Home.

Goodbye, cool breeze. I am touched by your embrace no longer, for I am flying Home.

Adieu, warm sunshine. Your light brightens my world no longer, for I am flying Home.

Farewell, planetary bubbles floating in the ocean of space. I swim in your celestial water no longer, for I am flying Home.

Though I have revelled with all of you for eons, my senses no longer produce nectar when they perceive you. Thus, I must attain inexhaustible nectar by flying Home.

I soar in the airless ether with wings of Pure Consciousness, penetrating universe after universe of matter. But my Home lies further than eyes of matter can see.

My spiritual eye has awakened from its slumber and I have seen God. A more beautiful vision I have never seen.

In the direction of God, I fly.

Now I have merged into God. I have flown Home.

>because of their childhood experience
wrong. next thread.

An eternity is in every moment. A forest is in every seed. An ocean is in every drop of water. A brain is in every cell. A desert is in every grain of sand. A harvest is in every crop. A rainbow is in every colour. A dance is in every movement. A song is in every sound.


"That is whole, this is whole.
From that wholeness, this wholeness comes.
Add the whole to the whole and the whole still remains.
Remove the whole from the whole and the whole still remains.
The whole remains the whole." - Isha Upanishad

"To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour." - William Blake

"Know the world is a mirror from head to foot,
In every atom a hundred blazing suns.
If you cleave the heart of one drop of water,
A hundred pure oceans emerge from it.
If you examine closely each grain of sand,
A thousand Adams may be seen in it.
In its members a gnat is like an elephant;
In its qualities a drop of rain is like the Nile.
The heart of a barley-corn equals a hundred harvests,
A world dwells in the heart of a millet seed.
In the wing of a gnat is the ocean of life,
In the pupil of the eye a heaven;
What though the grain of the heart be small,
It is a station for the Lord of both worlds to dwell therein." - Mahmoud Shabstari

I am the beginning, the middle and the end.
I am the past, the present and the future.
I am the light of the Sun, the light of the Moon and the light of the stars.
I am the knower, the known and knowledge.
I am the birth, the growth and the death of all beings.
I am the subject and the object.
I am the uncaused cause of all causes.
I am unity in the midst of diversity.
I am the seed of all 'evil' in 'goodness'.
I am the seed of all 'goodness' in 'evil'.
I am virtue.
I am vice.
I am the mind within every atom.
I am the strength of the strong.
I am the intelligence of the intelligent.
I am the beauty of the beautiful.
I am the fame of the famous.
I am the wealth of the wealthy.
I am chaos in order.
I am order in chaos.
I am immanence and transcendence.
I am the echo of silence.
I am the unmoved mover.
I am victory.
I am defeat.
I am space.
I am time.
I am infinity.
I am eternity.
I am the parts of the whole.
I am the whole of the parts.
I am matter.
I am energy.
I am spirit.
I am a moment in eternity.
I am an eternity in a moment.
I am the rain in summer.
I am the Sun shining in winter.
I am unconditional love.
I am full.
I am empty.
I am this.
I am that.
I am light.
I am darkness.
I am bliss.
I am the reconciliation of all apparent contradictions.
I am what I am.
I am who I am.
I am Pure Consciousness.

we should live in a world where everyone gets a lambo

Everything turns and returns.

>When will you fuckers man up, forgive others for what is not their fault, and simply live as a good example for others?

Tell that to boomer faggots who blame their "millenial" kids for everything.

No, those are for homos.

We don't give dogs the right to vote

You're doing the same thing, though. It all starts with you.

nice try boomer fag! I've forgiven by refusing to play by their rules and be what I am, be who I am, be as I am designed to be, yet I am constantly bashed for being lazy, for being a neet, for playing vidya, for not getting a job, for not buying shit trinkets and so on... maybe I should just KYS and then I'll RISE IN HEAVEN?!

Why not have an IQ requirement instead of race or sex? Wouldn't that make more sense? Hell, let's go a step further and only allow billionaires to vote, because they're obviously superior to anyone who can't amass a billion dollars. No, wait! How about a totalitarian dictatorship where the human being with the highest tested IQ and best genetics and most money just makes all the decisions for the whole planet? Does that suit you?

I completely agree with you. I was born in 1988, I'm not sure what generation that puts me in and I don't care. This is pure divide-and-conquer bullshit at its finest and, unlike other dividing lines that are based on TANGIBLE AND UNDENIABLE THINGS (like race, for example), the concept of a group of people being similar to each other simply because they were born in a certain period of time and simultaneously different to another group of people simply because that other group of people were born in a different period of time is nonsense when you realise that the periods of time each generation fit into are ARBITRARY. There is NOT ANY UNIVERSALLY AGREED-UPON period of time for ANY of the so-called 'generations' you people talk about - it varies from country to country. Not only that, but even the NAMES of different so-called 'generations' vary from country to country. For example, in the Western World, there is a generation known as the 'Millennials' that was born in the 80s and in Taiwan, there is also a generation that was born in the 80s known as the 'strawberry generation'. I can easily imagine the (((global elites))) laughing at us saying "The goyim are SO STUPID that they even fall for being divided by arbitrary things like certain periods of time that people are born in that we randomly pull out of our ass!". It doesn't matter to me what so-called 'generation' you were born in - if you live virtuously and work hard, I stand with you.

So you're rebelling against your successful parents by being a loser? I wish you the best in your struggle.

>Hell, let's go a step further and only allow billionaires to vote, because they're obviously superior to anyone who can't amass a billion dollars. No, wait! How about a totalitarian dictatorship where the human being with the highest tested IQ and best genetics and most money just makes all the decisions for the whole planet? Does that suit you?
you really believe that's not already a thing? You think your voice matters over someone who's rich and in power? you think your vote is really counted and then your state representative can decide on his/her own who to vote for? LOL! quit fooling yourself, friendo... unless you've got 100MM+ in your bank account, most likely you're irrelevant and no one knows or care that you exists.

>your successful parents by being a loser?
successful? loser? wow, look how quickly your "occult" knowledge went out of your ass into nothingness.

I never claimed voting made a difference and more or less agree with you. What I have said is that setting a good example, helping and teaching all you can, and raising good kids are all paramount if you want to have any real impact.

Trying to create some sort of white israel will not solve our problems. It just makes an easier target.

If you play video games you are a loser.

>If you play video games you are a loser.
your credibility just went out of the window, moron! the fact that you judge a person based on what they do with their personal time says a lot about that dingleberry you call your brain.

I like this post.

I would have no problem with these people you used as example if they stop doing these things, when that happens we can talk.

“Love thy brother as thyself” i tried to fucking kill myself. Would you like to try?

What you do with your time literally defines your character. Spending it playing games as an adult makes you a useless eater.

I would not let you drag me down, but rather help you up, my fellow man.

Kids don't just stop putting marbles in their nose because you say no, you have to teach them, sometimes with force.

Oh but if that were so i wouldnt have tried to kill myself. You are the one bringing me down pal.

once again, moron! stop preaching others what and how they should live their life! Worry about yourself and your shit-gened-family, dumb fuck! why don't you KYS and save us all of your knowledge, you fucking neet!

Forgot 2 add that Jews slam jets into skyscrapers

If he wants to spend his time playing games as an adult, it's okay. It's his life to live, not yours.

>stop preaching others what and how they should live their life!

I know where you're coming from and your heart is in the right place, but just chill the fuck out.

You have me mistaken for another, I'm afraid. Sup Forums does not speak for all men, and I have never, nor would I ever type the letters "kys" with ill intent.

You say this as if anything negative you say about blacks or jews ins't made as rascism.
I'm all for a world without hate where people can be happy with each other, but it's really easy to see that there are people with a lot of power that don't want this.

I don't care how you live your life, but if you walk like a duck, I'm going to call you a duck. Why so defensive? Do you feel guilty?

Don't let those people raise your kids. That's what I'm saying. Make friends, connect with like minded people. Cooperate, don't fight each other.

>Do you feel guilty?
do you feel superior?

THREAD THEME: youtube.com/watch?v=O5kWoSIBliE

That's the plan, but there's no way this war can be won without everyone, people are literally taught to be individualists as they grow up, (((they))) make people think that the others are against their interests and the rest happens by itself, unless this can be solved it's just a lost cause.

What can I do to help you? Would it make you feel better if I taught my child that it's totally fine if he wants to smoke weed and play video games until he dies? I can't do that. I would feel like I ruined what could have been a great man. I am not your father, and bear no responsibility for your actions, but I reserve the right to judge them. I do not judge you as a man, but I do not endorse your chosen lifestyle.

If we lose this war, Heaven is ours. If we win this war, Earth is ours. So either way, we win. :)

No, it's alchemy. The Marriage of Heaven and Earth. The creation of God's Kingdom on Earth. Don't be a wedge between the two.

I don't know about you, but I fight this war for the future generations, I myself don't have the ability nor the will to be good to others anymore, if this can be preserved for the others it's the best win that can happen.

>What can I do to help you?
murder suicide your family

>Don't be a wedge between the two.

I am not a wedge and my point is that we will win either way.

Kek. Yeah, he's pretty holier-than-thou, isn't he? :P

We are swimming upstream. We are struggling to keep the spirit of brotherly love alive in a time of cold materialistic individualism. It seems like a losing battle, I know. It doesn't matter. If we don't fight, who will.

The reference to Ahriman and the War of All Against All in my op was included for good reason. Do some reading.

You are like my kid throwing food on the floor when I try to feed him. It's ok, you don't know any better.